Thursday, March 25, 2021

Crossfit Open 21.3 & 21.4

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Home Gym


Warm Up

Jumping Jacks
Hip Hammy
Wrist Mobility
Squat Therapy
Comptrain Barbell Warm-up
Scap Pull-ups
Kip Swings
Complex at 45, 65, 95#

CrossFit Open 21.3

For total time:

15 front squats
30 toes-to-bars
15 thrusters
Then, rest 1 minute before continuing with:
15 front squats
30 chest-to-bar pull-ups
15 thrusters
Then, rest 1 minute before continuing with:
15 front squats 
30 bar muscle-ups
15 thrusters 

Workout 21.4 begins immediately upon completing or reaching the time cap for 21.3.

95 lb. for the front squats and thrusters

Time cap: 15 min.

CrossFit Open 21.4

Complete the following complex for max load:

1 deadlift
1 clean
1 hang clean
1 jerk

Time begins immediately following the completion of 21.3.

Time cap: 7 min.

I felt great coming out of the gate with 15 unbroken Front Squat and then steady progress on the T2B, until about rep 10 and then the singles got slower.  I cranked through the first round in 7:14.  The one minute rest was just enough to try to push again.  I actually did better on the C2B than I expected, but they were slow.  I finished 28 C2B at the 15 minute mark.  Total score 103 reps.

The complex was about what I expected, but feeling shot, I decided to just get a score and work up slowly.  I successfully made 95, 115, 125 and finally 135#.  I might have had 145# in me, but I ran out of time.  The toughest part for me was the hang clean.  I could have gone a little heavier with just a deadlift, clean and jerk.

I wore my lifters, knee sleeves and a belt.  I had grips with me, but opted not to wear them.

Due to space limitations, I was not able to set up at 8 feet away from my pull-up bar, but I still think it was a fair Rx effort.

Diya did a scaled version of the workout completing 145 reps with a 15# barbell, T2B, jumping chin over bar pull-ups and jumping chest to bar pull-ups.  During the complex, she successfully lifted 15, 25, 27.5 and 30#.  She failed an attempt at 32.5#.  I was really impressed by the way she stuck with it and worked on unfamiliar movements.

UPDATE 3/26/2021:  My quads were absolutely lit up after this workout.

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