Garage Gym
Warm Up
Reverse Hyper
Crossover Symmetry
Hip Hammy Flow
12 Squat Clean Thruster (60#)
400m Run
9 Squat Clean Thruster
400m Run
6 Squat Clean Thruster
400m Run
This was on the main site today and it was a doozy. I am not a big fan of thrusters, but I know they are good for me. I finished in 13:38 with slogging runs, but I am taking credit for not setting the bar down. I used my 5' bar and really like a shorter bar length for my workouts.
Clean & Jerk - 1 Arm
I built up from 45, 55, 65 and finally 75# with both my left and right arm.
Left Arm - 50 year old 90kg record is 55# by Phil Harris in 1997 and the 95kg record is 94# by John Vernacchio in 1991. I feel like I have a fighting chance to take these on.
Right Arm - 50 year old 90kg record is 121# by Barry Bryan in 2013 and the 95kg record is 88# by Larry Traub in 2012 at the Nationals in Las Vegas.
I am now at 71 of 187 USAWA lifts attempted.
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