Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Indian Club Training

I think I have too much time on my hands, because I am all of a sudden interested in India club and mace training.  Hopefully the urge passes, because I really do not want to explain why a set of juggling things showed up in the mail or why I destroyed one of my wife's flower pots making a mace.

Both implements were born for war and transitioned to wrestling training and ultimately general physical fitness.  The clubs are traditionally wooden of varying weight.  Now they are made from plastic and steel as well.  The mace was originally stone on bamboo and also made of metal.  Now they are most frequently homemade with concrete and bamboo.  Clubs and mace are commercially available around the world with plenty of youtube tutorial videos.

Plastic/metal clubs are around $40-$50 and wooden clubs $100-$120.

Mace are around $4/lb.

For me, I would train with either or both implements for grip strength and mobility.  I am leaning toward making a light mace with concrete.  My cost estimate is 1" pvc, some lag bolts and one bag of concrete.  All in I am looking at about a $10 investment.  Depending on how that goes, I would buy a set of wooden clubs (2-5#).

The definitive source for all things Indian Clubs.

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