Friday, August 28, 2020

Sharkk Fitness - RTS I

Thursday, August 28, 2020

Sharkk Fitness


3 AMRAP 10

Set 1:

Bear Series x 10

DB Curl x 10 (17.5)

DB Press x 10 (17.5)

I got through 4 rounds

Set 2:

Breakdancers x 10

SM 360's x 10

SM Switch Squat x 10

I got though 2 rounds + 10 breakdancers

Set 3:

Shoulder Tap Push-ups x 10

KB Clean and Squat Press (12 kg)

KB Reverse Curl (12 kg)

I got through 2 rounds + 2 shoulder tap push-ups

I gave my verbal notice to end my membership at Sharkk Fitness.  That satisfies my 3 month commitment on a gentleman's agreement and provides 30 days cancellation notice.  I will stay in the system for a year if I choose to re-enroll.  I can also do punch cards for 6 visits at $50.  As an individual that would be a great deal for me and I may continue with RTS I once/week instead of having an unlimited membership.

I enjoyed the workouts.  I was introduced to a lot of new movements and it is a good training atmosphere.  It was really cool of them to allow my wife and kids to drop in on my membership.  If anyone were interested in kickboxing or general fitness, I would not hesitate to recommend Sharkk.

I really enjoyed bag class.  I liked throwing combos and kicking the heavy bag.  It was a treat to work on footwork and I should probably go to Dutch Drills tomorrow.

On the other hand, the RTS workouts felt uninspired and random at times.  I have no problem with body weight conditioning, dumbbell and kettlebell work, but I joined primarily for steel mace and Indian clubs.  Further, I prefer cycles to build on certain performance techniques, for example a deadlift cycle for Crossfit athletes.  Also my personality started to clash with some of my cohorts who enjoyed chatting, did not mind late starts and early finishes.

Regardless of my future fitness endeavors, my one clear take away will be training with the steel mace.

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