Back Country CrossFit West (Coach Bryn)
Warm Up
20 single under
5 air squat
30 seconds dead hang
15 seconds chin up grip dead hang
5 scap pull-ups
45 seconds figure 4/pigeon against wall
30 seconds happy baby
20 hollow rocks
with pvc
30 seconds pvc external rotation
5 clean pulls from shin to knee
5 pulls from knee to power position
5 clean pull jumps
with barbell
5 muscle cleans
5 front squat
5 tall squat cleans
15 minutes to complete
3x3 Back Squats (Power Focus, explode up as fast as possible) @62-72%
3x6 Back Squats (Strength Focus) build to 82%
I used 3x115 (51% of recent 225 max)
I used 6x155 (68% of recent 225 max)
I felt like I was moving well and hit the intention of the workout
Metcon (Health)
5 Sets
AMRAP 1:30
60 single unders
6 squat cleans (95/65#)
Max Rep Banded Kipping Pull-up (Black)
-rest 1:30 b/t-
Set 1 6x75; 0 pull-ups
Set 2 4x75; 3 pull-ups
Set 3 4x75; 2 pull-ups
Set 4 4x75; 2 pull-ups
Set 5 4x75; 2 pull-ups
Total = 9 pull-ups
This felt good also. I had 20-25 seconds for pull-ups and was doing singles.
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