Friday, March 8, 2024

24.2 - Row-DL-DU

Friday, March 8, 2024

Garage Gym


Warm Up

Reverse Hyper
Crossover Symmetry
Hip Hammy Flow
Double Under drills
Romanian Deadlift
Deadlift - 5x135#

CrossFit Open 24.2 (Rx)

As many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:

300-meter row
10 deadlifts 
50 double-unders

♀ 125 lb (56 kg)
♂ 185 lb (83 kg)

This workout felt like it was in my wheelhouse and I moved well through the entire thing.  The row was the only chance to rest.  The deadlifts were not heavy for me, but I did feel better breaking them up.  I went 8/2 and then 4/3/3 for rounds 2-4.  My double unders were on point.  I tried to open with a big set and then go in chunks of 10-15 and that worked really well until the last round I started when I rushed the reset.

I finished 344 reps (3 Rounds + 300m row + 10 DL + 34 DU).  I was really pleased with the effort and am glad that I got after it today, rather than waiting until Sunday.  Being a 20 minute AMRAP, I felt like I paced really well.

I wore calf sleeves and Nike Metcons.  I should have taped my thumbs.  Otherwise, I set up and prepared well.

Details - 
Row 1 - 1:38
DL 1 - 0:59
DU 1 - 2:14 (6 sets) - Round 1 - 4:55
Row 2 - 1:47
DL 2 - 1:30
DU 2 - 1:56 (5 sets) - Round 2 - 5:13
Row 3 - 1:47
DL 3 - 1:24
DU 3 - 2:03 (5 sets) - Round 3 - 5:14
Row 4 - 1:53
DL 4 - 1:21
DU 4 -  1:24 (34 reps in 2 sets)


24.3? - Considering that we have already seen burpees, DB snatch, row, deadlift and DU in time domains of 10-15 minutes and 20 minutes, I am expecting a fast 24.3 with a sub 10 minute time domain.  I expect thrusters and pull-ups.  T2B is another popular movement, but I am not expecting a triplet.  I could see a 24.3a/b with three attempts for a max clean.  That being said, CrossFit has been mixing things up with new movements the past few years.  An interesting twist would be thrusters and sumo deadlift high pulls (21-15-9) with 95 pounds for the men and 65 pounds for the women.  Follow that up with a 1 rep max weighted pull-up.

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