Thursday, December 26, 2024

Hyrox Conditioning

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Avilla Fitness Center (Tampa)


Hyrox Conditioning

1000 meter Techno Gym Ski Erg

80 Burpee

1000 meter Row Erg

200 steps Farmer Carry with 50 pound dumbbells

100 lunges (unweighted)

100 air squats

50 minutes total workout

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Hyrox Conditioning

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

D'Evelyn Track


Hyrox Conditioning

1000 meter run
100 yard burpee broad jump
1000 meter run
100 yard walking lunges (unweighted)

I trudged my way through this in 34:50.  I was only planning the burpee broad jumps, but tacked the lunges on as it was a nice day.  I was pacing well and felt pretty good.  Despite the long time domain for the burpees, I am feeling more confident that I will finish the Hyrox event in 5 weeks.  Just need to keep getting in some finishing movements and test.

1000 meter run - 7 min
100 yard burpee broad jump - 13 min
1000 meter run - 8 min
100 yard walking lunges - 7 min

USAWA - Clean & Jerk - One Arm

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Garage Gym


Warm Up

Reverse Hyper
Crossover Symmetry
Hip Hammy Flow

Clean & Jerk, One Arm

64 - Right made, Left missed

Snatch, One Arm


It felt really good to get a baseline on these lifts.  I want to mix them in occasionally to make sure I am ready for the Colorado One Arm Challenge in March 2025.


Golden Era Bookworm has got me swarming down the rat hole of strandpulling.  His video demonstrates 20 exercises and alludes to the International Steel Strandpulling Association that no longer seems to be active.

There is an active Facebook page and a somewhat active TapTalk group.  TapTalk seems similar to Reddit, but with more ads.

The premier model is by Robert Baraban and is reasonable 200 euros.  Bells of Steel had a high end model for $80, but it is out of stock.  I am debating picking up an eBay model for the same $80 price point rather than waiting for the Bells of Steel to come back in stock.

My primary motivation is that the movements seem to really stabilize the shoulder girdle.  They are movements that I am not otherwise replicating with any of my other training.  Plus, I like vintage strength training.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Back Squat - Metcon

Monday, December 23, 2024

Westbound CrossFit (Coach Loni)

1200 (12 of us)

Warm Up

10 DB Goblet squats
5 burpees
30 Single Under/Double Under OR :30 Double under practice

:30 calf stretch on DB / side
:30 single DB overhead carry / side
:30 bottom squat
6 cossack squat
:30 bottom squat

* grab PVC + mini band around knees
6 kang squats w/ PVC on back
6/6 monster walk forward/backward w/ PVC overhead
5 snatch high pulls w/ pause at knee and hip crease

STRENGTH - Back Squat

3 Back Squat
EMOM x 5
1 Back Squat

*Start @ 60% and Build to A Heavy, Not Maximal, Single

I did 5x3x135 and then started adding weight with 145, 165, 185, 195 and finally 205 pounds



2 Sets
45 Single Under
3* Power Snatch (45/35#)
3* OHS
----3 Min Rest B/t Sets----
@ 16:00
Accumulate a 2:00 Plank

NOTES - Each Barbell Movement Increases by 2 Reps Every Completed Round. Reset at 3 for 2nd Set
SCORE = Total Rounds + Reps b/t Both Sets

I used a 15kg bar and got through 3 rounds + 45 SU + 9 Hang Power Snatch + 8 OH Squats 1st round
I used a 15kg bar and got through 3 rounds + 45 SU + 9 Hang Power Snatch + 4 OH Squats 2nd round

Overall, it was a nice little workout.  It would have been nice to snatch from the floor, but the volume with overhead squat was certainly better for me.

800 yard Swim

Monday, December 23, 2024

Carmody Rec Center



1x300 FR
1x200 FR
1x100 BR
1x100 BA
1x100 FR
800 yards total

It felt good to be back in the water, but I could feel the effects of taking time off.

Saturday, December 21, 2024


I never paid much attention to carabiners, but when something works amazingly well you notice.

That is the case for Kong Oval Steel Straight Gate 105 mm carabiners.  Load tested, smooth operation, nice full opening on the straight gate.  Made in Italy.  While it seems silly to pay $10 for a carabiner, I certainly feel like the quality justifies the prices.

I had purchased 4 inch carabiners from Amazon (OWAYOTO) store at 2 for $12, but the finish was not as good, the operation not as smooth and the opening not as large.

I had also purchased Sprookber Stainless Steel Spring Snap Hook Carabiners, but do not like the shape as much.  I very much prefer ovals.

Finally I tested a Beyond Power and a Black Diamond carabiner for Joe Grey.  While they both worked just fine, I still prefer steel to aluminum.  I want something that will bend before it breaks.


Saturday, December 21, 2024

Westbound CrossFit (Coach Kyle)

0700 (Sarah and me)


Warm Up

Snatch + 2 Overhead Squat
Build to Heavy - I worked up to 45 pounds

Pendlay Rows
Sets of 5

2 Cleans + 1 Jerk

I felt like I was moving well.  Got a tip that I moved like Bernardin Matam with the lockout in my right arm.

Bernardin Matam (FRA) – 313kg 9th Place – 2019 World Weightlifting Champ...

Soft looking lockout

Friday, December 20, 2024

Hyrox Conditioning

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Westbound Crossfit - OPEN GYM


Hyrox Conditioning

Run - 500 meters
Row - 500 meters
Run - 500 meters
Farmers Carry - 2x24kg - 120 meters
Run - 500 meters
Sandbag Walking Lunge - 15kg - 60 meters
Run - 500 meters
Wall Ball Shots - 14 pounds - 10x10 EMOM

I was quite pleased with myself for finishing in 37:54.  I just wanted to get in the rhythm of working through the movements in order and wanted to sprinkle in some running.  Run was an out and back from the back door to the Holland St, making a left and turning around at Garland Way.  The first run took 4 minutes (later measured it to 500 meters on Google Earth).  Farmers Carry was two laps around the gym (measured by pacing off 180 feet in one lap).  The pace on the wall ball shots felt really good.  I think this would be sustainable in Hyrox.  

Going forward a good scenario would be to work through movements 1-4 (Ski-Push-Pull-Burpee Broad Jumps) and movement 5-8 (Row-Farmers Carry-Lunge-Wall Ball) alternating ideally twice a week or every 10 days. Walking Lunges and Burpee Broad Jumps can be done anywhere.  The others require a little planning.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Deadlift - Bench - Metcon

Wednesday, December 19, 2024

Westbound CrossFit (Coach Ryley)

1630 (8 of us)

Warm Up

Echo Bike
Russian KBS
Pallof Press
Chaos Pallof Press
Banded Pull Aparts
Deadlift (building tension in start position)


5x3 Dead Stop Deadlifts (70-90%)

I went 235, 245, 255, 265, 275 (82% of 335 1RM)

5x5 Pause on Chest Bench Press (75-86%)

I went 135, 135, 135, 145, 145 (75% of 192.5 1RM)

Metcon (Health)

For Time

30 Russian KBS (35/25#)
40/30 Cal Bike
30 Russian KBS (35/25#)

This was a pretty intense little mover.  I finished the KBS in under a minute, spent just under 4 minutes on the bike and held on to finish the last 30 KBS unbroken.  With transitions, I was pleased to finish in 5:50.  One thing I noticed is that I was one of the last of us to get off of the bike.  There is definitely some opportunity to get better on the Echo Bike.

KB Hold Challenge

12/4/2024 - 2:16 (cumulative 2:16)
12/5/2024 - 1:00 (cumulative 3:16)
12/6/2024 - 1:30 (cumulative 4:46)
12/9/2024 - 1:30 (cumulative 6:16)
12/10/2024 - 1:30 (cumulative 7:46)
12/11/2024 - 1:00 (cumulative 8:46)
12/12/2024 - 0 (cumulative 8:46)
12/13/2024 - 0
12/14/2024 - 0
12/16/2024 - 0
12/17/2024 - 0
12/18/2024 - 1:00 (cumulative 9:46)

Wednesday, December 18, 2024


Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Westbound CrossFit (Coach Kyle)

1730 (2 of us)

Warm Up

Banded Stretches

Clean & Jerk

Bounce to High Pull
Push to Overhead
Press from Jerk Position

Key points were keeping shoulders down away from the ears.
Engaging lats
Pulling scaps in and then pressing through scaps
Think leading with knees to establish a nice, wide, stable jerk position

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Back Squat - Metcon

Monday, December 17, 2024

Westbound CrossFit (Coach Bryn)

1630 (9 of us)

Warm Up

Goblet Squats
Lateral Hops
Dead Hang
Scap Pull Ups
Ring Rows
Kip Swings
Hollow Rocks
Kang Squats
Monster Walks
Duck Walk


Back Squat

3x3 - Power Focus

2x6 Strength Focus

I used 115 and 165, same as last week, but it felt heavier today.

Metcon (Health)

5 Sets of AMRAP 1:30
12 Goblet Lunges (35/25)
5 Burpee Pull-ups
Max Rep "A" Squat to 4" plate
-rest 1:30 between rounds-

I scaled to 25# dumbbell right out of the gate.

Round 1 - 5 BPU - 0 squats
Round 2 - 3 BPU - 5 squats
Round 3 - 3 BPU - 4 squats
Round 4 - 3 BPU - 2 squats
Round 5 - 3 BPU - 2 squats

This was rough and the rest was not enough to catch your breath before going right back into high intensity movements.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Buff Dudes DIY Roman Chair

I have been looking for one of these for a crazy long time and this is just the solution I have been looking for.  Unfortunately, I am not a metal worker or welder.  

Materials 1-1/2" 14 gauge square tubing (1.67 pounds/foot)


23" pipe

Wood for seat, padding and staples

Pricing out at Metals Depot in Denver (all custom cut)

48" = $15 each
23" = $8.75 each
21" = $7.50 each
18" = $6.75 each
9" = $4.50 each
4" = $3.25 each

$111.25 metal

23.2 feet of metal at $1.67 lb/ft = 39 pounds

I reached out to Gonzo Welding Co for a fabrication quote.  It is 16 joints and I have to believe the project would take 2-4 hours.  If it could be managed for $200, I will have to follow through.

I have also thought about purchasing this DIY device from Facebook Marketplace (currently listed for $30).  I could mount my bench to the wood and have a suitable roman chair.  I might have to get shorter 3/4" nipples to get the foot rest height correct.

Thirdly, I bought an Ab Amigo and could mount it to the wall in front of my bench.  This would be the most efficient solution in terms of space.

Finally, I could have a commercial roman chair modified to be flat instead of a 15 degree angle.

Saturday, December 14, 2024


Saturday, December 14, 2024

Back Country CrossFit West (Coach Kyle)

0700 (6 of us)

Overhead Shrugs
Pendley Rows
Muscle Snatch
Power Snatch
Clean & Jerk

Weightlifting is a pretty cool at Back Country CrossFit.  Basically there is a series of movements intended to allow an athlete to get some Oly reps in.  The pace and cueing is highly athlete dependent.  Among the 6 of us, I would say there was 1 advanced lifter, 3 intermediate lifters and 2 of us novices.

Overhead Shrug cues - Rotate shoulders, drive with scaps, head away from ears, butt back 

Pendley Rows - These are rows from a dead stop on the floor and back should remain flat

Muscle Snatch cues - Pull bar up with the shoulders, fix barbell height and rotate elbows into pressing position, punch overhead and press head through shoulders

Power Snatch cues - Slide feet out after going weightless with arms straight.  Get comfortable in the receiving position before standing up.

There were many more cues than that, but I do like the philosophy of getting reps in and having a watchful coach offer improvements.  The goal is not to have your lifts look like a particular ideal, but instead to use the competitive sport of weightlifting to move better.  That could be based on limb length and geometry, mobility or technique development.  The needs of the health oriented CrossFitter differ from an Olympian only in degree, not type.  

I would definitely enjoy coming in more often.  The absence of intensity was a really nice change of pace.

Hero WOD

Friday, December 14, 2024

Back Country CrossFit West (Coach Ryley)

1630 (12 of us)

Warm Up

Jump Rope
Lacrosse Ball Smash
DB High Pull
DB Devil Press
Box Step Up
Box Jump

Hero WOD "Stephen W. Groves" (Health)

For Time (35 min CAP)

6 Devil's Press (25/15)
4 Burpee Box Step Over
45 Single Under
+ after 8x
1942 meter Row

I scaled this further to use 15 pound dumbbells.  Due to limited rowers, I hopped on the bike erg for 3884 meters.  I finished the 8 rounds in 20:40 and the entire workout in 30:47.  It was a really good move and I proved to myself that yes, I could survive 80 burpees in a workout.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Pistol Squat - Plyo - Metcon

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Back Country CrossFit West (Coach Ryley)

1200 (9 of us)

Warm Up

Air Squat
Air Squat (heels elevated)
Air Squat (toes elevated)
3 Way Lunges
Wide Stance Forward Fold
2/2 Single Leg Sit and Stand
2/2 Single Leg Tap and Stand
2/2 Shrimp Squat
2/2 Rig Assisted Pistol
6 Kip Swings
6 Hanging Leg Raises
KB Thrusters
KB Shoulder to Overhead
KB Hang Squat Clean


For 10 min at Easy Pace

3/3 Pistol Squat
1-2 PVC Jump Over

I did squats to a bench plus a 45 pound plate (~22 inches) and moved well.  I started my PVC jump over at bench height (18 inches) and progressed to bench + 45 + 10 = 24 inches.

Metcon (Health)

(Alternate Arms each Round)
3 KB Thruster (25/15)
3 Shoulder to Overhead
3 Hang Squat Clean
9 Toes to Rig
- rest 2 min - 
1 Rope Get Up
5 Seated DB Shoulder Press (35/25)
10/7 Cal Row or Bike

This was a good mover.  I used an 8kg Kettlebell and moved well.  I scaled to kipping leg raises and could maintain sets of 5/4.  I finished 6 rounds in 8 minutes.

Second section was tougher.  I finished 3 rounds, 2 full rope climbs and 1 partial rope climb.  I also did HSPU with my knees on a box.  I did a full 10 calories every time row-bike-row.

KB Hold Challenge

12/4/2024 - 2:16 (cumulative 2:16)
12/5/2024 - 1:00 (cumulative 3:16)
12/6/2024 - 1:30 (cumulative 4:46)
12/9/2024 - 1:30 (cumulative 6:16)
12/10/2024 - 1:30 (cumulative 7:46)
12/11/2024 - 1:00 (cumulative 8:46)
12/12/2024 - 0 (cumulative 8:46)

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Deadlift - Bench - Metcon

Wednesday, December 11, 2025

Back Country CrossFit West (Coach Riley)

1630 (8 of us)

Warm Up

Ring Rows
Spinal Roll to V-sit
Push-up to Downward Dog
Push-up wide
Push-up narrow
Push-up normal
Pause Deadlift
w/light band on rig
Pallof Press
Pallof Rotations
Pallof Press with Lift


5x3 Dead Stop Deadlift

5x5 Bench Press with 1 second pause at chest

Deadlift felt good.  I moved up to 235 pounds from 225 pounds.  Bench Press was tough as my triceps are still cooked from Monday.  I still managed the same 135 pounds that I used last week.

Metcon (Health)

3 Rounds for Reps (9 min)

1:00 Max Cal Bike
1:00 Ab-Mat Sit-ups
1:00 Max Ring Rows

The transitions messed me up a little bit
Bike - 11-6-9
Sit-ups - 17-17-17
Ring Rows - 11-11-12

111 total reps

Snatch Complex - Metcon

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Back Country CrossFit West (Coach Rachel)

1630 (8 of us)

Warm Up

Pigeon Stretch
90/90 Rotations
PVC Overhead Squats
Over Under Shoulder Stretch
Hang Snatch Pull
Hang Power Snatch
Hang Squat Snatch
Hang Clean Pull
Hang Power Clean
Hang Squat Clean


Clean Complex

Every 90 seconds x 8

1 Hang Snatch Pull
1 Hang Power Snatch
1 Hang Snatch

I started at 55, 60, 65 and had form breakdown in the full squat snatch and backed the weight down to 60 pounds for the last 5 sets.

Metcon (Health)

2 Sets of EMOM6 Alternating
5 Hang Power Cleans (95/65)
Max Calorie Row
-rest 3 min between sets-

I used 85 pounds for the Hang Power Cleans and was moving well.  The rows were pretty good at around 13-14 calories in a minute targeting 800 calories/hour.  My total was 39 + 41 = 80 calories.

KB Hold Challenge

12/4/2024 - 2:16 (cumulative 2:16)
12/5/2024 - 1:00 (cumulative 3:16)
12/6/2024 - 1:30 (cumulative 4:46)
12/9/2024 - 1:30 (cumulative 6:16)
12/10/2024 - 1:30 (cumulative 7:46)

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Back Squat - Metcon

Monday, December 9, 2024

Back Country CrossFit West (Coach Ryley)

1730 (5 of us)

Warm Up

Farmers Carry
Inch Worms
Hip Airplanes
Reverse Lunges
Dead Hang
Banded Good Mornings
Banded Air Squats
Banded Monster Walks
Banded Shoulder Rotations
Banded Push Ups
Banded Plank Side Steps
DB Seesaw Shoulder Press
DB Single Overhead Walking Lunge


Back Squat

*power focus, explode out of the hole
*strength focus

I worked with 115 pounds for the power reps and 165 for the strength sets.

Metcon (Health)

5 Sets of 

AMRAP 1:30
10 Single DB Walking Lunges (35/25)
20 Push ups on knees or box/bench/bar
Max distance farmer carry (35/25) 
-rest 1:30 between sets- 

This was a difficult workout as expected.  I opted for mixed grip lunges with 2x15 pound dumbbells and could work through the lunges unbroken.  I started off well with the knee push-ups the first 3 rounds and then dropped to 15 reps the last 2 rounds.  For the carry, I managed 50-50-25-25-50 feet holding the 2x15 pound dumbbells.

KB Hold Challenge

12/4/2024 - 2:16 (cumulative 2:16)
12/5/2024 - 1:00 (cumulative 3:16)
12/6/2024 - 1:30 (cumulative 4:46)
12/9/2024 - 1:30 (cumulative 6:16)

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Comparing the Heavy Lifts

The USAWA rulebook has (5) Heavy Lifts:

Back Lift
Hand & Thigh Lift
Harness Lift
Hip Lift
Neck Lift

At first I thought they were considered the heavy lifts, because they all utilized a special lift bar.  But then you have a lot of "Special Equipment" lifts that also use the heavy lift bar.  

Then I thought it was the most weight lifted, but the presence of the Neck Lift throws that out the window.

But I digress.  I have the most experience with the Hip Lift and wanted to use that as a comparison for the other heavy lifts.  How do the other lifts stack up?  The Back Lift is kind of tricky because it has only been contested at Dino Gym or Clark's Championship Gym.  I am assuming that the equipment might make a difference.

The Harness Lift seems to be about 130% of the Hip Lift 
The Hand & Thigh seems to be about 70% of the Hip Lift
The Neck Lift seems to be about 30% of the Hip Lift
The Back Lift seems to be about 115% of the Hip Lift

Travis Lift

I am one step closer to attempting a Travis Lift.  

My first descent into the Travis Lift rabbit hole was based on the very limited numbers that had been established in USAWA.  (17) Men and (3) Women have established records.  
  1. 1990 - Howard Prechtel - 1815 (Ambridge)
  2. 2006 - Misty Fritz (13) - 520 (Dino Gym)
  3. 2006 - Kirstie Griffis (14) - 520 (Dino Gym)
  4. 2006 - Mary McConnaughey - 740 (Dino Gym)
  5. 2006 - Kent Longbine (14) - 880 (Dino Gym)
  6. 2006 - John Janzen - 1000 (Dino Gym)
  7. 2006 - Layne Burnett - 1200 (Dino Gym)
  8. 2006 - David Suttle - 1200 (Dino Gym)
  9. 2006 - Rick Newton - 1200 (Dino Gym)
  10. 2006 - Joe Garcia - 2000 (Dino Gym)
  11. 2006 - Dean Ross - 1200 (Dino Gym)
  12. 2006 - Rudy Bletscher (70) - 740 (Dino Gym)
  13. 2006 - Tim Pinkerton - 1200 (Dino Gym)
  14. 2006 - Kurt Pohlman - 1200 (Dino Gym)
  15. 2006 - Bret Carter - 1600 (Dino Gym)
  16. 2006 - Eric Todd - 2000 (Dino Gym)
  17. 2006 - John O'Brien - 1600 (Dino Gym)
  18. 2006 - Josh Hettinger - 1200 (Dino Gym)
  19. 2015 - Derek Prior - 585 (Florida)
  20. 2015 - Theo Prior - 705 (Florida)
Howard Prechtel established the first record at 1815 pound in 1990 in Ambridge during a record day.

The lift was next contested at the 2006 Dino Gym Challenge.  That year, the Dino Gym Challenge was subtitled the Travis Lift Showdown.  The top Men's mark of 2000 pounds was shared by Joe Garcia and Eric Todd.  The top Women's mark was 740 pounds by Mary McConnaughey.

After another long hiatus, the lift was tested at a record day in Florida in 2015.  Derek Prior and Theo Prior (13 years old) lifted 585 pounds and 705 pounds respectively.  Way to go kid!  The Florida Record Day was the first ever USAWA record day in Florida and was hosted at The Iron Cave in Fellsmere, Florida.

When looking at those records, notice that four of them are junior records!!

The next level of the rabbit hole was a thread I posted on the USAWA Forum asking has for any experience anyone had with the lift.  Someone mentioned a belt with hooks.  Another lifter gave a warning about being the danger of being attached to an elevated barbell.  Finally thoughts were added on the number of power belts that were broken during the efforts.  

5 months later, I have crafted some utility-loops based on a design from Belt Fed Strength.  It may be another 5 months before I actually give this lift a try, but wanted to document my progress.

I had leather and rivets from another project and only had to purchase the D-Rings for $10.


Friday, December 6, 2025

Back Country CrossFit West (Coach Ryley)

1630 (7 of us)

Warm Up

Line Hops - forward/backwards
Box Step Ups
Line Hops - side/side
Box Step Ups
Golf Ball Smash - bottom of feet
LAX Ball Smash - glutes/calves/lats
PVC Clean Warm-up
Barbell Clean Warm-up

Metcon (Health)

For Time (35 minute cap)

1 Mile Run OR 2K Row
15 Rounds of
1 Power Clean (115/80)
2 Shuttle Runs (20')
4 Box Step-ups (24/20")

I opted for the run finishing in 11 minutes before taking on the 15 rounds of work.  I used 115 pounds and was moving well.  I scaled the box down to 20" for the step ups which felt really good.  I do need to start jumping more.  I finished in 25:40 and despite being the last one to finish, I was very pleased not to hit the time cap again.

The mile run course was pretty straightforward.  Heading out the back door along W Burgundy Ave, make a left on S Holland Way, pass one intersection (S Garland Way) and turn left at the next intersection (W Parkhill Ave) to the drainage ditch and it is an out and back.

KB Hold Challenge

12/4/2024 - 2:16 (cumulative 2:16)
12/5/2024 - 1:00 (cumulative 3:16)
12/6/2024 - 1:30 (cumulative 4:46)

Saturday, December 7, 2024

USAWA Q4 Postal

Saturday, December 7, 2024

High Country Vigour


Warm Up

Reverse Hyper
Crossover Symmetry

Deadlift, Dumbbell, Left Hand


Press, Dumbbell, Right Hand


Bent Over Row


Jarrod Fobes was kind enough to come over and officiate.  Kim was supposed to come by, but got mixed up on the time.  Still a very fun day.

In terms of attempted lifts, adding the Bent Over Row takes me to 135 of 195 available lifts attempted.

Friday, December 6, 2024

Harness Lift

I had previously decided that I was not going to mess with the harness lift or figure out how to design a harness.  It is now time to walk that back.  The USAWA regulations are pretty open and stipulate shoulder straps no wider than 3 inches and a waist strap no wider than 4 inches.  Looking at several images on the website, I have a few ideas.

Step 1 - Take a length of the leather belting and cut to 47 inches plus fold over on the front and dangling straps on the back.  This will allow me to adjust the length of the shoulder straps, before riveting the assembly.

Step 2 - Fabricate a second hip belt that is shorter.  Maybe 40ish inches.  The longer length of my current hip belt is to allow the delta rings to be clear of the lifters body.  This may be less of an issue with the harness lift.

I want the weight pulling straight down with minimal bend at the waist.  The shoulder straps will come down to a delta ring which then clips to both ends of the hip belt.  The chain passes through the hip belt anchors and connects to the heavy lift bar.  Essentially it appears to be a hip lift, but the shoulder straps allow the lifter to press up with the arms in a more erect posture.

These all seem to be fabricated with a single point of attachment at the back and the front of the shoulder strap and a "slice" for the head to protrude through.  I am not sure if this will work with the leather I have.  It seems like it is too thick.  I am going to try to make it work with a single point of attachment up front and two attachment points in the back.  It would be set up for me and any adjustment would have to happen by removing the rivets in the back or using carriage bolts for assembly.

UPDATE:  12/8/2024 - I made my way to Tandy Leather and my length of my remaining leather was only 92 inches.  I split the length in half and trimmed one half to 4 inches and the other half to two 2 inch shoulder straps.  My next step will be securing the two shoulder straps to a delta ring and building a shorter hip belt.

UPDATE:  12/9/2024 - The initial assembly went remarkably well.  I punched holes to attach the straps to the waist belt.  I set up 480 pounds and gave it a couple of pulls and I am not getting enough loading on my shoulders.  I will have to head back and punch a couple of more holes (1" centers? 2" centers?) and try it again.  I may actually stick with screw rather than rivet construction for the shoulder straps so that the set up could be modified for other athletes.

UPDATE:  12/12/2024 - Successful lifts crossing over the straps rather than shortening them.  I will get some help marking the alignment and punch additional holes so that I have three attachment points at the belt.  This lift took me to 137 of 195 lifts attempted.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Single Leg Squats - Conditioning

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Back Country CrossFit West (Coach Ryley)

1730 (6 of us)

Warm Up

Air Bike
Reverse Lunges
Single Leg Balance (Simon Says)
Curtsy Lunges
Forward Fold

Single Leg Squat Progression

Kip Swings/Hanging Leg Raises
Toes-to-Bar Progression

PVC Snatch Warm-Up


AMRAP 10 @ Easy Pace

3/3 Pistol Squats
0:30 Barbell Front Squat Hold

I did squats to a 20" box and moved well.  I used 95# for the Front Squat hold and that was OK.  Probably could have gone a bit heavier

Metcon (Health)

2 Strict Inch Worm Burpee
8 Hang Snatch (45/35#)
8 Ab-Mat Sit Ups
-rest 2:00-
8 Chest Supported Rows (35/25#)
8 Push-ups
7/5 Cal Air Bike

I scaled this up to 1 wall walk per round and 8 kipping leg raises.  I did the second half as prescribed.  I managed 4 rounds in both section and was very pleased with the movement and scaling.  Performance called for 2 wall walks, heavy snatches, toes to bar, heavier rows and more push-ups.

KB Hold Challenge

12/4/2024 - 2:16 (cumulative 2:16)
12/5/2024 - 1:00 (cumulative 3:16)

Winner gets a $15 gift card

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Deadlift - Bench Press - Metcon

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Back Country CrossFit West (Coach Ryley)


Warm Up

lateral burpees over line
pvc pass throughs
hinging lat stretch with pvc
pvc deadlifts with pause in start position
pvc RDLs
pvc front squat to parallel
push ups
plank to downward dog
heel taps in crunch
*grab barbell
hang power clean
deadlift with pause at mid shin


25 minutes to Complete

3 Dead-stop Deadlift @70-85%
5 Bench Press with :01 Pause on Chest @75-82.5%

I used 225 (68% of 330#) and moved well on Deadlift
I used 135 (70% of 192.5#) and felt strong on Bench Press

Metcon (Health)

For Time (9 min CAP)
500m Row
40 Hang Power Clean (45/35#)
30 Lateral Burpee Over Bar

I used 45# and was moving well.  The burpees were slow and I did step overs, completing 26 burpees when time was called.

Kettlebell Hold (December Challenge)

2x70# KB for time.  I managed 2:16 on my first attempt

Monday, December 2, 2024

Back Squat - Metcon

Monday, December 2, 2024

Back Country CrossFit West (Coach Bryn)


Warm Up

20 single under
5 air squat

30 seconds dead hang
15 seconds chin up grip dead hang
5 scap pull-ups
45 seconds figure 4/pigeon against wall
30 seconds happy baby
20 hollow rocks

with pvc
30 seconds pvc external rotation
5 clean pulls from shin to knee
5 pulls from knee to power position
5 clean pull jumps

with barbell
5 muscle cleans
5 front squat
5 tall squat cleans


15 minutes to complete

3x3 Back Squats (Power Focus, explode up as fast as possible) @62-72%

3x6 Back Squats (Strength Focus) build to 82%

I used 3x115 (51% of recent 225 max)
I used 6x155 (68% of recent 225 max)

I felt like I was moving well and hit the intention of the workout

Metcon (Health)

5 Sets
AMRAP 1:30

60 single unders
6 squat cleans (95/65#)
Max Rep Banded Kipping Pull-up (Black)
-rest 1:30 b/t-

Set 1 6x75; 0 pull-ups
Set 2 4x75; 3 pull-ups
Set 3 4x75; 2 pull-ups
Set 4 4x75; 2 pull-ups
Set 5 4x75; 2 pull-ups

Total = 9 pull-ups 

This felt good also.  I had 20-25 seconds for pull-ups and was doing singles.

Sunday, December 1, 2024

BSAG Leg 12

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Garage Gym


Warm Up

Reverse Hyper
Crossover Symmetry
Hip Hammy Flow

Dumbbell Clean & Push Press


Back Squat


Single Leg Deadlift (Left Leg)


Kneeling Upright Row

4x85 = 340 pounds


14x75 = 1050 pounds

pull-up finisher

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Steve Schmidt Backbreaker Pentathlon (Triathlon)

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Garage Gym


Warm Up

Reverse Hyper
Crossover Symmetry
Hip Hammy Flow

Hip Lift


Hand & Thigh Lift


Neck Lift


I do not have the equipment for the Back Lift or the Harness Lift, but was still excited to give these a try.
  • Back Lift - 0, last year's men's avg = 1300, 50 yo 95kg record = 1500 pounds (Ed Zercher II, 1987)
  • Harness Lift - 0, last year's men's avg = 1520, 50yo 95kg record = 1905 pounds (Al Springs, 1995)
  • Hip Lift - 620, last year's men's avg = 1282, 50 yo, 95kg record = 1500 pounds (Ed Zercher II, 1987)
  • Hand & Thigh Lift - 445, last year's men's avg = 726, 50 yo, 95kg record = 1105 pounds (Bill DiCiccio, 1994)
  • Neck Lift - 175, last year's men's avg = 247, 50 yo, 95kg record = 430 pounds (Al Springs, 1995)
Total = 1240 pounds.  Not very impressive by the standard set last year and by the ridiculous records that are over double my lifts.  But it was fun to give everything a whirl.

It is unlikely that I will have a vertical leg press to give the back lift a try.  

It is not outside the realm of possibility to have fabricated a harness for the harness lift.  Design constraints are pretty simple.  3 inch width over the shoulders and 4 inch width around the waist.

Friday, November 29, 2024

Pool Swim - 900 yards

Friday, November 29, 2024

Carmody Rec Center


Pool Swim

1x300 FR
1x200 FR
1x100 BR
1x100 BA
2x100 FR
900 yards total (25 minutes)

Thursday, November 28, 2024

2025 Goals

I set "goals" in 2023, but they were essentially events that I wanted to participate in.  It was a mix of All-Round, Grip, Highland Games, Powerlifting, Triathlon, Strongman and CrossFit.  The only true goals were running an 8 minute mile and bench pressing 225 pounds.

In 2024, I did not bother setting goals, but I did have a draft competition calendar so that I could balance my training around the same modalities.  I competed in All-Round Weightlifting, Grip, Highland Games, Powerlifting, Triathlon and CrossFit.

As 2025 is approaching a post on the grip board got me thinking about what my goals could look like in 2025.  The original post set (3) grip goals, (3) general training goals and (3) health goals.  Along with those goals, he mentioned where he was starting from.  For example, goal of 20 pull-ups (currently at 15).


CCS:  92 RGC GG3 close (2024 best close was 83 RGC at Dub's Grip Classic)

Powerlifting:  Total 800 pounds (2024 best was 762.5 pounds)

CrossFit:  6 Pull-ups (currently can do 1-2)

Mile Run:  9 minutes (2024 best was 9:45)

General Health:  Get down to 195 pounds (started the year at 198, weighed 205 this morning)

Hyrox Conditioning

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Back Country CrossFit West - OPEN GYM


  • Ski - 500 meters
  • Sled Push - 50 meters
  • Sled Pull - 50 meters
  • Burpee Broad Jumps - 40 meters
  • Rowing - 500 meters
  • Farmer's Carry - 100 meters (2x24kg)
  • Sandbag Lunges - 40 meters (weight?)
  • Wall Balls - 40 reps with 10 pounds
I chipped my way through this is 36:45 and it was as tough as expected.
  • Ski Erg (half distance) - OK
  • Sled push/pull (full distance) - Used Torque Tank which is likely easier than actual event
  • Burpee Broad Jump (half) - As exhausting as I expected
  • Row (half) - fine
  • Farmer's Carry (half) - not too bad, I still broke it up into 20 meter chunks
  • Sandbag Lunges (< half) - I had a lighter weight around 25ish pounds and this was still tough
  • Wall Balls (< half) - I only used 10 pounds and still went 8-7-5-5-5-5-5
Overall, it was a great conditioning workout.  I am feeling better about entering and not hurting myself.  I am less confident about finishing.

Also had a chance to ask about Olympic Weightlifting class.  It is open to everybody without pre-requisites.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Deadlift - Bench - Metcon

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Back Country CrossFit West (Coach Ryley)

1630 (10 of us)

Warm Up

300 m run
glute bridge march on wall
plank hold
elevated plank hold
glute smash with lacrosse ball
good mornings


5x3 Dead Stop Deadlift @70-83%

I conservatively did 5x3x205 (61% of 335) and felt pretty good

5x5 Paused Bench Press @75-80%

I conservatively did 5x5x125 (65% of 192.5) and felt pretty good

Metcon (Health)

For Time (12 min cap)

40 Abmat Sit-up
32/24 cal bike
800 m run

I substituted 30 calorie row for air bike and finished in 12:21 just above the cap.  It was a chilly run, but definitely felt good to move after the ski trip.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Grip Items on Facebook Marketplace

Jason Wood is unloading some grip items.  I reached out regarding the Apollon's Axle which he had listed on Facebook Marketplace for $175 ($399 retail plus $50 shipping + $30ish tax).  He already had somebody coming by, but if his deal falls through, I am next up.  I did end up purchasing this for $175 (44% of retail).

I asked if he was selling anything else and he was letting go of his Barrel Strength Systems (BSS) stuff.  Flask (retail $139), Loading Pin (retail $36.50), Tips Tester (retail $109), DubHub (retail $65).  Total is $349 retail that he would sell for $175 (50% of retail).  Not quite as good a deal as the axle, but certainly a fair price.  I already have a flask, but can probably sell the spare to Kim for what I paid for it.

Then came to the icing on the cake.  Jason through in some extras and I am kind of glad I did not haggle on price.

BSS Competition Crossbar - Retail $139

FBBC Final Form Vertical Bar Base - Retail $85
FBBC 1" Head - Retail $45
FBBC 1.5" Head - Retail $50
FBBC 2" Head - Retail $55

Resin Ball (4.5" Diameter) - Grip Genie?
Hilt (2" Diameter, 5" long) - Grip Genie?

Working in all of the freebies, I am at $1123 (net 33% of retail).  Another perk is that everything is well seasoned after some time in Florida and then garage stored in Colorado.

I will keep the 1.5" FBBC head and the novel BSS items.  The rest I may offer to Jarrod and Kim.

Saturday, November 23, 2024


Friday, November 22, 2024

Back Country CrossFit West (Coach Ryley)


Warm Up

200 m run
20 wall ball squats
30 line hops forward/backwards
30 line hops side/side

A skip
B skip
mini bound
bound for height
calf stretch

upward dog
down dog

wall balls (legs/arms/max height)

Metcon (Health)

For Time (30 minute cap)
400 m run
30 WBS (10/8)
20 Abmat sit-ups

I started at a good pace, but fell off quickly.  At the cap I had just finished the run, but did not do the last 50 reps.

Nisha finished.

Ratna joined us as well.  I am not sure that she will join the gym, but it was nice to have a family outing.

Friday, November 22, 2024

Why does the CrossFit brand endure?

The CrossFit brand has been remarkably successful.  The trademark was registered in 2000.

13 CrossFit gyms in 2005
8,000 CrossFit gyms in 2013
15,500 CrossFit gyms in 162 countries in 2018
13,000 in 2024

The business model consists of affiliation, education and sport.

Affiliation fees are now $4,500 annually (originally $1000)
Level 1 certification is $1,150
Sport brings in money from the Open participation ($20/person x ) and sponsors

The brand's value had been estimated at $4.5B.  Berkshire Partners purchased the company in 2020 for an undisclosed sum, estimated at $200M

Affiliation = 13,000 x $4500 = $58.5M
Level 1 certification = 35,000 x  $1150 x 0.2 = $8M
Open Participation = 350,000 * $20 = $7M
Apparel revenue = $149M

13,000 affiliates x 100 members each x $1800 annual revenue = $2.34 Billion.  When you factor in the CrossFit Games, sponsorship deals and goodwill the $4.5B brand valuation seems conservative.

Constantly varied functional fitness performed at high intensity was the brain child of Greg Glassman who found enormous benefit from combining his first love of gymnastics with weightlifting.  Combined with his strong views on nutrition, metabolic health and disease, this created a strong product that athletes embraced.

Fitness had been trending to specialization.  3 sport athletes became the exception and honing your craft as a single sport athlete became commonplace in middle school.  Being a bodybuilder and a powerlifter was a novel concept.  Crossover from weightlifting to other sports was unheard of.  Gymnasts trained gymnastics.  There were some emerging sports like strongman that attracted athletes from other sports.  Combining swimming, biking and running was considered pretty crazy in the 1980's.  Combining any of those things with power cleans still seems off.

The CrossFit brand managed to attract multiple streams of athletes.  Military special operators who had to be ready for anything, anytime, anywhere.  Competitive college athletes who did not go pro.  Routine gym goers who were looking for coached workouts and group fitness.  Athletes in health distress who needed to get off the couch.

The community makes CrossFit.  Shared suffering brings people together.  Attendees usually attend the same classes and develop a relationship with the box owner and coaches over time.  It is not unusual to have social gatherings and holiday parties.  Gyms form teams for functional fitness competitions, endurance challenges and friendly hikes, runs and bike rides.

Controversy is part of any organization, but CrossFit receives the ire of established sports and the expectation of an affluent membership.  Established sports talk about CrossFit dangers.  The expectation to avoid even the appearance of misogyny or racism has not been met consistently.  CrossFit having to hold a higher standard for athlete safety was capped with the unfortunate death of Lazar Dukic at the 2024 CrossFit Games.

The model has been successful enough that the boutique fitness world has taken off with brands like F45, Orange Theory, Row House, 9Round, CycleBar, Soul Cycle, CorePower Yoga, Title Boxing Club and others.

I have been to several and the coaches are usually very good and the facilities very nice.  All are a step up from floundering around at Planet Fitness or any globo-gym.  

While individual results may vary, the Level 1 certification sets a reasonable baseline and coaches truly strive to teach during class (not just lead a workout).  While the coaching cannot rival that provided by a gymnastics coach, track coach, weightlifting coach, crew coach, it is remarkably accessible.  There are very few opportunities for adult gymnastics and adult track & field. Those are pretty small clubs.  At USATF senior nationals, my daughters pole vault coach was 1 of 2 entrants.  Martial arts and distance running are the two exceptions that come to mind.

One of the most attractive factors is being infinitely scalable.  The needs of the professional athlete and the sedentary senior citizen very only in degree.  Consider the extremes of getting up from the toilet versus squatting 1000 pounds; falling and getting up versus competitive parkour; placing your luggage in the overhead bin versus acrobatics.  When I explored the CrossFit methodology in 2015 (at the age of 44 and 185 pounds) I was looking for a change of pace.  I found it in spades.  I still love gymnastics movements, barbells and strongman movements in 2024 (at the age of 53 and 210 pounds), but I do not need to train as intensely to get the fire breathing effect.

CrossFit workouts of the day (WODs) are typically programmed for the 30 year old, strong, fit athlete with women's loads/heights/volume being lower than men's to have everyone finish at the same time.  The is the as prescribed (Rx) workout.  Competitive athletes would push heavier loads/higher heights/more volume (Rx+).  Folks who are there trying to get healthy or beginners would go in the opposite direction (sometimes called L2/L3; Health; Beginners, etc).  

Also any movement can be modified to work around injury or disability.  If I strain my back, I can do hang cleans instead of cleans from the floor; if my calf hurts, skip jump ropes and do kettlebell swings instead; not strong enough to do hand stand push-ups, then try seated dumbbell presses.

Finally it is infinitely accessible.  With connection to the internet and ones environment anybody can perform a variation of the workout of the day published free on the website.  There are also free programming options from a slew of other social media providers including @thetinyapartmentwod.

A coach can start off doing workouts on their own, invite friends to join them in the garage or the park, cobble together some equipment, move into a commercial place with an established client base and ultimately open multiple locations.  It is much cheaper to start than other businesses and affiliates are beholden to no one in terms of facility, programming or any other aspect.  The only brand consistency is Level 1 coaches.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Clean Complex - Metcon

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Back Country CrossFit West (Coach Bryn)


Warm Up

Box Step Ups
Air Squats
Lateral Squat Jump over line
BB Front Squat
BB Good Mornings

PVC External Rotation
PVC paused Front Squat
PVS paused Shoulder Press
PVC paused Push Press

Scap Pullups
Hanging Shoulder Circles Forward
Hanging Shoulder Circles Backwards
Calf Stretch


E2M x 6

1 Power Clean
1 Floating Clean (1" off ground)
3 Push Press
@ 60% of 1RM push press and building to heavy

I used 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, and 90 pounds and felt good about the effort.  Could have maybe got to 100, but better to develop form.

Metcon (Health)

AMRAP - 15

2 Deadlift (155/105)
4 Ring Rows OR Jumping Negatives
6 Box Step Overs (24/20")

In this one, I bridged the performance and health metcons.  I went to 185# on the deadlifts, ring rows and 20" box jump overs.  I was able to steadily pace through 10 full rounds.

Finish with foam rolling.

Bench Press - Metcon

Wednesday, November 21, 2024

Back Country CrossFit West (Coach Rylee)


Warm Up

2 min air bike
20 banded pull aparts
20 push-ups

8/8 banded shoulder punch, external rotation
8/8 banded shoulder punch, internal rotation
8/8 lateral banded glute kickouts
8 hollow hold band pull-overs

3/3 box step up to balance point
3/3 lateral step up with inside leg
3/3 lateral step up with outside leg


25 Minutes to Complete

6 Sets
3 Bench Press with 1 second pause on chest
- 2 min rest -
3 Sets
8/8 DB Goblet Step Ups
15 DB Pullovers
- 2 min rest - 
3 sets
10-20 seconds Copenhagen Plank
10-15 Narrow Stance Push-ups
15-20 Barbell Bicep Curl

This was a good mover for me.  I started with 115 and went up to 125 on the bench press.  I used a 20 pound dumbbell for the step ups and pullovers.  I did planks with my knee on the bench and 2x5 push-ups to a bench.  I used 33 pounds for the biceps curls and made it to the 3rd round, but did not finish.

Metcon (Health)


10/7 Cal Bike + Max Front Squats 45/35#
10 Walking Lunges

This was deceptively tough.  After going out too hot at 8 calories, I dropped to 6 calories the next 4 intervals.  I did OK on the squats getting 6-4-5-4-4 reps.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Rope Climb - Metcon

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Back Country CrossFit West (Coach Rylee)


Warm Up

Jump Rope
Double Unders

with Dumbbell
Suitcase RDL
Hang High Pull
Biceps Curl
Bent Over Row
Should Press

on Rig
Dead Hang
Hanging Leg Raise

on Rope
Dead Hang
Hanging Knee Raise


12 minutes to Practice
1 Rope Climb
12-15 V-Ups
12/9 Cal Ski/Bike/Row

This was not too bad.  I did full distance rope climbs.  I started with tuck-ups and then was encouraged to do single leg v-ups.  Finally I did 9 calories on the Echo Bike.  I got through 5 rope climbs.

Metcon (Health)

3 Sets of 5:00
120 Single Unders
10 Jumping Pull-ups
6 DB Snatch (35/25)
AMRAP with Remaining Time
6 Hanging Leg Raise
4 DB Snatch
Rest 1:00 between rounds

This was much harder than I expected and I really struggled with the volume.  I tweaked my right calf warming up and substituted 30 light KB swings.  This was a good substitution.  The Jumping Pull-ups took forever and the first two rounds I did not even make it to the AMRAP.  Finally on the 3rd round I substituted ring rows and got 2 rounds of 6 hanging knee raise and 4 DB Snatches.

I talked to Rylee about Nisha and he thought she was doing fine in the group classes, but he was willing to do a 3 session 1:1 Fundamentals package.  I will talk to her about it tonight.

Back Squat - Metcon

Monday, November 19, 2024

Back Country CrossFit West (Coach Bryn)


Warm Up

Walking Lunges
Barbell Romanian Deadlifts

Banded Shoulder Press
Banded Squat
Banded Side Step
Banded Monster Walk

Jump Squat
Barbell Strict Press
Barbell Push Press
Barbell Thrusters


Back Squat

E2M x 6

3 reps at 60-70%

I used 135 pounds (55% of 245)

Metcon (Health)

10/8 cal row
10 Burpee to 6"
5 Thruster (95/65)
10/8 cal row
5 Burpee Pull Ups
10 Thruster (75/55)

I tried to scale this pretty aggressively, but still could not beat the cap.  I did 9 cal rows.  Cut the burpee volume to 8 in the first section and 4 in the second section and finally scaled the Thruster weight to 65 pounds and 45 pounds.  I was capped with 1 Burpee Pull Up and 10 Thrusters remaining.

This was a tough effort.  I am really not conditioned for the medium/long duration metcons.

I do like the programming.  Apparently it is from John Wood (Step Up Programming).  He is a local athlete and a long time friend of the gym owner (Rylee).

Monday, November 18, 2024

BSAG Leg 11

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Garage Gym


Warm Up

Reverse Hyper
Crossover Symmetry
Hip Hammy Flow

BSAG Leg 11


52 pounds (x2 = 104 pounds)


145 pounds


85 pounds

Supine PULL & PRESS X 4

4x85 pounds = 340 pounds

Supine PULL & PRESS Rampant Rampage

8x85 pounds = 680 pounds

I started completing the BSAG lifts in July and have mixed feelings about them.  I am certainly not going for broke, nor am I training to improve the specific lifts prior to my attempts.  The postal series does offer a good variety of events and forces me to stay up on lifts I do not regularly do as well as try new things.  For example in Leg 11, it was a lot of fun to get some clean & jerks going; it was also really tricky to try a narrow grip snatch.  The narrow grip snatch feels like a high pull at first and then transitions to an American kettlebell swing.

I am still planning on accepting the membership invitation, paying dues and doing the 2025 series.  My plans after that remain to be determined.

Saturday, November 16, 2024


Friday, November 16, 2024

Back Country CrossFit West (Coach Rylee)


Warm Up

2 rounds
50 rope skips
8 deadlift
8 strict press

Foam roll - t-spine & calves

Groin opener on wall
Figure 4 stretch on wall

clean deadlifts
tall cleans
hang power cleans

4 times through
Build to working weight
3 max height jumps and athletic stance landing
2 power cleans - 45/95/115/135


5 Sets
40 double unders followed by max reps power clean (185/125)

at 13 minutes


3 strict pull-up
3 hang power cleans (115/85)
3 strict hspu
3 hang power cleans

Health Metcon

5 Sets
60 single unders followed by max reps power clean (135/95)

at 13 minutes


6 ring row
3 hang power cleans (95/65)
6 DB strict press (35/25)
3 hang power cleans

I was able to complete the Health Metcon, but dropped the weight on the strict presses to 30#.  In the first section, I managed 3-3-3-2-2 reps at 135#.  In the second section, I got through 8 rounds and finished the DB strict press on the 9th round.

I felt good about the effort.  20 minutes is a long time to keep moving and 33 minutes is a long time for a metcon even with the rest intervals in the beginning.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Tempo Back Squat - Metcon

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Back Country CF (Coach Bryn)


Warm Up

12 cal bike
8 anterior plate loaded squats
8 heel elevated squats on plate
8 toe elevated squats on plate

Twice through
6/6 single DB triceps extension
8 DB lateral raises
4/4 single DB overhead walking lunges
6 double DB overhead walking lunges
thoracic spine opener

Back Squat

E2:30 x 6 sets
3 back squats with 5 second descent
@64-78% of 1RM

I used 115 pounds (47% of 245 and this was a good weight)



10 Double DB OH Lunges (35/25)
15/12 Cal Bike
Max Burpees to Line

I scaled to 10# dumbbells and moved well.  On the bike I managed 12-12-10-10 calories.  For the burpees to line (no jump), I completed 8-8-7-7 (30 reps total).  Good mover with movements I do not do often.

Accessory Movements

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Back Country CF


Warm Up

3 minute row
2 times through
- 8 ring rows
- 8 push-up to down dog
hollow hold
superman hold
upward dog
shoulder Controlled Articular Rotation (CAR)s


25 minutes to complete

5-6 sets of 
2 strict pull-ups
30 seconds front rack hold at 90-100% of 1RM jerk
-1-2 min rest b/t-
3 sets of 
8/8 seesaw DB bench @moderate load
20 GHD sit-ups or Abmat sit-ups
-1-2 min rest b/t-
3 sets of
20 banded hami curls
5 cuban presses @light load
-1-2 min rest b/t-

This was pretty tough at my current body weight.  With the pull-ups, I did the first two rounds unweighted and then added bands for the last two rounds.  I used a 95# bar for the rack hold.

I used 25 pound dumbbells which were perfect and did Abmat sit-ups, unbroken the first round then 2 sets then 3 sets.

I used a black band for the hami curls and 10 pound dumbbells for the Cuban presses.


EMOM 8 - Alternating
Max Cal Row
Max Cal Bike

13-16-11-18 = 58  I paced myself well the first two efforts, slowed on the third and went for broke on the fourth.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Treadmill - General

Tuesday, November 12, 2024




2 min walk
12:30 at 4.8 mph
5:30 walk


3x20x95 calf extensions
3x16x25 alt DB biceps curls
1x20 DB halos

30 minutes total workout.  Treadmill felt horrible.  Not sure what is going on.  General fitness was fine, but I was not feeling very energetic.

Chad 1000

Monday, November 11, 2024 (Veteran's Day)

Back Country CrossFit West


Warm Up

200 meter run
Stretch on plyo box
Calf stretch

Chad 1000

1000 Box Step Ups for time

I finished 565 reps in the soft cap of 50 minutes.  I moved well and felt good about the effort.  I did the workout unweighted.

Nisha finished all 1000 reps (scaling to a 16 inch box).  She was a machine.

Bryn got 9 of us started on this workout that I was dreading, but turned out to be OK.  There was a neat trick of working around the box.  I chose sets of 25, rotate, 25, rotate so every orbit was a 100 reps.  I finished the first 100 in a little over 7 minutes, then slowed to finish 200 in 15 minutes and then kept a steady pace of 100 reps every 10 minutes.

Gym was clean and organized and had a good vibe with a blend of serious and fitness athletes.

Bench Press - Grippers

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Basement Gym


Bench Press

3x3x155 pounds




Worked up from light to heavy, made 70 pounds, missed after that

Monday, November 11, 2024

Conan the Barbarian Day Record Breaker

Gold Bar - World of Grip (GripTopz) - $67 sold out
Fence Post - World of Grip (GripTopz) - $39
Adjustable Thick Bar - No longer available
Horne Top - $52 sold out
Half a Penney - $39 

$64 Shipping

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Buffville Cup V and Buffville Road to the Century Club 7

Sunday, November 10, 2024

High Country Vigour


Warm Up

Reverse Hyper
Crossover Symmetry
Hip Hammy Flow

Press, From Rack


Press, From Rack, Behind Neck


Deadlift, No Thumb, Right


Deadlift, No Thumb, Left


Deadlift, Dumbbell, Left


Deadlift, Dumbbell, Right


I am not up to 133 of 195 lifts attempted and have age/weight class records in 70 of them.

2" Final Form V-Bar on loan to Jarrod Fobes

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Hyrox PFT at F45 Golden Triangle

Saturday, November 9, 2024

F45 Golden Triangle


Warm Up

Jumping Jacks
Hip Hammy Flow

Hyrox PFT

2000m bike erg
50 burpee broad jumps
100 stationary lunges
1000m row erg
30 hand release push-ups
100 ybell thrusters (self select heavy/medium/light)

I grinded through this in 37:50 using the lightest ybell that weighed somewhere between 6 and 10 pounds based on feel.

Bike erg was fine, Burpee Broad Jumps were a grind that took over 6 minutes.  The Stationary Lunges really lit up my hamstrings, and when the right hamstring got angry around 50 reps in, I started doing 3 on the left and then 1 on the right and the last 20 were all on the left leg.  The Row was fine.  The HRPU were fine, but slow, I started with 5/4/3/3 and then started doing doubles.  The ybell thrusters were tough (but easier than wall ball shots would have been).  I started with a set of 10 and eventually dropped to sets of 5-6 reps.  

15-25 minutes - Hyrox Pro
25-35 minutes - Hyrox Single
30-45 minutes - Hyrox Doubles

I am squarely in the Hyrox Doubles camp and my goal should be to get through half of the Hyrox in Las Vegas.  Anything more than that will be a win.

Friday, November 8, 2024

Pool Swim - 1100 Yards

Friday, November 8, 2024

Carmody Rec Center


Pool Swim

1x600 FR
1x200 BA
1x200 BR
4x25 FR (breathing every other stroke)
1100 yards total (37 minutes)

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Hyrox - Concept2

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Basement Gym


Hyrox - Concept2

3 Rounds for Time of

Ski Erg - 1000 meters
Row Erg - 1000 meters

R1 - 11:35 
R2 - 23:05 (11:30)
R4 - 34:20 (11:15)

This was an improvement over my last effort at 34:39.  Still moving well.  I think having music helped keep my energy level up.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

General Fitness

November 6, 2024



Stair Stepper

25 minutes - pretty easy as I took a call from Jill 5 minutes into the effort


EMOM 8x5 = 40 reps


EMOM 3x1 = 3 reps (neutral grip)

Calf Extensions

3x20 @85 pound pin

Alt DB Biceps Curls

3x16x25 pounds

40 minutes total workout

Strict Press

Tuesday, November 6, 2024

Garage Gym


Warm Up

Arm Circles
PVC pass throughs

Strict Press


Pull-ups & Sit-ups


1 pull-up 10 sit-up
1 pull-up 9 sit-up
1 pull-up 8 sit-up

This was OK until it wasn't.  I was able to keep up with the sit-ups, but after 8 pull-ups, I could no longer pull my chin over the bar.  I did some half pull-ups and was still pleased with the effort.

30 minutes total workout

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Grip Bronze Standard

  • Credit Card Set a COC No.1
  • Lift any inch trainer at 130 pounds
  • Lift a 100# legacy blob, 20kg holle blob, half 90 pre USA Blob or Blob Trainer (minimum 44 pounds)
  • Plate Pinch two 25 pound plates
  • Hub a 25 pound plate
  • Bend any type of 60 penny nail (galvanized, polished, etc.)
This little challenge was put forth by Ben Helms.  I can close a number 1, need to work up to 130 pounds on an inch trainer (probably close to 100 now).  Half 90 may or may not be possible.  I am not sure about the plate pinch.  The hub will be tough.  I am probably around 15 pounds.  I am not sure about the bending.  I am certainly an infrequent bender.

Pool Swim

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Carmody Rec Center


Pool Swim

1x500 FR
1x200 BA
1x200 BR
2x100 FR
1100 yards total (36 minutes)

Monday, November 4, 2024


Monday, November 4, 2024



Warm Up

Jumping Jacks
Hip Hammy Flow
DB Halos



Station 1 - Assault Bike - 8 calories
Station 2 - 6 Burpees
Station 3 - 10 DB Thrusters (2x25 pounds)
Station 4 - Rest

Programming was adapted from Vintage CrossFit and this one really had me gassed.  I could have probably benefited from a longer warm-up or cut back the reps on the burpees, but overall it was a perfect high intensity dose.

Treadmill walk cool down - 0.25 miles, 2.6 mph, 2 degree incline

Walking Lunges - EMOM 5 - 10 lunges

45 minutes total wokrout

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Rogue Fitness - Matte Black November

In the past few years, I have not got too worked up about Matte Black November.  I have not needed much in terms of gym equipment and rarely want to pay the premium for Rogue branding.

This year was a little different as a belt caught my eye.  Along with the belt (and in order to get 3 for 3 shipping) I purchased:

Rogue Leather Belt - 38" - $35
Rogue Wrist Wraps - Red & Black - 12" - $11 (normally $14)
Rogue Wrist Wraps - White Series - 12" - $11 (normally $14)
OSO Axle Collars 2.0 - Red - $40 (normally $50)
#1 RF 12" Shorty Mini - Red 1/2" Pair - $8.50

Not much in terms of savings except of course for shipping.  I am still excited.  The bands will be for Bandbell work.  The wrist wraps will replace my Nordic Lifting wraps which have not held up well nor do they have a good feel.  The OSO collars are for my log and axle bars.  As much as I enjoy the spring clips, I would like something I can drop.  Finally the belt is for daily wear.  I just wanted something new.  I think it is a little bold to wear to the office, but so what.  With tax I am at $113.74.

Little Pick Up

This little gem was posted for $10 and I was fortunate to contact the seller within an hour of listing.  I was even more fortunate that he was willing to accept digital payment and let me do a porch pick-up in a few days.

It was a Wednesday and this was 75 minutes away in Colorado Springs and I had a busy professional and personal schedule through Saturday.  I did have to download a new app, but payment was accepted and it did not seem to be a scam.  $10 was deducted from my checking account as planned.

On Saturday night, I confirmed that I would be in the area 10 AM the next day and sure enough, this bad boy was sitting on the porch.  Appears to be original paint and aside from some odd black adhesive residue on one of the heads in great condition.  As a bonus it is pre-USA stamp.  

I may try to pair it up or offer it up for trade.

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Hyrox - Concept2

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Basement Gym


Hyrox - Concept2

3 Rounds for Time of

Ski Erg - 1000 meters
Row Erg - 1000 meters

I finished this in 34:39 and felt like I was moving well.  Still a lot of room for improvement, but a nice mover.

Bike Erg Finisher

1000 meters