Grippers ($773)
- X - CPW Junior Grip Set (4/28/2024) - $143 CPW
- X - Plastic gripper (1980's) - Purchased as a kid
- 28 - Rated CPW Captains of Crush Guide (4/18/2024) - $31 CPW
- 38 - Captains of Crush Sport (12/13/2019) - $28 - Amazon
- 40 - Fake COC P (3/26/2024) - $5 - Facebook Marketplace
- 49 - Rated CPW Standard Tin (4/3/2024) - $33 CPW
- 53 - Rated AtomGripz 1 Band (11/4/2024) - $60 Ben Helms via Grip Board
- 55 - Captains of Crush Trainer (2/18/2020) - $28 - Amazon
- 55 - Captains of Crush Trainer (11/10/2023) - $2 - Facebook Marketplace
- 58 - Rated AtomGripz SS 1 Band (11/4/2024) - $60 Ben Helms via Grip Board
- 59 - Rated CPW Standard Zinc (4/3/2024) - $33 CPW
- 59 - Rated CPW GHP Level 2 (4/11/2024) - $90 - Aroostook Barbell via Grip Board
- 64 - Rated CPW Grip Genie 2 (4/3/2024) - $28 CPW
- 66 - Captains of Crush 0.5 (11/10/2023) - $2 - Facebook Marketplace
- 70 - Rated GHP Level 3 (10/2/2024) - $120 - Ben Helms via Grip Board
- 71 - Rated CPW Captains of Crush #1 (4/18/2024) - $25 CPW
- 85 - Rated CPW Standard Silver (8/12/2024) - $33 CPW
- 87 - Rated CPW Captains of Crush #1.5 (7/14/2024) - $25 CPW
- 87 - Rated CPW GHP Level 4 (2/7/2025) - $155 CPW
- 92 - Rated CPW Grip Genie 3 (4/18/2024) - $23 CPW
- NA - IMTUG 2 (11/10/2023) - $2 - Facebook Marketplace
- NA - IMTUG 3 (11/10/2023) - $2 - Facebook Marketplace
Contest Implements ($1,666, want John Oka DaBloom)
- Arm Assassin Strength Shop Finnish Trainer (1/16/2023) - $25
- Arm Assassin Inch Pinch (10/29/2023) - $15
- Arm Assassin Napalm Nightmare 2.0 2-3/8" (10/29/2023) - $105
- Arm Assassin Shallow Inch Pinch (6/16/2024) - $15
- Arm Assassin Double Shallow Inch Pinch (6/16/2024) - $35
- Arm Assassin Wrench 2-3/8" (6/16/2024) - $50
- Arm Assassin Thumb Blaster 1-5/8" (1/9/2025) $40
- Barrel Strength Systems Dub Hub (11/27/2024) - $32
- Barrel Strength Systems Flask & Loading Pin (1/29/2024) - $184
- Barrel Strength Systems Flask (11/27/2024) - $69
- Barrel Strength Systems Tips Tester (11/27/2024) - $54
- Barrel Strength Systems Loading Pin (11/27/2024) - $20
- Bear Paw [Russian] Excalibur (10/8/2024) - $30
- HorneTop - Cone (6/18/2024) - $25
- John O'Connor - Dragon's Tooth (10/8/2024) - $25
- FBBC 2.25" Bushing Crusher (1/22/2023) - $165
- FBBC 2.5" Jug (1/22/2023) - $35
- FBBC 4" Crusher (2/4/2024) - $8
- FBBC V-Bar (1", 1.5", 2"; 11/27/2024) - $0
- Ironmind Apollon's Axle (11/27/2024) - $175
- Ironmind 6" block (1/15/2023) - $45
- Ironmind hub (1/15/2023) - $33
- IronMind Little Big Horn (1/8/2024) - $110
- Ironmind Little Big Horn (2/4/2024) - $6 - DUPLICATE
- Ironmind Rolling Thunder (4/12/2024) - $30
- Nemesis Grips Rolling Thumber (1/26/2024) - $61
- Nemesis Grips 19mm Crimp Plate (6/25/2024) - $41
- Otevoima Finnish Ball (8/24/2024) - $40 (from Jessie H)
- Sorinex Saxon Bar (5/9/2024) - $193
Feats of Strength ($50, want half 55#)
- York Blob half 50# (2/19/2021) - $50
Wrist Development ($0)
- Ironmind Twist Yo' Wrist (10/12/2022) - $0
- Ironmind One Wicked Wrist Roller (10/12/2022) - $0
MMA ($120)
- Suples 17# Bulgarian Bag (10/24/2021) - $100
- Suples 26# Bulgarian Bag (1/30/2023) - $20
Misc ($190)
- Unbranded Loading Pin (10/12/2022) - $0
- Rogue Cannonball Grip System (10/24/2022) - $30
- Rogue Grandfather Clock Grips (10/24/2022) - $20
- Rogue Cannonball Grip System (1/30/2023) - $10 - DUPLICATE
- Rogue Grandfather Clock Grips (1/30/2023) - $5 - DUPLICATE
- Rogue 1.5 x 4" Pinch Block Pair (1/30/2023) - $5
- Metolius Rock Rings (1/30/2023) - $20
- Arm Assassin Strength Shop Loading Pin (5/13/2023) - $25
- Arm Assassin Banner (10/29/2023) - $25
- Titan Fitness Loading Pin (12/3/2023) - $26
- Titan's Telegraph Key (2/4/2024) - $6
- Ironmind Expand Your Hand (11/5/2023) - $16
- Grip Pro Trainer (40 lb; 11/10/2023) - $2
- BSS Competition Crossbar (11/27/2024) - $0
- Resin Ball 4.5" Diameter (11/27/2024) - $0
- Hilt 2" Diameter (11/27/2024) - $0
USAWA ($560)
- Barbell sleeves for 2" vertical bars (1/17/2023) - $20
- FBBC 1" vertical bars (1/26/2024) - $240
- 1.9" Fulton Dumbbells (Nemesis, 1/26/2024) - $92
- 2.5" Fulton Dumbbells (Nemesis, 1/26/2024) - $102
- Collars (Nemesis, 1/26/2022) - $46
- 1.9" Fulton Dumbbells (GorillaStrengthUS, 1/10/2025) - $60
Certs: None (Mash Monsters, Captains of Crush, Gillingham High Performance, Crushed to Dust)
Records: None
Best Closes:
RGC - Redneck Gripper Calibrator; Rating a Gripper at Close - Strength to close gripper.
CCS - Credit Card Set
MMS - Mash Monster Set
TNS - Table No Set
Block Set
Hand Size: 7.5" Length | 8.5" Span
Vitals: 52 Years Old | 5'-10" Tall | 206 lbs
Acronym List:
Grip Companies
IM = Ironmind (produces "Captains of Crush" grippers and other grip tools.)
RB = Robert Baraban (produces his own line of grippers in Austria.)
APT = APT Pro Wrist Straps (sells Heavy grips and Ivanko Super Grippers.)
FHS = Functional Hand Strength
WW = Weight Lifters Warehouse (sells grip tools made by Warren Tetting.)
BB = Beef Builder (made by Warren Tetting.)
FBBC = Fat Bastard Barbell Co.
HG = Heavy Grips
PDA = Peidmont Design Associates (No longer produces grippers, still has other grip tools.)
#G = Ironmind Guide (rated @ 60lbs.)
#S = Ironmind Sport (rated @ 80lbs.)
#T = Ironmind Trainer (rated @ 100lbs.)
#1 = Ironmind #1 (rated @ 140lbs. numbers 1-4 denotes strength level.)
#2 = Ironmind #2 (rated @ 195lbs.)
#3 = Ironmind #3 (rated @ 280lbs.)
#4 = Ironmind #4 (rated @ 365lbs.)
HG100 = Heavy Grips 100 (number denotes in/lbs measured at mid-handle)
HG150 = Heavy Grips 150
HG200 = Heavy Grips 200
HG250 = Heavy Grips 250
HG300 = Heavy Grips 300
HG400 = Heavy Grips 400 (limited edition, numbered of 400)
HG500 = Heavy Grips 500 (limited edition, numbered of 300)
BBB = Beef Builder Beginner
BBA = Beef Builder Advanced
BBSA = Beef Builder Super Advanced
BBM = Beef Builder Master
BBSM = Beef Builder Super Master
BBGM = Beef Builder Grand Master
BBE = Beef Builder Elite
BBSE = Beef Builder Super Elite
BBGE = Beef Builder Grand Elite
BBP = Beef Builder Pro
BBWC = Beef Builder World Class
BBG = Beef Builder Galaxy
MM1-5 = Mash Monster (1,2,3,4,5 denotes strength level. Grippers owned by Gripboard for forum certification program. Made by Warren Tetting)
MM1-5dud = Mash Monster replica (Same strength but can be purchased thru Warren Tetting)
GM1-3 = (1,2,3 denotes strength level. Grippers owned by Grippermania for forum certification program. Made by Warren Tetting)
GM4-5 = (4,5 denotes strength level. Grippers owned by Grippermania for certification program. Made by Robert Baraban)
RBWT = Robert Baraban Worlds Toughest gripper (limited edition numbered of 50. rated @ 720lbs.)
RB70-RB365 = Robert Baraban (number denotes strength level)
RB240-RB330N =Robert Baraban (same as above except "N" denotes a narrow handle spread.)
PDA243 = Peidmont Design Associates (number on each gripper denotes wire size)
PDA262 = Peidmont Design Associates
PDA280 = Peidmont Design Associates
PDA295 = Peidmont Design Associates
PDA280HD = Peidmont Design Associates (Heavy Duty 280 due to spring set lower)
ISG = Ivanko Super Gripper (strength denoted by spring setting. ex; 7,10 = one spring at seven and the other at ten.)
TSG = Torsion Spring Gripper (all of the above are this type of gripper except the ISG.)
Grip Tools
RT = Rolling Thunder (made by Ironmind for thick bar one-hand deadlifts.)
TTK = Titan Telegraph Key (made by Ironmind for dynamic pinch grip training.)
BBPB = Block Buster Pinch Block (made by Ironmind for static pinch grip training.)
PH = Pinch Hub (made by Ironmind for training to lift 45lb plate by hub.)
OLL = Outer Limit Loops (made by Ironmind for extensor training.)
IDB = Inch Dumbell (172 lb. dumbell made famous by Thomas Inch.)
MDB = Millenium Dumbell (228lb. dumbell same construction as the Inch dumbell.)
HDB = Holle it Up Dumbell (made by Ironmind for training to lift Inch Dumbell.)
GM = Grip Machine (plate loaded, guillotine style grip machine.)
TYW = Twist Yo Wrist (yo-yo shaped wrist roller made by Ironmind.)
WS = Weaver Stick
V-Bar = Vertical Bar
HH1 - Heavy Hammer I Leverage Bar
HH2 - Heavy Hammer II Levarage Bar
Training Terminology
LH = Left Hand
RH = Right Hand
BH = Both Hands
PR = Personal Record
PB = Personal Best
WU = Warmup
BTR = Beyond the Range (filing the inside handle(s) of gripper to close beyond the normal range of closing.)
GG = Goal Gripper (the current gripper you are trying to close)
CC = Choker Close (works the close portion by using a washer or hose clamp to narrow the spread to desired width.)
BC = Braced Close (one method is using free hand to push dogleg handle into palm to help finish the close.)
NC = Negative Crush (using a gripper one level above your goal gripper close gripper with 2 hands or other form of assistance then with only one hand "try" to close grippers as hard as you can for 5-7 seconds.)
SON = Smooth Out Negative (using gripper one level above your goal gripper close gripper with 2 hands or other form of assistance then with only one hand "smoothly" let gripper open in 2-3 seconds.)
SH = Strap Holds (close gripper onto one end of a "strap" or other thin material while a weight is attached to other end of strap.)
OC = Overcrush (using a gripper you can close try to "crush" gripper as hard as you possibly can for 4-7 seconds.)
IC = Inverted Close (gripper is placed upside down in hand and closed.)
NS = No Set (free hand can be used to position gripper in hand but cannot help with closing of gripper.)
TNS = Table No Set (gripper is picked up from table with one hand and closed. Free hand does not touch gripper at all.)
CCS = Credit Card Set (free hand can be used to position gripper in hand to a width no narrower than a credit card approx. 2". Ironmind's current standard for their certification program.)
PC = Plate Curl (bicep curl using a weight plate in a pinch grip.)
PWC = Plate Wrist Curl (wrist curl using a weight plate in a pinch grip.)
PP = Plate Pinch (lifting plate(s) in a pinch grip with thumb on one side and fingers on the opposite side.)
DL = Deadlift
FW = Farmers Walk
CRS = Cold Rolled Steel
HRS = Hot Rolled Steel
RND = Round Stock
SQR = Square Stock
DU = Double Underhand (style of bending steel with palms facing up.)
DO = Double Overhand (style of bending steel with palms facing down.)
Misc. Terminology
KTA = Kinney Training Adapted (successful gripper training e-book sold by Bill Piche, CEO of the Gripboard.)
SAG = Simplified Adjustable Gripper (make your current grippers harder by placing a hose clamp around the spring which prevents the "fanning" of the spring making the gripper harder to close.)
JAG = John's Adjustable Gripper
AW = Arm Wrestling
COC = Captains of Crush (list of certified closers of the Ironmind #3 and #4 grippers. also is the name of Ironmind's grippers.)
DOMS = Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
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