Friday, July 3, 2020

Track - Mile Test

Friday, July 3, 2020

RV Track


Warm Up

Hip Hammy Flow
Line drills
Jog 400m - 300m

Mile Test

8:38 - I felt like this was an honest and well paced mile effort.  800 split was 4:17 so I did not slow down much on the back half.  My top end speed left a little to be desired.

I finished with an 800 m in 4:40

My goal at the beginning of the year was an 8:00 minute mile and I was a little off of that pace.  But it was still a substantial improvement.  My other goal was a hand stand push-up.  I moved closer to that goal and can press up from an abmat.

On the nutrition front, I am down 11 pounds over 5 weeks, based on cutting out processed sugar and snacking between meals.

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