Westbound CrossFit
Warm Up
Jumping Jacks
Hip Hammy Flow
Kip Swings
Double Under Technique
CrossFit 25.2
For time:
21 pull-ups
42 double-unders
21 thrusters (weight 1)
18 chest-to-bar pull-ups
36 double-unders
18 thrusters (weight 2)
15 bar muscle-ups
30 double-unders
15 thrusters (weight 3)
Time cap: 12 minutes
♀ 65, 75, 85 lb (29, 34, 38 kg)
♂ 95, 115, 135 lb (43, 52, 61 kg)
This was a repeat of 22.3 when I completed 146 Rx reps on March 11, 2022.
This was tougher than I remembered. Being 13 pounds heavier certainly did not do me any favors.
I kept a similar strategy of doing singles on the pull-ups.
The double unders started with a big set of 18 and then was going 2-3 reps before failing. I had one other big set to finish.
The thrusters felt very heavy and I ended up doing 7 sets of 3, with a tie break time of 8:49.
The last 3 minutes were a chipper at the pull-up bar, but I did complete 15 chest to bar pull-ups. I was not able to make it back to the jump rope or the heavier thrusters.
Doing the workout Saturday was super fun and I was able to help by judging during the next three heats. I also enjoyed watching the coaches throw down at the end. I was amazed at watching Ryley execute the whole thing in 6 minutes.
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