Thursday, March 21, 2024

Deka Prep

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Home Gym


Deka Prep
  • 30 RAM reverse lunge (44#) - 2:02
  • 500m row - 3:32 (about 40 second transition)
  • 20 BJO 24" - 2:45 (minimal transition)
  • 25 med ball sit-up (20#) - 2:40 (about 30 second transition)
  • 500m ski erg - 2:58 (minimal transition)
  • 100m farmer's carry (2x50#) - 2:27 (about 30 second transition)
  • 20 dead ball over shoulder (55#) - 2:56 (minimal transition)
  • 20 RAM Burpee - 5:28 (about 30 second transition)
Total Time with about 2:10 in transitions was 24:51.

With the Deka.Mile right around the corner, I wanted to go ahead and test the movements that I could.  I do not own an air bike or tank and have no plans to purchase these items.  
  • RAM Lunges went quick
  • Row was fine
  • BJO was slow, but steady
  • Med Ball sit-ups went surprisingly well.  Started to slow at about 15 reps and pushed through
  • Ski Erg was fine
  • Farmer's Carry was slower than I expected.  I set them down at 50 meters and again at 75 meters
  • Dead Ball over shoulder was better than I remembered
  • RAM Burpees were brutal with the pain setting in after 5 reps.  Even excluding the transition time, 4 reps/per minute is really slow.  I would like to improve these to 5 reps/minute.
The 25 minute time frame was a perfect conditioning workout that I would like to use as a fall back when at a loss for things to do.  For shorter efforts, I could opt for basement (lunges, sit-up, ski, burpee) or garage (row, BJO, farmer's carry, dead ball).

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