Monday, June 8, 2020

Deadlift - Pull-ups - Conditioning

Monday, June 8, 2020

Home Gym


Warm Up

Hip Hammy
Wrist Mobility
Pass throughs
Around the worlds
Dead Hang
Scap Pull-ups
Kip swings
Romanian Deadlifts (45#)
Deadlift (135#)


Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes (5 sets)
Station 1: Deadlift - 6 reps (185#)
Station 2: Strict Pull-ups 3 reps @30X0 tempo

I felt like I chose a good deadlift weight, but my grip was being taxed.  I added straps and a belt on the third round.  The strict pull-ups were good, but the tempo was taxing.  I did 2/1 on the first round and then singles.  The 3 count lower turned into a 2 count lower by round 4.


5 pull-ups
10 deadlift (175/125)
15 v-ups

I scaled this to kipping pull-ups, singles, deadlifts at 135# and tuck-ups.  I was able to go 6/4 on the deadlifts, but the tuck-ups got taxing and I was taking longer breaks than I planned.  I finished 3 Rounds + 21 Reps in 10 minutes and finished the fourth round at 10:38.

Programming was from Crossfit Golden for 6/8/2020.

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