Ryley Humrighouse
Reps Ahead vs Khan Porter
8 Reps Ahead
7 Cal Echo Bike
40 foot Handstand Walk (5ft=1 Rep for 8 total reps)
7 Heavy Bag to Shoulder 100/150 lb
Neck and neck first two rounds, Khan brought it but could not sustain in round three, Ryley finished ahead in round four by decision. $750 cash prize
"Cuban Press" (8:47)
11 minute cap
Haul 2 Ballistic blocks across sand
25 Burpee OT Blocks
40 DB Bench Press (70# DBs)
25 Burpee OT Blocks
Haul 2 Ballistic blocks across sand
Ryley (8:45ish) was second to Nick Scola (8:15ish)
"Cortadito 2.0" -- Translates to short (CAP + 173)
14 minute cap
For Time
Wallballs (30/20#)
Hang Power Snatch (95/65lb)
right into
Thrusters (130/90#)
Ryley (14:09) nine reps shy of finishing by the time cap. He had 4 thrusters and 5 ring muscle ups remaining. Ramon finished at around 13ish, but not sure about the rest of the field.
"Ocean Drive Drag Race" (7:37)
21/18 Cal Row
21 T2B
Sled Drag
1min Rest
18/15 Cal Row
18 T2B
Sled Drag
1min Rest
15/12 Cal Row
15 T2B
Sled Drag
Sled Weights
Rd 1 – Light
Rd 2 – Medium
Rd 3 – Heavy
Ryley was moving well and finished well under the cap in 4th of 5th place. The announcers were confusing and mixing up the athletes. It seemed like he was struggling to get the sled started which make sense. It looked like they started with 90, then 135, then 180# being drug through the sand.
"Worth The Weight"
For Max Load
1RM Clean + Hang Clean
295 - good lift
315 - good lift, nice patience in the hole
325 - no - spit out the back on the hang clean
Field lifts - 315, 335, 345, 325, 340, 330, 335, 320, 320
"Two Rounds Too Many" Reign Sandbox (29:55)
For Time (35 minute cap)
With 20# vest
50 cal echo bike
1000 meter run
150 box step over
Without vest
50 cal echo bike
1000 meter run
150 box step over
Looked like he was 13th off the first back, 8th back from the run, 9th off the box
Maybe 10th back from the second run and finished in 12th (just over 30 minutes)
"High Stakes, Tight Ropes" Tyr Arena (CAP + 146)
For Time (Time cap 16 min)
60 VELITES Heavy Double Unders
90ft Handstand Walk
15 Wall-Facing Handstand Push Ups
Each arm: 9 Single Arm Dumbbell Snatch + 9m Single Arm Overhead Dumbbell Lunge
5/3 Legless Rope Climbs
Each arm: 9 Single Arm Dumbbell Snatch + 9m Single Arm Overhead Dumbbell Lunge
15 Wall-Facing Handstand Push Ups
90ft Handstand Walk
60 VELITES Heavy Double Unders
DB – (100, 70lb)
Moved well until last round of walking lunges. Lot of no reps, nice job sticking with it.
Not sure how far he got on the handstand walk. Shoulders have got to be blown up.
Final Results: Ryley took 3rd with an overall balanced performance and 449 total points. (Ty Jenkins was in 1st with 564 points, Jordan Chenier was in 2nd with 474 points.
Cuban Press - 2nd
Cortadito 2.0 - 4th
Ocean Drive Drag Race - 4th
Worth the Weight - 23rd
Two Rounds Too Many - 13th
High Stakes, Tight Rope - 11th
When discussing the event today he mentioned the difficulty of running in sand and having a strong headwind. He mentioned his elbow breaking on the walking lunges at at 100# you cannot press that back out. The max weight clean complex was his worst finish and relative the field where the winner put up 365 pounds, 315 pounds seems well behind the power curve. Unfortunately that is the nature of monostructural events.