Monday, July 27, 2020

Deadlift - Metcon

Monday, July 27, 2020

Home Gym


Warm Up

Hip Hammy
Wrist mobility
RDL with empty bar
Deadlift 5x135, 5x165#


5 sets of 4-5 reps
rest 2-3 minutes between sets


These all felt pretty good


3 Rounds of
50 double unders
20 KBS (35#)
15 burpees
rest 1 minute between rounds

Round 1:  5:56
Round 2:  5:19
Round 3:  5:29

I could not get the double unders going today.  I am not sure if I should have taken a longer break before starting the conditioning or if something else was going on.  The KBS were great and I did them in sets of 14/6.  The burpees were no worse than expected and I steadily slogged through 15.  The 1 minute break was huge.

Workout was taken from Crossfit Golden programming for 07.27.20.  I scaled the rounds down from 4 to 3 and used the girls weight for the kettlebell swings.

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