Thursday, May 25, 2023


I got involved with the United States All-Round Weightlifting Association in 2022.  They were established along with the International All-Round Weightlifting Association in 1987 and have been keeping alive the tradition of old-time weightlifters.  There are currently associations in British, United States and Western Australia.  IAWA has had representatives from 25 countries.

The USAWA roster includes 70 members in 2023

Clark's Gym - Columbia, MO (21, 1 in Colorado)
Habecker's Gym - Lebanon, PA (7)
Frank's Barbell Club - Walpole, MA (12)
KCSTRONGMAN - Turney, MO (9)
Dino Gym - Holland, KS (6)
Buffville Gym - Albany KY (1)
Empower House Strength and Health (1)
Ledaig Heavy Athletics - Rainbow Bend, KS (1)
Lou's Physical Culture Studio - Howell, NJ (1)
At Large (11, 4 in Colorado; Jarod & Karena, Kim, Sanjiv, maybe others)

I have had a lot of fun completing the 2022 Q2, 2022 Q3, 2022 Q4 and 2023 Q1 Postal championships and plan to attend the 2023 National Championship at Clark's Gym.  Further, I have been trying to organize an ad hoc group to get together for the postal meets here in Colorado and had some response from both Kim and Jarod.  Jarod has hosted meets in the past and is working towards getting his officials certification.  

I feel like a club could be established in Colorado and I would like to be a part of that.  In terms of special equipment, I would have to find a Fulton Bar and a Heavy Lift Bar.  Any full size Axle bar would be a sufficient Fulton Bar.  The Heavy Lift Bar would be a custom fabrication.  It would be much easier to set up meets and I could likely borrow space from Thor's Strength or CrossFit Golden.

Lifts are broadly categorized as:
  1. Bar Lifts - Presses, Snatches, Cleans, Jerks
  2. Bar Lifts - Deadlifts
  3. Bar Lifts - Squats
  4. Bar Lifts - Misc
  5. Dumbbell Lifts
  6. Fulton Bar (2" Bar) Lifts
  7. Heavy Lifts - These utilize a heavy bar and harnesses
  8. Old-Time Strongman Lifts - Anderson, Cyr, Dinnie
  9. Special Equipment Lifts - Fun stuff
The common theme is showmanship.  The lifts should seem impressive to 

Records are kept for records set at National Championships, Weight Class and Finally by age/weight class.  Denny Habecker currently holds 646 records across 155 lifts, 8 age classes (45+ to 80+), and 5 weight classes (75 to 95kg).

Besides USAWA, I have enjoyed and competed in CrossFit, Strongman, Grip Contests, Triathlon, Running and Bicycling.  I am enjoyed, but have not competed in Highland Games and Swimming.  I have been on basketball, flag football, soccer and softball teams.

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