Sunday, December 30, 2018

OH Squat

Sunday, December 30, 2018


8:00 AM

3 min, 3 mph, 3.0%
4 min, 4.8 mph, 1.0%
3 min, 3 mph, 3.0%

Foam Roller

Pass-thrus and PVC OH Squat

Forward roll - 2x
Candlestick to pancake - 10x

OH Squat
5 sets at 45# (3-3-3-4-4 reps)

Walking lunges - 10 steps

Bench Press

3-3-3 reps

50 minutes total workout

Friday, December 28, 2018


Friday, December 28, 2018

CrossFit Golden - Coach Lacey

12:00 pm

Warm Up

Couch stretch

Leg forward/back
Leg side/side


Banded left shuffle, right shuffle walk

Air Squats on 32X0 cadence

Clam Shells

Front Squat

5 Rounds of 5 reps every 3 minutes on 32X0 cadence (75#)


3 Rounds for time of

500 meter row
12 DL (BW)
21 BJ (20")

I scaled the DL to 135# instead of 195#.  The 2nd and 3rd round, I scaled to 350m on the row.  I did 10 BJ the first round and switched to step ups.  I finished in 16:27.

I signed up for an unlimited membership starting January 2nd, 2019.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Push Jerk

Thursday, December 27, 2018

CrossFit Golden - Coach Lacey

12:00 PM

Warm Up

1 minute burpees
1 minute scorpion push-up
1 minute calf stretch

Handstand kick-up and holds

Barbell Warm-up
10 OH press
10 push press
10 push jerk

Push Jerk

Designed to go from 75% of 1RM to 95% of 1RM

12 min AMRAP

40 double under
20 DB snatch (50/35)
10 HS Push-ups

I did double unders the first round then switched to 120 singles.  I used 35# for DB and did pike push-ups.

I managed 2 rounds + 46 reps.  I should have used a lighter DB.  That was by far the toughest movement for me and the double unders were gone after the snatches and push-ups.

CrossFit Golden is a really nice facility and very close to the office.  It is clean, well appointed and organized.  The class times should typically work for me.

Sunday, December 23, 2018


Sunday, December 23, 2018


9:00 AM

Row 4 + 6 minutes

Cindy - 2 Rounds

Handstand Kick-up - 3X

Wall Walk-up - 3X

Back Squat

Bench Press

50 minutes total workout

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Oly Lifting

Friday, December 21, 2018


7:45 PM

3 min, 3% incline, 3 mph
4 min, 1% incline, 4.8 mph
3 min, 3% incline, 3 mph

Cindy - 2 Rounds

Clean & Jerk/Snatch

EMOM 5 min - 5 burpees

50 minutes total workout

Sunday, December 16, 2018

DB Snatch

Sunday, December 29, 2018


12:30 PM

2 min, 3% incline, 3 mph
10 min, 1% incline, 4.8 mph

WMCF dynamic warm-up



Bench Press


DB Snatch
3 x 10 (5 each arm) @35#


50 minutes total workout

X7fit is starting to look like they will have their act together.  It is still a nice space and close to the house.  Pricing is $30/month for the basics and $70/month for all of the classes and amenities.  On the high end, but not outrageous.  The problem with the initial start up is that their is no energy level in the gym.  It is kind of like having a private gym.  When I was in there were only 4 other people there.

Saturday, December 15, 2018


Saturday, December 15, 2018

Chuze Fitness - Westminster

9:30 AM

Beginner Option
For time:
30 box jumps (20")
30 jumping pull-ups
30 kettlebell swings (20#)
30 walking-lunge steps
30 hanging leg raises
30 push presses (30#)
30 back extensions
30 wall-ball shots (11#)
30 burpees
30 single-unders

Men: 16-inch box, 8-kg KB, 22-lb. push press, 10-lb. ball
Women: 12-inch box, 4-kg KB, 11-lb. push press, 8-lb. ball

This was a good smooth workout until the burpees.  I need to add those into my routine.  The jumping pull-ups were a little tough as well, because I was jumping to a bar just above my reach.

Chuze Fitness has made a lot of progress since the last time I was there.  They have 3 Hammer Strength Racks with Eleiko Performance Weighlifting Bars and Sport Performance Bumper plates.  They also added additional benches for bench press.  The rest is substantially the same.  They are very much on par with Vasa Fitness.  Pricing is variable.  $22/month for everything or $10 a month for equipment only.  There is also an enrollment fee and $40 annually fee.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Clean and Jerk

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Tru-Fit 120th & Federal

1:10 PM

Row - 5 min

WMCF Dynamic warm-up

Rope Climb - 5 x 12'

Box Jumps - 3 x 5 x 30"

Handstand kick-up and hold - 3x

Wall walk-up - 3x

Clean and Jerk


50 minutes total workout

The Tru Fit at 120th and Federal is a nice facility.  They have a rig, plenty of CrossFit stuff, GHD, climbing wall, very nice locker rooms and a host of wellness options.  Once the octagon and ring are up, I am sure the space will look a lot smaller.  It is a solid 20 minutes from the house without traffic.  They open early so I could make it work, but I will most likely pursue other options.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Box Jump - KBS

Monday, December 3, 2018

Apex Center

7:40 PM

Run on track
10 laps
1 lap walk
10 laps
1 lap walk
~20 minutes

Cindy - 2 Rounds

Box Jumps - 3x5x24"

Turkish Get-ups - 2 each side, 12#KB

KBS - 3x10x23#

40 minutes total workout

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Squat - Bench Press

Sunday, December 2, 2018


10:15 AM


2 min, 3%, 3 mph
10 min, 1%, 4.8 mph
1 min, 1%, 3 mph
5 min, 1%, 4.8 mph
2 min, 1%, 3 mph

WMCF Dynamic warm-up

Pass Throughs & PVC OH Squats

1 Tire Flip (heavier tire)

Back Squat


Bench Press


50 minutes total workout

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Tire Flips

Saturday, December 1, 2018


8:50 AM

Row - 10 min, 103 calories, 1950 meters

WMCF Dynamic Warm-up

3x3 pike push-ups from 24" box

3x6 Tire flips with light tractor tire

5x5 Burpees

40 minutes total workout

Much to my chagrin, I was informed that the TruFit on 88th was closing and my membership would be moving to their location at 120th and Federal.  It brought back disconcerting memories of the Aspire debacle with the location on 64th closing, the move to 84th and Federal and then that location closing.  It makes me appreciate how tough the globo gym market is.  It seems like a really easy business model.  Lease the space, lease equipment, have somebody at the front desk and get some insurance.  Yes you will need to clean the place and figure out hours.

I have seen micro-gyms come and go also, but for some reason CrossFit gyms usually endure.  The primary driver seems to be sense of community.  I am not sure what the break even membership number is, but at 100 members paying $150/month that works out to $15K month.  To get the equivalent from a globo gym, you would have to sign up closer to 1000 members and they are less loyal.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Handstand Technique

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


5:50 PM


3 min, 3% incline, 3 mph
5 min, 1% incline, 5 mph
1 min, 1% incline, 3 mph
5 min, 1% incline, 5 mph
2 min, 1% incline, 3 mph

Cindy - 2 Rounds

3x Handstand kick-up and hold
2x Wall walk-up
1x Handstand kick-up and hold

Overhead Press


Walking Lunges

3x 15 steps

Abmat Situps


50 minutes total workout

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Baseline - Deadlift

Sunday, November 25, 2018


9:05 AM

Treadmill - 5 min, 3% incline, 3 mph

WMCF Dynamic Warm-up

500m row
40 air squat
30 sit-ups
20 push-ups
10 pull-ups



Foam rolling

40 minutes total workout

Friday, November 23, 2018

Back Squat

Friday, November 23, 2018


2:15 PM

Row 10 min, 2000m, ~100 calories

Foam Roller

WMCF Dynamic warm-up

3x Handstand Kick-up and hold

1x Wall Walk-up

Back Squat

AbMat Sit-ups

50 minutes total workout

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Wall Ball Shots

Thursday, November 22, 2018


8:20 AM

Row - 5 min, 50 calories

Foam Roller

WMCF Dynamic warm-up

Jump Rope
Singles, drills, doubles (5x reps to failure, 8-15)

Wall Ball Shots
5x10 reps (10# ball to 10' Target)

Bench Press

Abmat Situps
3x10 reps

40 minutes total workout


Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Rocky Mountain Greenway Trail

1:00 PM

2.4 mile run

Cindy - 2 rounds

Saturday, November 17, 2018


Saturday, November 17, 2018


8:00 AM

3 min, 3%, 3 mph
10 min, 1%, 5 mph
3 min, 3%, 3 mph

WMCF Dynamic Warm-Up

15 air squats
10 push ups

3x Handstand Kick-up and hold

5-5-5-5-5 Thrusters

2x5 strict hanging knee raises

50 minutes total workout

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Deadlift - Bench Press

Thursday, November 15, 2018


5:30 PM

3 min, 3%, 3 mph
10 min, 1%, 5 mph
3 min, 3%, 3 mph

Foam rolling



Bench Press

20 crunchs
5 sit-ups

50 minutes total workout


Wednesday, November 14, 2018


5:45 PM

3 min, 3%, 3 mph
5 min, 1%, 5 mph
3 min, 3%, 3 mph

Cindy - 4 Rounds

Row - 5 min

35 minutes total workout

Sunday, November 11, 2018


Sunday, November 11, 2018


8:25 AM

I did a heavily scaled Wade

800m Row
4 Rounds of 12 assisted pull-ups (85#), 9 push-ups, and 6 assisted dips (85#)
800m Row

It took me around 30 minutes.

I finished with 30 walking lunges.

35 minutes total workout


For time, wearing a 20-lb. vest or body armor:
Run 1,200 meters
Then, 4 rounds of:
   12 strict pull-ups
   9 strict dips
   6 strict handstand push-ups
Then, run 1,200 meters

Scroll for scaling options.
Post time to comments.

U.S. Army Spc. Andrew Wade of Antioch, Illinois, died on March 9, 2011, in Bagram, Afghanistan, during Operation Enduring Freedom. Spc. Wade worked as a weapons specialist and was assigned to 1st Battalion, 87th Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division of Fort Drum, New York.

He loved soccer and CrossFit. His favorite workouts included body-weight movements such as pull-ups, push-ups and dips.

He is survived by his parents, Elizabeth and Douglas; brothers, Steven and John; and sister, Alicia Litchfield.

Though not as long as some Hero WODs, this workout will be relatively long. Shorten the runs and choose modifications that are still difficult for you. Intermediate athletes can choose to not wear a vest while preserving the reps and movements.

Intermediate Option
For time:
Run 1,200 meters
Then, 4 rounds of:
12 strict pull-ups
9 strict dips
6 strict handstand push-ups
Then, run 1,200 meters

Beginner Option
For time:
Run 800 meters
Then, 4 rounds of:
12 assisted pull-ups
9 knee push-ups
6 assisted dips
Then, run 800 meters

Saturday, November 10, 2018


Saturday, November 10, 2018


7:20 AM

3 min, 3.0%, 3 mph
10 min, 1.0%, 5 mph
2 min, 1.0%, 3 mph

Pass Thoughs - 20

WMCF Dynamic Warm-up

Cindy - 1 Round


40 minutes total workout

Bench Press

Friday, November 9, 2018


6:10 AM

Row 10 min, ~100 cal, ~1900m

Foam Roller

Cindy - 2 Rounds

Double Unders - 5 sets (10-20 each set)

Bench Press

40 minutes total workout

HS Kick-ups

Thursday, November 8, 2018


6:25 AM

3 min - 3.0%, 3 mph
5 min - 1.0%, 5 mph
2 min - 1.0%, 3 mph

WMCF Dynamic warm-up

Cindy - 2 rounds

3x HS Kick-ups

Walking Lunges - 20 steps

30 minutes total

Front Squat

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Treadmill 1.0% incline
1 min - 3 mph
5 min - 5 mph
1 min - 3 mph
5 min - 5 mph
3 min - 3 mph

WMCF Dynamic warm-up

Cindy - 2 rounds

2x5x24" Box Jumps

Front Squat

40 minutes

OH Press

Sunday, November 4, 2018


Treadmill - 5 min, 3.0% incline, 3 mph

Row 5 min

WMCF Dynamic Warm-up

Cindy - 2 Rounds

OH Press


40 minutes total

Saturday, November 3, 2018


Saturday, November 3, 2018


8:15 AM

1% incline
2 min 3mph
1 min 5mph
2 min 3mph
3 min 5mph
2 min 3mph
3 min 5mph
2 min 3mph

WMCF Dynamic workout

Cindy - 2 rounds

Back Squat

Bench Press

45 minutes total workout

Monday, October 8, 2018

Bench Press

Monday, October 8, 2018


9:00 AM

1% incline
2 min @ 3mph
3 min @ 5mph
2 min @ 3mph
3 min @ 5mph
2 min @ 3mph

Cindy - 2 rounds

Bench Press

40 minutes total workout

Overhead Press

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Tru Fit

12:30 PM

1% incline
2 min @ 3mph
3 min @ 5mph
2 min @ 3mph
3 min @ 5mph
2 min @ 3mph

Jump Rope - 5 minutes

Box Jumps
3x 5 reps to 24" box
3x 5 reps to 30" box

Overhead Press

Walking Lunges
3x15 lunges

40 minutes total workout

Friday, October 5, 2018

Handstand Technique

Friday, October 5, 2018

8:10 AM


Row - 10 min

WMCF Dynamic warm-up

Cindy - 1 Round

Handstand Kick ups - 5x

Pike Push-ups - 3x3

Back Squat

40 minutes total workout

I ended up taking advantage of a flash deal that provided a 1 year membership for $99.  A lot of my fears with gym membership were avoided by paying cash.  Comparably at Vasa, I would have $20/month + $50/annual rate guarantee + fees for early cancellation + enrollment fees.

TruFit has all of the equipment I need, is clean and well organized and they have good staff members.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

OrangeTheory Fitness

We had a chance to check out OrangeTheory Fitness as my neighbor organized a group workout.  I have never taken a spin class, but it kind of felt like that vibe.  The group was divided into two, with half the class doing run/row and half the class doing calisthenics.  Halfway through the class we switched.

The run/row was made up of baseline and intensity.

The calisthenics were rounds for time.

I did get a good workout and the group workout is motivating.  It has been a while since I trained based on heart rate.  I do think, I should get another heart rate monitor.

The facility was clean, safe, organized and well staffed.

It is a little pricey given the class to instructor ratio.

Overhead Squat

Sunday, September 30, 2018


8:30 AM

1.0% incline
2 min - 3mph
3 min - 5mph
2 min - 3mph
3 min - 5mph

Cindy - 1 Round

Pass throughs, PVC OH Squat

5x45# OH Squat
3x45# OH Squat
3x45# OH Squat

Bench Press

30 minutes total workout

Hang Clean and Jerk

Saturday, September 30, 2018


9:00 AM

Row - 10 min, 110 calories

Cindy - 1 Round

Wall Ball shots
5 rounds of 10 shots with 10# ball to 10' target

Rough Bergener warm-up by memory

5x45# hang power clean
5x45# hang clean and jerk
5x65# hang clean and jerk
3x85# hang clean and jerk
1x95# hang clean and jerk

35 minutes total workout

Friday, September 28, 2018


Friday, September 28, 2018

TruFit Westminster

12:00 PM

Row 10 minutes, ~100 calories

Cindy - 1 round

Rope skips

1 wall walk up
3 HS kick up and hold

Box Jumps


40 minutes total workout

Well Aspire closed all of their doors which left me holding the bag at the Westminster location after getting the Arvada location closed.  Lexi had posted an add for TruFit and I decided to check them out again.  It is a great facility with everything I need.  I got to meet Jeff, who was inspirational in incorporating the MMA section of the gym associated with Sparta Combat League.  I will definitely take advantage of introductory pricing associated with former Aspire members and will likely make this my gym of the future.  I do like the fact that Vasa has a pool and basketball court, but do not like the corporate feel at Vasa.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Back Squat

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Aspire Fitness - 84th and Federal

8:50 AM

Row - 10 min

Jump Rope - 5 min

Cindy - 1 Round

Overhead Press

Back Squat

40 minutes total workout

Monday, September 10, 2018

Vasa Fitness

Monday, September 10, 2018

Vasa Fitness

8:20 AM

2 min walk
5 min 1.0% incline, 5.0 mph
2 min walk

Cindy - 2 rounds

Box Jumps

Wall Ball Shots
4x5 14# ball to 10' target


Bench Press

45 minutes total workout

I decided to check out Vasa Fitness and was very impressed.  They built out the old Safeway into an incredible facility with cardio machines, machine weights, free weights (dumbbells up to 150#!!!), 3 lane lap pool, 2 racquet ball courts, group fitness room, group functional fitness turf, 2 open turf areas with soft plyo boxes, medicine balls and kettlebells.  They have child care available as well as hydromassage facilities.

My concerns are with pricing.  They have a lot of better business bureau complaints and even the sales talk with the associate is confusing.  $9.99/month for basic membership, $19.99/month for access to everything.  They said I could not even use the turf areas with the basic membership.  Then there is the additional cancellation fee ($25 if you cancel in the first 6 months).  Finally there is the rate guarantee fee of $49.99.  The sales guy said this is not every year, but my wife claims that it was every year.  Apparently their is also an enrollment fee.  I definitely need to bring my reading glasses before signing up for anything.  I will check out TruFit again.  I did stop by Planet Fitness and this location is nicer than the old location, but still limited for my needs.

Saturday, September 8, 2018


Saturday, September 8, 2018

Aspire Fitness - Westminster

9:23 AM

Row - 10 minutes

Cindy - 2 rounds (second round kipping pull-ups)


Back Squat

Bench Press

40 minutes total

I canceled my Aspire Fitness Membership today.  It was a combination of things.  I originally enrolled at the Arvada Facility where they were understaffed and closed at odd hours around holidays.  Then they were no longer open 24/7.  Finally they closed the Arvada location and I could not work out as intended Labor Day or today when I saw the sign they were closing the location.  The Westminster location has some advantages and disadvantages.  The turf area is very small and not suitable for sprints, hand stands against a wall or wall ball shots.  The locker room is larger, but much filthier and there were no paper towels.  They did have multiple medicine balls from 10# to 30#, but that was the only upgrade.  It is also significantly further from the house.

I am in the market for a new globo gym membership and will make the rounds to the new Planet Fitness and Vasa near the house.  If neither of those works out, Tru Fit was my runner up when selecting Aspire.

Friday, August 31, 2018

Camp Gladiator

Friday, August 31, 2018

Oakhurst Park

8:00 AM

Warm Up

Ran a couple hundred yards, push ups, inch worms, walking lunges, etc.

40 yards sprints at 60%, 70%, 80% and 90% intensity

Round 1

8 Star Jumps
4 Pop Squats (like a burpee, but not going to the ground)
40 yard sprint

1:30 work 30 rest
1:15 work 30 rest
1:00 work 30 rest
0:45 work 30 rest

Round 2
12 Split Squat jumps (or reverse lunge)
8 Plank heel touches
40 yard broad jumps

Round 3
16 side shuffles (2 yards)
8 plank jack
40 yard bear crawl

All of the rounds were on the same work/rest cycle.  I may have the rep count messed up, but I could usually finish a round on the longest work interval, but would not be able to after that.

Between rounds we would do a core blast including crunches, supermans, low plank hip pivot to each side, etc.

We finished with stretching.

The camp gladiator method is based on 4 week cycles.  Week 1 endurance, Week 2 speed and agility, Week 3 intensity and Week 4 peak.  I showed up on week 3 and got leveled.  Janelle was a great coach, her daughter Haley is in 6th grade with my daughter.  Nicole was another WWA parent and her daughter Avery was also in 6th grade.  Overall it was 7 of us.  I was the only guy. 

It was a good high intensity workout and in the spirit of group workouts, I certainly pushed myself harder than I otherwise would have.  The movements were not technical and Janelle did offer pointers (keep your butt lower, etc) and encouragement.

If I were on a regular schedule and the times/costs worked for me, I would consider joining, but I think I am still sold on working out at a globo gym until I can return to CrossFit.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Wall Ball Shots

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Aspire Fitness

12:45 PM

WMCF Dynamic warm-up

Banded shoulder stretches

Jump Rope - singles, drills, 5x max reps - 12, 20, 20, 38 (PR!), 12

Wall Ball Shots
4x10 reps with 50 yard walk between sets
14# ball to 10' target

5 Pull-ups


40 minutes total workout

Friday, August 24, 2018

Fit Body Boot Camp

Friday, August 24, 2018

Fit Body Boot Camp in Arvada is having their grand opening and I decided to take advantage of the 3 free classes they are offering.

The claim to fame is High Intensity Interval Training in a 30 minute workout.  Every day, the class consists of different movements to keep it interesting and train your entire body.

I was joined by two others (Reena and John) for my Friday 8:30 AM workout and class size is capped at 24 individuals.

We started with a short warm up and then the coach, Daniel, demonstrated all of he movements.  He included scaled down and scaled up variations.

Then we started 3 rounds of 8 exercises on a 30 seconds ON 10 seconds OFF interval.  Not quite Tabata, but similar.

  1. Lateral plank walk
  2. Star jumps
  3. Hip Pivot
  4. Reverse Plank
  5. Chest Fly leg raise
  6. Side Plank
  7. Crunch Curl
  8. Calf Raise from Squat Position
This was a pretty good routine.  I scaled down the star jumps during the 30 second interval, but was able to maintain the rest for the most part.

After catching our breath, we did a "Core Blast" which consisted of 3 rounds of 3 core exercises (scissor kicks, single leg v-ups, heel touches) on the same 30s ON 10s OFF interval.  This was tough and I had to take breaks and lower intensity.

We finished with cool down stretches.

I enjoyed the workout and thought it is good for the general population including myself.  The facility is really nice with new equipment and an inviting space.  The coach is attentive and pointed out some corrections (keep my butt lower during planks).

The group/coached environment certainly maintained my motivation.  On my own, I would have lowered the intensity or skipped rounds.

The exercises themselves were less engaging than CrossFit, yoga, swimming and other coached workouts that include skills development like Olympic lifting, gymnastics and others.  For my current fitness and participation level it may be a better fit than it would have been in the past.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Handstand technique

Thursday, September 23, 2018

Aspire Fitness

2:15 PM

Row 5 min

WMCF Dynamic warm up

20 pass throughs

Handstand technique
3x wall walk-up
1x HS kick-up
2x HS kick-up attempts

Box Jumps
EMOM 4x5 BJ to 24" box

3 Rounds of
5 burpees
40 yard dash
recover completely between rounds

35 minutes total workout


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Aspire Fitness

8:15 AM

Row - 5 mins

WMCF dynamic warm up

20 pass throughs
20 PVC OH squats

2 rounds of
10 push ups
5 pull ups

Back Squat


Bench Press

1 hour total workout

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Box Jumps - Days Off - Day 2

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Aspire Fitness

9:00 AM

Treadmill - 10 min, 5.0 mph, 0.0% incline

WMCF Dynamic Warm-up
15 pass throughs

Cindy - 2 Rounds

Box Jumps - 6x5 reps to 24" box

40 minutes total workout

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

General - Days Off - Day 1

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Aspire Fitness

7:15 AM

Treadmill - 10 min, 5.0 mph, 0.0% incline

WMCF dynamic stretching

15 pass throughs

2 rounds Cindy

2x10 yards walking lunges

2x10x45# OH press

40 minutes total workout

Monday, July 16, 2018

Days Off July 12-17

Wednesday - Aspire Fitness

Thursday, July 12, 2018 - Bike Ride

Friday, July 13, 2018 - Run, lousy

Saturday, July 14, 2018 - Aspire Fitness with Ratna (Row, Cindy, Machines, OH walking lunges)

Sunday, July 15, 2018 - rest

Monday, July 16, 2018 - Bike Ride

Tuesday, July 17, 2018 - Aspire Fitness (Row 10 minutes, WMCF dynamic stretch, 15 air squats, 5 pull-ups, banded shoulder stretches, rope skips (singles, drills, doubles), 30 minutes total


Saturday June 30, 2018

Run - Rocky Mountain Greenway

Cindy - 2 rounds


Friday, June 29, 2018

Aspire Fitness

12:35 PM

Row - 5 min
Rope Skips - singles, drills, doubles (~20)

5x Wall Walk ups

4x5x24" Box Jumps

Front Squat


30 minutes total

Thursday, June 28, 2018


Thursday, June 28, 2018

5 Rounds of

15 air squats
10 push-ups
10 abmat sit-ups

followed by

30 pass throughs

Wednesday, June 27, 2018


While on a family vacation, I had the opportunity to discuss calisthenics and gymnastics with some extended family who happens to be a physical therapist.  We were discussing the purity of movement as stepping stones for gymnastics progression.

I am comfortable doing pull-ups, but do not keep a stable core, thereby emphasizing shoulder strength versus lat strength.

Similarly with hand stand holds, I have an arched back.  His suspicion was core strength, but I would argue it is more a function of shoulder mobility.

Either way he recommended some books and I may consider starting over with progressions.  Regardless of those steps, losing abdominal fat and improving overall mobility will lead to great strides in overall well being.


1.9 miles on Rocky Mountain Greenway Trail

Cindy - 1 round

Saturday, June 9, 2018



2.8 mile run on the Rocky Mountain Greenway Trail

Cindy - 2 Rounds

Monday, May 21, 2018


Monday, May 21, 2018

Home Gym

11:45 AM

Run on Rocky Mountain Greenway ~2 miles

Cindy - 2 Rounds at playground

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Wall Ball Shots

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Aspire Fitness

8:00 AM

Concept 2 - 5 minutes, 54 calories

Pass throughs

WMCF Dynamic Warm-up

Rope Skips - singles, drills
5x max doubles in 30 seconds (13, 12, 13, 32, 15), 32 unbroken PR!?

Cindy - 2 rounds

Wall Ball Shots

3x10 reps (14# ball to 10' target)

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Walking Lunges

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Aspire Fitness

8:15 AM

Treadmill - 4 min, 5.0 mph, 1.0% incline

WMCF dynamic warm-up

Cindy - 2 rounds

Handstand kick-ups 3x

Walking Lunges
2x20 yards

30 minutes total workout

Afternoon bike ride.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Box Jumps - Deadlift

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Aspire Fitness

9:00 AM

Concept 2 - 10 minutes, 1950m

WMCF dynamic warm-up

Cindy - 2 Rounds

Box Jumps

6x5 reps to 24" box EMOM


3x8x95# every 2 minutes

40 minute total workout


Saturday, May 12, 2018

Aspire Fitness

9:00 AM

Treadmill - 1.0% incline
4 min @ 5.0 mph
1 min @ 3.0 mph
4 min @ 5.0 mph
1 min @ 3.0 mph

Foam rolling

WMCF Dynamic warm-up

Cindy - 2 rounds

3x Handstand Kick-up and holds

35 minutes total workout

Monday, April 23, 2018

Box Jumps

Monday, April 23, 2018

Aspire Fitness

8:20 AM

Row - 10 minutes, 1960 meters

Foam roller on posterior chain.

Cindy - 2 Rounds

Box Jumps - 6 rounds of 5 jumps to 24" box EMOM

Handstand Kick-ups - 3X

Walking Lunges - 20 yards

40 minutes total workout

Friday, April 13, 2018


Friday, April 13, 2017

Home Gym

1:00 PM

4 Rounds of:

15 air squats
10 push-ups
10 Abmat sit-upts

Friday, April 6, 2018


Friday, April 8, 2018

Home Gym

1:00 PM

3 Rounds of

15 Air Squats
10 Push-ups
10 Abmat Sit-ups

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Walking Lunges

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Aspire Fitness

11:30 AM

Treadmill - 10 min, 1.0% incline, 5 mph

Foam Rolling

WMCF Dynamic Warm-up

Cindy - 2 rounds

2x C2B pull-up attempts

5x Wall-walk-ups

3 x 20 yards Walking Lunges

40 minutes total workout

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Back Squat

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Aspire Fitness

8:10 AM

Row - 5 min, 50 calories

WMCF Dynamic warm-up plus pass throughs

Cindy - 2 Rounds

Jump Rope - singles, drills, doubles

Ab routine

Back Squat


45 minutes total workout

Box Jumps

Monday, April 2, 2018

Aspire Fitness

Treadmill - 2 x 5 min, 5.0 mph, 1.0% incline

WMCF Dynamic warm-up

Pass throughs

Cindy - 2 rounds

3x HS Kick-ups
2x Wall walk-ups

4x5 Box Jumps (24")

40 minutes total workout

Afternoon - 50 min bike ride (Gios)

Saturday, March 24, 2018

18.5 Thrusters, Jumping Chin over bar pull-ups

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Aspire Fitness

5:00 PM

Warm Up

Row 5 minutes, 1000m

WMCF Dynamic warm-up

Cindy - 1 round

roll triceps, thrusters

Workout 18.5 = 12.5 = 11.6

Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
3 thrusters
3 jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups
6 thrusters
6 jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups
9 thrusters
9 jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups
12 thrusters
12 jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups
15 thrusters
15 jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups
18 thrusters
18 jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups

This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 18, go on to 21. If you complete 21, go on to 24, etc.

Men use 65 lb.

This is the scaled workout, Rx would have required 100# thrusters and chest to bar pull-ups.  I did not know what to expect, but this workout got tough quick and the pull-ups went so fast, it just seemed like continuous thrusters.  I got through the round of 3 and 6 OK and then started to split up the thrusters and pull-ups at 9 and 12.  I got 3 reps into the round of 15 before timing out.  My score would be 63 reps.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

18.4 Deadlift, Hand Release Push Ups

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Aspire Fitness

5:00 PM

Warm Up

Row - 5 min, 1000 m

WMCF dynamic warm-up

1 Round Cindy

Deadlift - 5x135, 1x185

Workout 18.4

For time:
21 deadlifts, 135 lb.
21 hand-release push-ups
15 deadlifts, 135 lb.
15 hand-release push-ups
9 deadlifts, 135 lb.
9 hand-release push-ups
21 deadlifts, 185 lb.
50-ft. bear crawl
15 deadlifts, 185 lb.
50-ft. bear crawl
9 deadlifts, 185 lb.
50-ft. bear crawl

Time cap: 9 min.

This was tough and I did not know how if I would even make it to the heavier deadlifts under the 9 minute cap.  I know the Rx would have been even worse.  It called for deadlifts at 225 and 315#, Hand Stand Push-ups and Hand Stand walks for 50 feet.

The first round was pretty smooth.  I did break up the deadlifts and the HR push-ups.  The second round was good too, but I could feel myself slowing down.  I could not figure out where to rest on the push-ups.  I finished the 9/9 with a little over 1 minute to go.  I did the 185# deadlifts as singles and managed to get 5 done before the time cap.

I cooled down with a 5 minute walk on the treadmill, but I am sure my hamstrings will be lit tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

18.3 Rope Skips, OHS, DB Snatch, COBPU

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Aspire Fitness

10:20 AM


Rope skips, strict pull-ups, PVC OH Squats, all technical movements

18.3 Scaled

2 rounds for time of:
100 single-unders
20 overhead squats
100 single-unders
12 chin-over-bar pull-ups
100 single-unders
20 dumbbell snatches
100 single-unders
12 chin-over-bar pull-ups

Men perform 45-lb. OHS, 35-lb. DB snatches

Time cap: 14 minutes

The Rx workout included 115# OHS, ring muscle-ups, bar muscle-ups, 50# DB snatches and Double unders.

The single unders were not bad.  They were taking me about 1 minute per round.  The OHS was tough and I broke it up into 2 sets of 10.  I did kipping pull-ups and could string together a couple each set before reverting to singles.  I was just exhausted for the DB snatches and was taking two breaths between each one.  In 14 minutes, I completed 1 round plus 95 reps or 561 reps.  Even if I had gotten back to the bar, I would have been lucky to get a rep.

Overall, it was a really good and challenging workout.  I wanted to do it on Sunday, but was battling a stomach bug.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Wall Ball Shots

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Aspire Fitness

8:10 AM

Treadmill - 5 min, 1.0% incline, 5.0 mph

WMCF dynamic warm-up

Pass throughs

Cindy - 2 Rounds

Wall Ball Shots

5x10 with ~1 min rest between sets
14# ball to 10' target

40 minutes total workout

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Bench Press

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Aspire Fitness

3:40 PM

Row - 10 min, 2000m

Foam roller, WMCF dynamic warm-up

Cindy - 3 Rounds

Handstand kick-ups - 3x

Bench Press


40 minutes total workout

Friday, March 2, 2018

18.2 DB Squats, Bar Facing Burpees

Friday, March 2, 2018

Aspire Fitness

12:40 PM


Row 2:30
WMCF dynamic warm-up
2x DB Squats
15 air squats
2x Bar-facing burpees
Roll out triceps
Cleans - 45, 65, 95, 115#

18.2 DB Squats, Bar Facing Burpees

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps of
DB Squats (35# DB scaled)
Bar Facing Burpees (step up OK, scaled)

12 minute time cap for 18.2 and 18.2a

18.2a 1RM clean

I did this workout scaled and it was a doozy.  Despite a long warm-up and a good rest before the first rep, I was huffing and puffing right out of the gate.  I paced well and started stepping up on my burpees on the the round of 3 reps.  I quickly realized that I would not get to the clean and just focused on keeping moving.  I was breaking the squats into sets of 2 or 3 and resting at the top.

I ended up finishing the 9th round, but could not start the 10th.  As far as reps go that would be 90 reps.  I felt pretty good about the effort and was done when the clock stopped.  I think setting up a 115# clean (with 2 extra 10# plates on hand for my second attempt) was optimistic.  I would have been lucky to put up a 95# clean.

It was a really good sprint workout and I am sure the elites made a mockery of it.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Box Jumps

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Aspire Fitness

8:00 AM

Treadmill - 1.0% incline

2 min - 3.0 mph
5 min - 5.0 mph
2 min - 3.0 mph
5 min - 5.0 mph
2 min - 3.0 mph

WMCF Dynamic Warm-up

Cindy - 2 Rounds

Box Jumps

5 rounds of 5 BJ to 24" (EMOM)

KB Swings

3 rounds of 10 KBS 30# (EMOM)

Overhead Press

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Aspire Fitness

8:10 AM

Treadmill  - 1.0% incline,
2 min - 3 mph
2 min - 5 mph
2 min - 3 mph
2 min - 5 mph
2 min - 3 mph

Foam rolling

Banded shoulder stretches

Double Unders

10 rounds of max reps in 20 seconds, EMOM
Worst round 13, best round 27, usually around 20.

Overhead Press


35 minutest total workout

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Dead lift

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Aspire Fitness

11:40 PM

Concept 2 - 10 min, 2000 m

Foam roller

Cindy - 2 rounds





40 minutes total workout

Monday, February 26, 2018


Monday, February 26, 2017

Aspire Fitness

1:00 PM

Treamdill -10 minutes, 1.0% incline, 2 min 3.0 mph, 2 min 5.0 mph, 2 min 3.0 mph, 2 min 5.0 mph, 2 min 3.0

WMCF Dynamic warm-up

20 pass throughs

Banded shoulder stretches

Cindy - 2 Rounds

Handstand Kick-ups 3x

35 minutes total workout

Friday, February 23, 2018

18.1 Hanging Knee Raises, DB HC&J, Row

Friday, February 23, 2018

Aspire Fitness

11:00 AM - Self

Warm Up

Pull-up hangs, small swings, knee raises

Workout 18.1

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
8 hanging knee-raises
10 dumbbell hang clean and jerks
14-cal. row

Men use 35-lb. dumbbell

I did the scaled workout above, Rx would have called for T2B and a 50# DB.

I managed 6 Rounds + 18 Reps.  I thought I paced it well.  From the get go, I broke up the hanging knee raises into 2 sets of 4 reps.  That is where I usually got swinging.  The HC&J were the toughest part and I found myself wanting to rest and not wanting to get on the rower.  I tried to use the 14 calorie row as a recovery spot, but each round took less than a minute and then it was back to the pull-up bar.

I did not register for the open this year, but found myself in a position to go to the gym and wanted to give it a shot.  My capacity for work is certainly down a little.  I have not done a long high intensity workout like that in a while.  Overall, I am pretty excited and may follow the 18.2 workout more closely.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Bench Press

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Aspire Fitness

11:04 AM

Row - 10 min, 2000m

WMCF Dynamic warm-up

Cindy - 2 Rounds

Bench Press


35 minutes total workout

Left knee, upper medial had a sore spot that I noticed after rowing


Saturday, February 18, 2018

Aspire Fitness

8:20 AM

Treadmill - 10 min, 5 mph, 1.0% incline

WMCF Dynamic warm-up

Cindy - 2 rounds

3x HS Kick-ups

3 x 8 x 24" Box Jumps

40 minutes total workout

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Back Squat

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Aspire Fitness

10:30 AM

Treadmill - 10 min, 5.0 mph, 1.0% incline

WMCF Dynamic Warm-up

Cindy - 2 Rounds

Back Squat


35 minutes total workout

Wednesday, February 14, 2018


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Aspire Fitness

8:10 AM

Row - 10 min, 2100m, 116 calories (good pace)

Banded shoulder stretches

Cindy - 3 Rounds (easy pace)

3x Handstand kick-ups

4x 10 yards walking lunges

40 minutes total workout

Sunday, January 28, 2018


Sunday, January 28, 2018

Aspire Fitness

9:00 AM

Row - 10 min, 2000 m

WMCF Dynamic Warm-up

Power Snatch



2x20 yards
2x10 yards with 25# plate overhead

Handstand Technique

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Aspire Fitness

8:30 AM

Treadmill - 10 min, 5.0 mph, 1.0% incline

WMCF dynamic warm-up

Pull-ups 3-2-2-2-1

3x wall walk-up
2x headstand hold
1x handstand kick-up

35 minutes total workout

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Wall Ball Shots

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Aspire Fitness

8:10 AM

Treadmill - 5.0 mph, 1.0% incline, 10 minutes

WMCF dynamic warm-up

Banded shoulder stretches

Wall Ball Shots - 5x10x14# to 10' target

Pull-ups - 2-2-2

Pike Push-ups 3-3-3-3

40 minutes total workout 

Monday, January 22, 2018


Monday, January 22, 2018

Aspire Fitness

Treadmill - 1.0% incline 5 mph, 4 + 6 minutes

WMCF Dynamic Warm-up

Pull-ups 2-2-2-1-1-1-1



35 minutes total workout


Saturday, January 20, 2018

Aspire Fitness

8:15 AM

Row - 10 min, 2000m

20 pass throughs

Jump Rope - singles, drills, 5x doubles (22, 21, 14, 17, 18)

Cindy - 1 round strict pu, 1 round kipping pu

3x handstand kick-ups

40 min total workout

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Aspire Fitness

8:00 AM

Treadmill - 10 min, 1.0% incline, 5.0 mph

WMCF dynamic warm-up

3x handstand kick-ups


Ring hangs 4x

Pull-ups 2-2-1

45 minutes total workout

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Box Jumps

Saturday, January 19, 2018

Aspire Fitness

9:15 AM

Row - 10 min, 1850 meters

WMCF Dynamic Warm-up

Jump Rope - singles, drills, doubles (14-19-21-21-10)

Pull-ups - 2-2-2-1-1-1-1

Box Jumps

6 reps every 90 seconds to 24" box (30 total box jumps)

Friday, January 12, 2018


Friday, January 12, 2018

Aspire Fitness

8:00 AM

Treadmill - 1.0% incline
6 min - 5.0 mph
2 min - 3.0 mph
2 min - 5.0 mph

WMCF dynamic warm-up
20 pass throughs
20 PVC OH Squat

3x handstand kick-up
3x wall walk-up

Pull-ups 3-2-2-2-1

3x10 yards

40 minutes total workout

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Bench Press

Saturday, January 6, 2017

Target Logistics - Stanley

6:50 PM

Treadmill - 10 min, 5.0mph, 1.0% incline

Cindy - 3 rounds

Bench Press


30 minutes total workout


Thursday, January 4, 2018

Target Logistics - Stanley

6:20 PM

Row - 10 min, 2000m

Cindy - 2 rounds

3x Handstand Kick-ups

25 minutes total workout

Monday, January 1, 2018

Back Squat

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Target Logistics - Williams

6:20 PM

Treadmill - 10 min, 1.0% incline, 5.2 mph

Cindy - 3 rounds (15 push-ups/round)

Back Squat


35 min total workout