Saturday, March 8, 2025

USAWA - Jeff's 50th Birthday Bash

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Garage Gym


Jarrod, Elijah and Kim came over for Jeff's 50th Birthday Bash hosted by Clark's Gym.  I planned on officiating, but ended up getting sucked into competing.  It was an interesting format with 5 lifts drawn out of hat of 10 potential lifts.

Potential Lifts (****selected)
  • Bench Dip****5th
  • Anderson Squat
  • Jackson Press****3rd
  • Lateral Raise, Lying****2nd
  • One-Hand Pinch Grip Deadlift
  • Strict Curl
  • Press From Rack****1st
  • Reg Parke Bench Press
  • Roman Chair Sit-up****4th
  • Seated Press From Rack
We also completed them in the order drawn.

I did OK, but was certainly not feeling like a beast.
  • Press, From Rack - 105, 115
  • Lateral Raise, Lying - 40, 45, 50
  • Jackson Press - 0 (mobility)
  • Roman Chair Sit-up - 53, 78
  • Bench Dip - 0 (mobility, I could not get my shoulder to drop below my elbow)
The Lateral Raise, Lying and Roman Chair Sit-up populated some vacant records, but nothing that is going to stand for any length of time.

CrossFit Open 25.2 = 22.3

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Westbound CrossFit


Warm Up

Jumping Jacks
Hip Hammy Flow
Kip Swings
Double Under Technique

CrossFit 25.2

For time:

21 pull-ups
42 double-unders
21 thrusters (weight 1)
18 chest-to-bar pull-ups
36 double-unders
18 thrusters (weight 2)
15 bar muscle-ups
30 double-unders
15 thrusters (weight 3)

Time cap: 12 minutes

♀ 65, 75, 85 lb (29, 34, 38 kg)
♂ 95, 115, 135 lb (43, 52, 61 kg)

This was a repeat of 22.3 when I completed 146 Rx reps on March 11, 2022

This was tougher than I remembered. Being 13 pounds heavier certainly did not do me any favors.  

I kept a similar strategy of doing singles on the pull-ups.  

The double unders started with a big set of 18 and then was going 2-3 reps before failing.  I had one other big set to finish.

The thrusters felt very heavy and I ended up doing 7 sets of 3, with a tie break time of 8:49.

The last 3 minutes were a chipper at the pull-up bar, but I did complete 15 chest to bar pull-ups.  I was not able to make it back to the jump rope or the heavier thrusters.

Doing the workout Saturday was super fun and I was able to help by judging during the next three heats.  I also enjoyed watching the coaches throw down at the end.  I was amazed at watching Ryley execute the whole thing in 6 minutes.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Erg Triathlon

Friday, March 7, 2025

Home Gym



Erg Triathlon

1000 m row
4000 m bike
1000 m ski


Georgia Tech Plates

Although I have no ties to Georgia Tech, I am a sucker for custom plates and was thrilled to grab a pair of these Georgia Tech 45's.  He had 35's as well and was taking offers.  I really wanted a pair and decided, but put out a fair $180 plus shipping price which the seller accepted.  They should arrive March 11th and I am happy to add these to my collection.  Maybe they will live here forever, or maybe they will be traded for something different.

Eleiko Calibrated Pound Plates

I had a chance to look at the following plates, but could not make a deal.  The original asking price for 510 pounds was $6,000 but the best offers he was getting was on the order of $6/pound.  I decided to show up with cash anyway and had a price target of $2.50 to $3.00 per pound.  Unfortunately, we were not able to make a deal.  They are extremely nice and almost seem too fancy to be daily drivers.  More like, "we have company coming over, let's get the nice plates."

He is certainly not in a hurry to sell.  One buyer wanted a pair of 10's and 5's and was willing to pay $250 or $8/pound.  I am not sure if that includes shipping.

I chatted with the buyer for a while and if he does not sell everything as a set, there may be the opportunity to grab some odds and ends.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Philosophy Gym Trap Bar

I am such an equipment snob that the thought of purchasing a trap bar from Walmart makes me throw up in my mouth a little.  However, I had a chance to try out the Philosophy Gym Trap Bar and really liked it.

The handle width (reported at 22.5") is perfect for me.  The knurling is aggressive.  The finish looks great.  It is small (9.5" loadable sleeve) which would be a problem for some, but I would be able to load more than enough weight for me.

The Rogue Trap Bar has 25" handle spacing and larger diameter handles at 1.34 inches.  I was shocked at how much better the Philosophy trap bar felt.  The Rogue bar does have 16 inch loadable sleeves.

Finally the $145 price tag from Walmart is laughably cheap.  I cannot even buy trap bars on Facebook Marketplace for that price.

Sumo Deadlift - Strict Press

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Garage Gym


Warm Up

Reverse Hyper
Crossover Symmetry
Hip Hammy Flow
Sumo Deadlift - 135


25:00 to Complete
5 Sets
3 Dead-stop Sumo Deadlifts @ 70-87%
----2:00 Rest B/t----
4 Sets
5 Strict Press @ 60% and Building Heavy
15 Straight Arm Banded Pull-aparts
----1:30 Rest B/t----

Sumo Deadlift - 165-195-225-255-255

Strict Press - 65-75-75-80-80

I really liked doing this on my own in the garage.  Warm up and strength took me nearly 50 minutes, but I was really able to get after each set and bring my best.  It may be time to start training at home again.

METCON (skipped)

20 Wall Balls (14/10#) to (10/9')
400m Run
20 Wall Balls
500m Row
Max Rep Wall Balls

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Conditioning - EMOM

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Home Gym



Erg Triathlon

1000 m row - 5:17
4000 m bike - 9:22
1000 m ski - 5:42


1 - 2 pull-ups
2 - 10 med ball over shoulder (55#)
3 - 10 sit-ups

This was kind not programmed real well.  I would do 1 pull-up at 0 and another at 10 seconds and then a long rest.  The med ball over shoulder took 50 seconds.  The sit-ups took 40 seconds.  At the end of the day it worked out fine and met the intent of getting in some pulling and core work.

Front Squat - Metcon

Monday, March 3, 2025

Garage Gym


Warm Up

Bike Erg - 1000 meters
Ski Erg - 1000 meters

Front Squat - 45, 75

Front Squat

5 Sets
5 Front Squats @ 70-80%
----2:00 Rest B/t----

105-115-120-125-125 pounds

Felt Good, wore knee sleeves, wrist wraps and a belt


For Time (12:00 CAP)
200m Run
10 Deadlifts (135/95#)
20 Box Jumps (20/16")

Modified to 250 m ski erg, and 18" box jumps.  Finished 3 rounds in 15:02.  Programming from Westbound CrossFit

Saturday, March 1, 2025

USAWA Colorado Single Arm Challenge

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Garage Gym


USAWA Lifting

Colorado Single Arm Challenge

Snatch, One Arm, Right - 55, 60, 65
Clean & Jerk, One Arm, Right - 55, 65, 75*
Deadlift, One Arm, Right - 135, 150, 185

I was really pleased with the one arm deadlift.  While it is not record setting, my grip strength has definitely improved.

Q1 Postal Meet

Continental Snatch - 95, 105, 115
Press From Rack, Behind Neck - 105, 115*
Trap Bar Deadlift - 294, 314, 364*

The trap bar deadlift was a huge win for me.  I have conventionally pulled 341 pounds and I have tested my sumo to 255 (triple), but have never really tested my trap bar deadlift.  Jarrod's bar has the ideal handle width for me with excellent knurling.  I was very confident at 314 and decided to see what was left.  I think it was exactly 364 pounds.

Record Day Lifts

Continental to Chest, Fulton - 123, 143, 143*

This was a big lift for me.  I opted to bring the bar to the hang and then heave it to my chest, rolling it from my nipples to the upright position.

In addition to setting the (4) records, the Trap Bar Deadlift; Continental to Chest, Fulton; and Continental Snatch were new lifts to me and I am now at 140 of 195 lifts attempted.

Jarrod and Kim joined me for some lifting and we were able to complete everything is around 3 hours.  Everybody had a chance to do the Challenge and Postal Meet.  Jarrod set (3) records, Kim set (3) records and I set (1) record.  Total of 25 lifts in 3 hours or about 7 minute per lift when you figure in set up, loading the barbells, etc.

Friday, February 28, 2025

25.1 - Burpee - DB C&J - Lunges

Friday, February 28, 2025

Westbound CrossFit (Open Gym)


Warm Up

Jumping Jacks
Hip Hammy Flow
Crossover Symmetry
Movement Prep

25.1 Rx

As many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:

3 lateral burpees over the dumbbell
3 dumbbell hang clean-to-overheads
30-foot walking lunge (2 x 15 feet)

*After completing each round, add 3 reps to the burpees and hang clean-to-overheads.

♀ 35-lb (15-kg) dumbbell
♂ 50-lb (22.5-kg) dumbbell

In my head I had a good plan, of steady, step-up burpees, switching arms every 3 reps and hang clean to overhead and recovery during lunges.  I set a target of 100 reps and wanted to come out a little slow and then hopefully speed up.

round of 3 (8 reps) - 1 min
round of 6 (22 reps) - 3 min
round of 9 (42 reps) - 8 min
round of 12 (68 reps) - 14 min
round of 15 (100 reps) - ??

I was moving well, but my C&J plan fell apart.  My left arm did not want to move the weight and I played with alternating each rep and then 3 with the right 1 with the left.  I was able to keep moving and only set the dumbbell down a couple of times.  I finished the round of 12 at just over 11 minutes.  Finishing the round of 15 was possible.  I cranked through the burpees in 2:30ish and had 90 seconds for the C&J and lunges.  I ended up getting 15 feet of the lunges, but not the turn around.  Super excited with 99 reps.

I really liked having Aaron Haran judge me.  We went over movement standards, I told him my plan.  His cues were very effective.  Bracing the core and driving with the legs for the C&J.  His count reminders were spot on.


Thursday, February 27, 2025

Westbound CrossFit (Open Gym)



4 Rounds for Time:
1000 meter run
2 pull-ups
10 push-ups


Good mover.  I enjoyed getting outside running and wanted to stay sharp for the open workout.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Sumo Deadlift - Strict Press - Metcon

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Westbound CrossFit (Coach Ryley)

1630 (8 of us)


15/12 cal bike
10 PVC sumo deadlifts
10 PVC strict press
15/12 cal bike

MOVEMENT/MOBILITY - mini band, bb, PVC
*mini squat band around knees
8/8 banded side steps
8 PVC good mornings
8/8 figure 4 squats / side
:30 wall v-sit
:30 90/90 internal rotation biased hip opener / side

*grab barbell
4 sumo deadlifts, pause at mid shin + knee
*band around wrists
8 banded garbage trucks
8 banded unweighted neutral grip shoulder press
8 bb strict press
4 high pull to turnover
4 "TNG" bb muscle cleans
4 tall power cleans
4 TNG power cleans @ warm up weight
PRIMER - bike, bb
12/9 cal bike fast
6 TNG power cleans @ workout weight


25:00 to Complete
5 Sets
3 Dead-Stop Sumo Deadlifts @ 70-83%
----2:00 Rest B/t----
5 Sets
5 Strict Press @ 68-78%
15 Banded Bicep Curls
----1:30 Rest B/t----
Sumo Deadlift
1 x 3
Strict Press
1 x 5

Deadlift - 135, 165, 195, 225, 255

Strict Press - 65-75-75-75-75


For Time (8:00 CAP)
32/26 Cal Bike
40 Hang Power Cleans (75/55#)

Scaled to 30 calorie bike and 45# hang power clean (15-10-10-5) - 4:27

Monday, February 24, 2025

Front Squat - Metcon

Monday, February 24, 2025

Westbound CrossFit (Coach Loni)

1200 (7 of us)


20/16 cal Row
15 air squats
10 push ups
15 BB Deadlifts

*grab PVC
8 PVC passthroughs
:20 PVC shoulder external rotation / side
8 PVC shoulder press
8 PVC front squats
8 PVC front rack sots press

*grab bb
10 zombie squats
:30 elbow punches
:20 front squat hold
10 front squats
16 pike shoulder taps
:20 Handstand hold
8 pike push ups
4 eccentric handstand push ups
8/8 single leg foot elevated glute bridge on wall
16 straight leg feet elevated glute bridge march on wall
16 superman
8 deadlifts @ 135/95#


20:00 to Complete
5 Sets
5 Front Squats @ 70-77.5%
----2-3min Rest B/t----
Front Squat
1 x 5

This still feels rough, but I moved 105-105-105-115-115 pounds.



17.4 (s)

AMRAP - 13
55 Deadlifts (155/105#)
55 Wall Ball Shots (14/10#) to(10/9')
55 Cal Row
55 DB Push Press (35/25#)

This was as bad as I remembered it being when I did it on 3/17/2017.  However, when reviewing the scores, I was not as bad off as I would have guessed.  Deadlifts were slower.  Wall balls were the same.  My rowing calories were only 70% of what I was pulling in 2017.  There is definitely room for improvement.

17.4 (s) Deadlifts Wall Balls Row (time) Row (cals)
2017 3:58         4:56                 4:06                 52
2025 5:30         5:00                 2:30                 22

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Pool Swim - Long Course

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Carmody Rec Center


Pool Swim - Long Course

1x200 FR
1x200 FR
2x100 FR
2x100 BR
1x100 BA
2x100 FR
1100 meters total (40 minutes)

Saturday, February 22, 2025

BSAG Leg 2

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Garage Gym


Warm Up

Reverse Hyper
Hip Hammy Flow

BSAG Leg 2

DumbbelZ Supine PRESS = 124 pounds (worked up from 55, 70, 90 pounds and only 1 official attempt)

Single Arm (Barbell) SNATCH = 65 pounds (right arm) (only 1 attempt)

Static CLEEN = 125 pounds (made 95, 115, 125 and failed 135)

Single Arm SNATCH x 4 = 55 pounds x 4 = 210 pounds (right arm) (only 1 attempt)

Single Arm SNATCH RAMPAGE = 44 pounds x 9 = 396 pounds (right arm) (only 1 attempt)

50 minutes total workout


Saturday, February 22, 2025

Westbound CrossFit (Coach Kyle)

0700 (4 of us)

Warm Up

Echo Bike
Banded scap retraction
Band pull aparts
Band traction - Green band at base of rig with cross over ankle and calf on foam roller
Banded activation


High Pull
Press from Behind Neck
Overhead Squat - Place bar at base of neck, push while descending (i.e. the bar is the ceiling)


Muscle Snatch - Built up to 85 pounds
Clean Pull + Hang Clean Pull - Built up to 145 pounds

Nice little mover.  Glad I got my butt out of bed.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Jackson Weight Plates on ebay

Jackson weight plates are highly collectible and usually trade hands privately.  Recently some plates have come up on ebay without a reserve and I am very anxious to see what the open market value is.  These plates are from the 1940's (2nd Gen) or 1950's (3rd Gen).

With 2 days to go:
Jackson 10 pound - $130 (16 bids) - hammered $132.50
Jackson 5 pounds - $155 (13 bids) - hammered $200.00
Jackson 5 pounds - $107.50 (18 bids) - hammered $182.50

Fortunately the seller is offering free shipping, but the prices are still an exorbitant $15-$30/pound.

I was hard pressed to bid up a pair of 1980's Eleiko plates to $210 plus $90 shipping which puts them at $300/88 pounds = $3.40/pound.  Part of me is hoping that I do not win them.

Update - My max bid $225, hammered for $270 + $90 shipping or roughly $4/pound.  Not horrible.

To date the craziest money I have spent on weights is the 9 pound pair of York Roundheads at $300/18 pounds = $17/pound.

Clean Complex - Metcon

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Westbound CrossFit (Coach Aaron)

1630 (8 of us)

Warm Up


15:00 to Complete
4 Sets
5 Hang Power Cleans + 3 Thrusters
@ 50% of 1RM CJ and Building Heavy
----3:00min Rest B/t----

I built up from 55-65-75-85 pounds and was moving well.  Maybe could have gone 95 or 100 for a top set.


For Time (15:00 CAP)
20 Wall Balls (14/10#) to (10/9')
30 Hanging Leg Raises to Hip Height
20 Wall Balls
15 Low Strict RMU Transitions
20 Wall Balls
30 Hanging Leg Raises to Hip Height
20 Wall Balls

This was as difficult as it looked, but I scaled it well and paced it well going 10/5/5ish on the wall balls, sets of 6 for the hanging leg raises (some were below hip height) and singles on the ring muscle up transitions (they were anything but strict).  I finished in 13:23 and felt good about the effort.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Ring Muscle Up Technique - Metcon

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Westbound CrossFit (Coach Bryn)

1200 (10 of us)


9/7 cal row
8 walking lunges
8 ring rows
2/2 unweighted windmills

MOVEMENT/MOBILITY - rings, pull up bar, DBs
8 kip swings on rings/bar
8 cat/cows
8 scap push ups
:10 ring support hold
:10 ring dip hold
:20 false grip hang
3 low ring strict muscle up transitions, assist w/ feet
5 bulgarian rows
5 explosive bulgarian rows
3 low ring muscle up transitions
8 hanging shoulder circles forward
4 mini butterfly pull ups
4 kipping chest to bar


12:00 to Practice @ Easy Pace
1-3 Ring Muscle Ups
2/2 DB Windmills @ Moderate Load

Worked on false grip, ring muscle up transitions from the ground.  Windmills were tough.  I started with 10 pound dumbbell and then went unloaded again.

1. Ring MU
2. Big Ring Kip Swings + Hip Pop + Pull to Hips
3. Low Ring MU
4. Low Ring Strict Ring MU


E6M X 3 (5:00 Cap/set)
30/22 Cal Row
12 DB Walking Lunges (35/25#) - Hold However
6 Jumping Chest to Bar Pull Ups

I scaled to 22 calorie row, 25# dumbbell and kipping pull-ups.

Round 1 - row + 34 reps
Round 2 - row + 30 reps
Round 3 - row + 28 reps

This was harder than I thought and I did scale it appropriately.  3x(12+6) = 54 reps.

Front Squat - Metcon

Monday, February 17, 2025

Westbound CrossFit (Coach Bryn)

1630 (12 of us)


:20 single under, high jump
:20 single under, low jump
10 air squats
:20 single under oscillating b/t high and low
:20 double under
5 burpees
*grab PVC
8 PVC passthroughs
4 PVC overhead squats w/ pause
4 PVC Sots press
8 PVC snatch grip deadlift
8 PVC front squats
10 scorpions
*grab barbell
:20 BB trap smash / side
:20 front rack hold
:20 front squat hold
:20 BB quad smash / side
:20 BB calf smash / side
5 power snatch w/ pause overhead
*first warm up weight on bar
10 front squats


15:00 to Complete
5 Sets
5 Front Squats @ 68-75%
----2 min Rest B/t----
Front Squat
1 x 5

I trained with 95-105-105-105-105 (~50% of 1RM, but a good weight for today)


CF Open 14.1
30 Double Under
15 Power Snatches (75/55#)

We were encouraged to go Rx in preparation for the open and I chose to see how it went.  My double unders were not good, but I was able to complete 60 double unders.  Both sets took a little over 2 minutes.  The power snatches at 75# were not much better.  I was able to manage sets of 3 with pretty long rest periods.  I ended up at 1 Round + 30 DU + 10 PS.

Erg Fest - Bench Press

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Basement Gym


Erg Fest

2000 m Row
2000 m Ski
4000 m Bike

Bench Press

3x12x105 pounds

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Hang Clean & Jerk - Metcon

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Westbound CrossFit (Coach Bryn)

1200 (7 of us)

Warm Up

30/24 cal bike
12 DB good morning
12 DB snatches

*grab PVC
5 PVC RDL to knee
5 PVC front squat to parallel
5 PVC push press
5 dip, jump, punch and land
5 dip, jump, punch and land w/ PVC
5 tall split jerk foot work
5 PVC split jerks

*grab barbell
5 hang power clean, hold in receiving
5 push jerks, hold in receiving
5 split jerks, hold in receiving
:10 pike hold w/ feet on wall + :10 wall facing hs hold
2 wall walks in as few steps as possible

PRIMER - wall, DB
1 wall walk
4 DB snatches @ workout weight


EMOM x 10
2 Low Hang Power Clean
2 Jerks
@ 60-70% of 1RM CJ
Clean and Jerk
1 x 4


Coaching cue - Have back knee pointed down


AMRAP - 10
3 Scaled Wall Walks
12 DB Snatch (35/25#)
@ 13:00
30/20 Cal Bike

I was moving well, but this got rough quick.  I scaled the wall walks to move from in front of a line to behind then line in two steps.  I scaled to a 25 pound dumbbell.  I managed 4 Rounds + 3 Reps.

I scaled to 20 calorie bike and finished in 1:17

IronMind Thick Handles

I like all unique items, especially when they come from premium brands like IronMind.  These 2.5" knurled dumbbell handles certainly fit the bill.  They take 1" plates.

I cannot use them for USAWA lifts, I don't have many standard plates, but I am still interested.

Zstan on the grip board originally listed them for $150 in November 2024 along with several other items.  The price has since dropped to $125 (12/2/2024), $115 (12/11/2024) and $110 (2/11/2024).

While the price is certainly fair, it is expensive for something I don't need.  I think I would be a buyer at $100 including shipping.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Colorado Iron Grips

While I do not need any more weight plates, especially the Iron Grip shape, it sucked to miss out on (4) of these for $200.  First off anything under $2/pound is a steel for Iron Grip and the fact that they are logo'd would have had me offering $150 to $200/pair.

Offered by Ashton Renshaw in Arvada.  I contacted him 5 hours after listing and he already had a buyer and I was second if his original buyer backed out.

Front Squat - Metcon

Monday, February 10, 2025

Westbound CrossFit (Coach Loni)

0900 (8 of us)

Warm Up

10 burpees
10 squat jumps
3/3 lateral box step ups, outside leg

8 air squats, :05 pause
:30 armless prayer stretch on box
3/3 single leg touchdown squats
3/3 plyo step ups
5 top half superman, arms in T
5 top half superman, arms in Y

*grab barbell
5 zombie squats, :05 pause
:30 back rack elbow punches
5 front squats, :05 pause
5 box jumps
:30 wide stance forward fold
8 hollow hold to v-up
4 hanging leg raises
4 kip swings, big hollow
4 kip swings w/ knee tuck, big hollow
4 kip swing w/ knee tuck + kick

12:00 to Complete
3 Sets
10 Front Squat @ 50-65% of 1RM
----3:00 Rest B/t----
Front Squat
1 x 10

I used 65-75-75 pounds.  I was planning on working up to 95 pounds, but really was not feeling this movement today. 



5 Sets
12/9 Cal Row
9 Burpee Box Jump (20/16")
Max Rep Strict Hanging Leg Raises
----1:00 Rest B/t----

I scaled this to 9 calorie row and 7 burpee box jumps to a 20" box.  That left me 30-45 seconds for hanging leg raises and I got 8-6-5-5-4 reps.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Cool Custom Grip Items

Adam Juncker had some pretty cool homemade grip items including a adjustable width pinch apparatus ($85) and a plate loaded sledge hammer ($65) shipped within the continental United States.  He posted these on the gripboard along with some mainstream grip items like a BSS Flask for $75 and a BSS Dub Hub for $25.  Both sold quite quickly.

I really like that he posted videos of the development and fabrication of these devices and the price point cannot be beat.  

The adjustable pinch apparatus is a beast at 19 pounds with 3/8" thick steel sides and 1/4" thick steel base.  (2 of 2 available).  Price drop to $70 disassembled and shipped in a flat rate box.

The plate loaded sledge hammer is significantly lighter being fabricated from aluminum.  I do not need either item, but at that price point I might just take a gamble to have something new to play with or even a prize for the upcoming grip contest or something else.  (2 of 3 sold quickly, 1 remaining)

1250 Yard Pool Swim

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Carmody Rec Center


Pool Swim

1x500 FR
1x200 FR
1x150 BA
1x150 BR
2x100 FR
1x50 FR
1250 yards total (40 minutes)

Really wanted to get more volume in to prepare for the swim run event this year.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Bench Press & Fun Stuff

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Basement Gym


Bench Press

6x135 with slingshot
5x155 with slingshot
3x175 with slingshot




Worked up to a 71 pound close

Chest Expander 

International Steel Strandpulling Association
Pulls 1&2 Left & Right Arm Chest Pull Attention
2 strands
3 strands
4 strands

1-5/8" Thumb Blaster

First time giving it a whirl

53 (right and left hand

60 minutes of fun and games. 

I have been wanting to play with the Mark Bell Slingshot I got and I do really like how it feels to have assistance off the chest and then press.  I think it could build confidence having a certain load on board.  The Bandbell was brutal today.

I have been buying grippers but not using them.  Nice to get a solid close on a 71.

Chest Expander.  I bought one and started learning the lifts.  I think I am going to switch to testing my max and training a couple of pulls once/week and posting to the Facebook Group.

Finally King Kong prep.  Starting with the 1-5/8" thumb blaster.  My first attempts were pretty solid working up to 53 pounds.

Olympic Lifting

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Westbound CrossFit (Coach Kyle)

0700 (6 of us)

Olympic Lifting

Echo Bike
Shoulder Activation (small band and pull aparts)

Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Press
Snatch Balance

Build to heavy 3 rep overhead squat - 38 pounds
--cue rotate knuckles back, especially at the bottom

Back Squat Walk Out
  • Staggered/Lunge Stance
  • Clean Grip
  • Load and step front foot back

Deadlift - Metcon

Friday, February 7, 2025

Westbound CrossFit (Coach Loni)

1200 (6 of us)


5 lateral burpees over bar
10 PVC thrusters

:20 wide grip PVC lat activation (bend PVC around hips)
5/5 PVC single leg RDLs
5/5 stagger stance BB RDL
5 hollow to arch rolls
5 glute bridge walkouts
5/5 quadruped hip CARs
*bb @ first warm up weight
3/3 stagger stance RDLs
3 deadlifts, :05 down
:20 book t-spine opener / side
12 hollow rocks
*bb @ second warm up weight
3/3 stagger stance RDLs
3 deadlifts, :05 down

PRIMER - bb @ 95/65#
5 thrusters
5 lateral burpees over bar
4 thrusters


15:00 to Complete
6 Sets
2/2/2/1/1/1 Deadlifts @ 70% and Building to Heavy Single
----2:00 Rest B/t----
1 x 2
1 x 1

I wasn't feeling too great, but warm ups at 135 and 185 felt better than I expected.  I ended up going:

340 (nearly matching my previous best of 341 pounds at the AFA Powerlifting Meet)

It went up really well and I might have another 10 pounds in me.  I was pretty excited and thought I had a 5 pound personal best.


For Time (15:00 CAP)
Thruster (45/35#)
Lateral Burpee Over Bar
Thruster (65/45#)
Lateral Burpee Over Bar
Thruster (75/55#)
Lateral Burpee Over Bar

This sucked.  I did plank jacks and reduced the loading to 45-55-65 pounds.  I grinded through in  14:19, but may have messed up the rep count in round 2.

Westbound CrossFit - Review

I started at Westbound CrossFit November 12, 2024 with Chad 1000.  Nisha was looking for an offseason training program and I needed a refresher as I had been putting on weight.  Nisha lasted about a month before deciding it was not for her.  I have continued to train there and have really enjoyed it.

Owner: Ryley - Great athlete, committed gym owner, good coach

Coaching Staff - Kyle (Oly), Bryn, Loni, Jenn, Rachel; all have strengths and are dedicated to their craft

I like the programming.  There are major cycles every 6 weeks to focus on squat, bench, deadlift, clean, snatch, etc.  There are skill days and long metabolic conditioning days. The programming includes a lot of echo bike that I do not really care for.  I think it adds an inordinate amount of time to transition.  They always post Performance, Health and Rx+ loading.

The gym itself is well laid out, but not big enough to accommodate the 25 athlete cap.  With 18 athletes it is chaos.  With 6 athletes it is perfect.  There are plenty of barbells and weights.  It is limited by row ergs, bike ergs and rig space.

It is really nice that they offer Olympic Weightlifting.  Kyle is an interesting personality and definitely a knowledgeable coach.

There are a few niceties like a cold plunge and InBody scan.  They offer challenges and promote the CrossFit Open.

Open Gym time is somewhat limited, but meets my needs.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

2025 CrossFit Open

  1. 2016 CrossFit Open - MBS CrossFit, Old Pueblo CrossFit - all scaled
  2. 2017 CrossFit Open - West Metro CrossFit - Rx/s
  3. 2018 CrossFit Open - Aspire Fitness (did not register) - all scaled
  4. 2019 CrossFit Open - CrossFit Golden - Rx/s
  5. 2020 CrossFit Open - CrossFit Golden - Rx
  6. 2021 CrossFit Open - Garage Gym - Rx
  7. 2022 CrossFit Open - CrossFit Golden - Rx
  8. 2023 CrossFit Open - Garage Gym - Rx
  9. 2024 CrossFit Open - Garage Gym  - Rx/s
  10. 2025 CrossFit Open - Westbound CrossFit - TBD
CrossFit has seen a lot of changes since 2015 when I started training at CrossFit Undeniable.  The brand was strong and full of hope.  There were no controversy with racism or misogyny.  It was a community without a corporate face, just the affable Greg Glassman and David Castro.  With the sale to private equity, the brand has lost its luster, but at the affiliate level community endures.

The CrossFit Games have had their share of controversy as well.  The most recent being the lack of transparency surround Lazar Dukic's death during the 2024 CrossFit Games.

My why has not changed.  I believe in constantly varied functional fitness performed at high intensity.  That model has been a part of achieving physical, mental and spiritual resilience.  On a more mundane note, I like measuring up against the world.  Good or bad, it is still a measure.  I want to maintain my work capacity as I age.  I do not want to be a burden to society, my wife or my children due to poor decisions.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025


Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Westbound CrossFit (Coach Ryley)

1640 (6 of us)

Warm Up

1:30 row, no straps
slow rope skips
1:00 row, no straps
fast rope skips
:30 row
double under practice

barbell hold top
barbell hold bottom
barbell bench press

5 slow arm circles forward
5 slow arm circles backward



4 Sets
AMRAP - 1:30
15/12 Cal Row
Max Rep Bench Press (75/55#)
----2:00 Rest B/t----
+ 6-8min Transition
4 Sets
AMRAP - 1:30
15/12 Cal Row
Max Rep Single Under
----2:00 Rest B/t----

SCORE - **Every 5 Single Under = 1 Rep
Total Bench Press + Total SU

I scaled the rows down to 12 calories and bumped the bench press weight up to 95 pounds.  I managed 10+9+11+11 = 41 bench press and 9+7+7+8 = 31 single under points (5 rope skips = 1 point).

As we finished early I did a pull-up finisher with 6 reps EMOM style.

Pump Session at The Dragon's Lair

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

The Dragon's Lair


Warm Up

Hip Hammy Flow
Kettelbell Halos

Pump Session

Flat Bench
Incline Bench
Seated Biangular Row
Pendulum Pull Down*
Donkey Calf Raise*
Single Leg Kneeling Hamstring Curls*
Seated Cable Row
DB Biceps Curls
Triceps Push Downs

*indicates machines I have never seen or used in the past

The Dragon's Lair is absolutely as cool as advertised and well worth the trip if you find yourself in the area.  The gym is primarily fitted with custom Arsenal Strength equipment that feels good and functions perfectly.  There is every machine I could think of and several new ones that I had not worked with.  The majority are plate loaded, but there are selectorized machines as well.  The free weights are no laughing matter.  This is the first time I have seen a gym with dumbbells going up to 200 pounds (American Barbell branded).  The custom stitching, graphics, decals are all a nice touch.

The clients are no-nonsense.  They are there to train.  It is friendly, but not really social.  The front desk is very friendly and got me set up with a day pass and even helped me look for sizes when I wanted to grab a t-shirt.

Uber to and from the gym $35
Day pass $30
T-shirt and towel $45
Training at The Dragon's Lair Priceless

900 Yard Pool Swim

Monday, February 3, 2025

Nomad Pool (Las Vegas)


900 Yard Pool Swim

1x500 FR
1x50 BA
1x150 BR
1x200 FR
900 yards total (30 minutes)

Refreshing and nice to have the pool to myself.  Kind of weird swimming without lane lines or flags.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

2025 Hyrox Las Vegas

2025 Hyrox Las Vegas is done and dusted.  I signed up for this destination race in September 2024 and have been steadily chipping away at training for the past 5 months with a focus on more running, burpee broad jumps, walking lunges and wall ball shots.  My friend Dave and I signed up.  He finished in 1:41 and I was a mere 35 minutes behind.

Prep went well.  I showed up on race day reasonably well rested.  I had a cup of tea at 7 AM when we walked over and a Larabar at 8 AM prior to a 8:40 start.  I did my hip hammy flow, pushed/pulled the sleds, took a couple of steps with the sandbag and finally a couple hundred meters on the ski erg and row erg.  

Out of the gate, I waited for the field to take off and then settled into an easy run.  My plan was 7:30 splits and I ended up averaging 8:20

9:15 (stopped to pee ~2 min)
11:16 (post sandbag lunges, walked)

Ski Erg plan - plan 6, finished in 5:47
Sled Push - plan 8, finished in 3:39 (this felt great)
Sled Pull - plan 8, finished in 6:11 (not bad)
Burpee Broad Jumps - planned 15, finished in 10:44
Row - plan 6, finished in 6:30
Farmers Carry - planned 4, finished in 3:09
Lunges - planned 12, finished in 11:14
Wall Balls - planned 10, finished in 10:11

Rox Zone - Plan 8:00 (actual 11:33)

It was actually an amazingly well executed race plan.  Aside from some early spikes in the 150s-160's, my heart rate stayed safely in the 140's or lower.  The stations went incredibly smoothly until the sandbag lunges.  My right hamstring started to lock up and the left hamstring was not far behind.  I would take a step, take a few breaths and repeat.  I walked the last run and was fortunate to get through the wall balls as planned as a 10 minute EMOM.

Final data, I was 94th out of 102 50-54 year old open men.  1100th out of 1153 open men.

Post race, my legs were absolutely shot.  I tried walking, stretching, holding them in the air against a wall and nothing was helping.  I did some serious damage to my hamstrings.  Swimming on Monday helped a little and by the time I flew home Tuesday, they were just normal sore.  I did have mild nipple chafe (from all of the running and stations) and a decent bruise on my right arm that I assume is from the sled.

I am not sure what I would do different in a future event.  To be successful, I would have to up my mileage to 10-15 miles per week with speed work, tempo run and long run approaching 8 miles.  I would also overload train with a 70 pound sandbag and 20 pound med ball.  Finally, I would train with electrolyte replacement and make sure I had some training sessions in the 90 minute time domain.

Friday, January 31, 2025


Friday, January 31, 2025

Garage Gym



1000 meter run
40 sandbag lunges (50#)
1000 meter run
50 wall ball shots (14# to 10')

This was designed to be a little primer and last workout before competition on Sunday.  It was tough running up and down hills, but a good mover.  The sandbag lunges felt great.  I finished the workout in 26:51.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Hyrox Preview

The Hyrox is this weekend!  

This event has been on the calendar since September 2024.  For the past 5 months I have been doing general training along with some specific training.  I have gotten in some long runs and overall feel comfortable with the movements.  I have practiced transitions and I understand the movement standards.  I am most comfortable with ski, row and farmer carry.  Burpee, lunges and wall ball with be slow but doable.  Sled Push/Pull will be a bit of a wild card.
  • 8x1K runs - Slow, but steady, target 7:30 pace - 60
  • Ski Erg - 1000 m (raise hand for judge) 6
  • Sled Push - 50 m (336 pounds, 4X, 3 min penalty each missed lane) 8
  • Sled Pull - 50 m (225 pounds, 4X, stay between the lines, do not step on solid line, 3 min penalty for each missed lane) 8
  • Burpee Broad Jumps - 80 m - hands cannot be more than 1 foot from feet, 5 meter penalties 15
  • Row - 1000 m (raise hand for judge) 6
  • Farmer Carry - 200 m (2x24kg should be fine, allowed to set them down) 4
  • Sandbag Lunge - 100 m (20kg no setting the sandbag down,  sandbag across both shoulders) 12
  • Wall Ball Shots - 100 with 14# to 10' Target 10
  • RoxZone, Hydrate, etc 8
Out 1 (ski) - 14:30 (7:30 + 1 + 6 = 14:30)
Out 2 (push) - 31:00 (7:30 + 1 + 8 = 16:30)
Out 3 (pull) - 47:30 (7:30 + 1 + 8 = 16:30)
Out 4 (bbj) - 1:11:00 (7:30 + 1 + 15 = 23:30)
Out 5 (row) - 1:25:30 (7:30 + 1 + 6 = 14:30)
Out 6 (farmer) - 1:38:00 (7:30 + 1 + 4 = 12:30)
Out 7 (lunge) - 1:58:30 (7:30 + 1 + 12 = 20:30)
Finish line (wbs) - 2:17:00 (7:30 + 1 + 10 = 18:30)

I will be flying out to Las Vegas on Saturday afternoon (depart 2:40; land 3:40 PM; hotel 5:30 PM) and will hopefully make my way to the Home2Suites without incident.  I should arrive with plenty of time to grab a light dinner at the hotel and sleep fitfully, but hopefully still rested.

0545 alarm
0630 meet Dave to walk to venue
0700 arrive at venue, check in, bag drop, warm up, Larabar, hydrate
0840 race start
1100 race finish, hang out, take pictures spectate, buy swag, get food
1600 head to next hotel, shower, clean up

Hang out with Mom for a couple of days, play some poker, grab lunch, watch television and fly back on Tuesday (depart 4:55 PM, land 7:50 PM, home 9:30 PM?)


Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Westbound CrossFit (Coach Ryley)

1730 (12 of us)


1:30 row, no straps
200' Farmers carry
1:00 row, no straps
5 DB inch worm walkouts w/ push up
:30 row
10 DB floor press

:20 DB bench support hold, straight arms
:20 DB support hold, bottom position
5 DB bench press
3/3 scorpions, lower back focus
3/3 scorpions, pec focus

*grab BB @ first warm up weight
:10 support at top + :10 support at bottom + 10 bench press


SCORE - Total Bench Press + Total Farmer Carry (Every 25' = 1 Rep)
4 Sets
AMRAP - 1:30
15/12 Cal Row
Max Rep Bench Press (95/65#)
----2:00 Rest B/t----
+ 6:00 Transition
4 Sets
AMRAP - 1:30
15/12 Cal Row
Max Distance Farmer Carry (50/35s#) - 25' Increments
----2:00 Rest B/t----

I scaled this to 12 calories on the rower, 115 pound bench press and 2x40# dumbbells.

Bench - 10, 10, 10, 8
Farmer's Carry - 5, 4, 4, 4

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Power Clean - Metcon

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Westbound CrossFit (Coach Bryn)

0900 (7 of us)


:45 jump rope
10 sit ups
10 PVC clean pull jumps

MOVEMENT/MOBILITY - light band, pull up bar, PVC, BB
4/4 PVC single leg RDL
*grab light band
6 hollow hold band pullovers, PVC in band
6 supine band resisted single leg v-ups, PVC in band attached to rig
6 supine band resisted v-ups
6 hanging lat activations
6 single leg TTB

*grab barbell
4/4 stagger stand RDLs
:15 front rack hold + :15 power clean receiving position hold
4 tall power cleans
4 clean pull shrugs w/ pause at knee
4 power cleans
4 consecutive vertical jumps
PRIMER - jump rope, pull up bar, bb
6 deadlifts @ 135/95
4-6 TTB
12 crossover singles


E:30 x 12
1 Power Clean @ 70-78%
3 Sets
1 Power Clean @ building heavy
----2:00 min Rest b/t----
1 x 1

Reps 1-4 at 75#
Reps 5-8 at 85#
Reps 9-12 at 95#



3 Sets (Pick Up Where You Left Off Each Set)
6 Deadlifts @ loading below
6 Hanging Leg Raises to Hip Height
30 Single Under
----1:00 Rest b/t AMRAPs----

Set 1 - (155/105#)
Set 2 - (135/95#)
Set 3 - (115/85#)

I used 155, 135 and 135 for the loading and managed 9 rounds + 10 reps.  This was a better workout than I thought.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Spud Inc

I have respected Spud Inc's innovation for years, but always thought they were a little pricey.

I finally broke down and placed an order and could not be happier.

Donnie Thompson Casual Bow Tie ($59.99) - 185-225 pounds size L.  Fits perfectly.  I have been using it mostly when I am at the computer and watching television and it definitely reinforces good posture.

Utility Strap ($44.99) - Have not played with this yet.  Will be throwing it in the gym bag to use at the CDOT gym

Hooker Straps ($12.00) - Have not played with this yet.  Imagine just a little bit of support rather than a full strap to make sure you have a secure hook grip.

Mark Bell Sling Shot

After years of debate, I finally ordered a Sling Shot.  My shoulder health has not deteriorated, but I have been wanting to give one of these a try for a long time.  A 20% off sale finally sealed the deal.  $52 marked down to $41+tax and shipping.

Sizing - 181 to 220 pounds should order an XL
Elasticity - Bench up to 275 should order a Reactive

Looking forward to receiving this and seeing how it feels.  I have been kicking myself for not ordering a Donnie Thompson Bow Tie sooner.

Back Squat - Metcon

Monday, January 27, 2025

Westbound CrossFit (Coach Loni)

0900 (9 of us)

Pre-Class Routine

5 minute ankle distraction


25/20 cal bike or row

6 BB front squats
6 hang clean pull shrugs
6 bb overhead trunk rotations

*grab heavy band
:30 band assisted squat on rig, band around hips
8 band resisted good mornings, band on rig
:30 half kneeling banded lat stretch
:10 dead hang + 10 scap pull ups
:10 hold, elbows at 90 degrees
10 kip swings
10 front to back rocks, elbows at 90 degrees
5 kipping pull ups w/ band if needed

:15 active bottom squat
8 squat jumps w/ pulse in bottom
6 back squats
6 back squat trunk rotations


15:00 to Complete
5 Sets
5 Back Squat @ 72-78%
----2:00 Rest B/t----

I went 135-135-135-145-145 (61% of 235 1RM) playing it safe for Hyrox this weekend



On a 10:00 Clock,
40/30 Cal Row
40 Ring Rows
25 Hang Power Cleans (75/55#)
25 Front Squats
Max Rep Z-Press (35/25#)

I scaled to 30 calories, 20 HPC at 55#, 20 FS at 55# and had about 90 seconds left for Z-Press.  Finished 16 presses with 25# dumbbells.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Week 2 - Westbound CrossFit "6 Week Challenge"

Week 2

Take a class - 6 points (3 WBCF classes, 1 USAWA sessions, 1 Run, 1 Swim)
Routine - 1 points (only done at WBCF)
Water Consumption - 0 points (avg 792, max was 2000 mL, target is 1900 mL)
Nutrition Plan - 0 points (no movement)
Walking - 0 points (1 walks, need a minimum of 5)
Alcohol - 7 points (easy for me)
Sleep - 0 points (I managed 8 hours 4 nights, need a minimum of 5)
Social Media Accountability - 0 points Not sure what this is
Respond to Check In email - 1 point*planned
14 points for week 1 (max is 42)

I am still enjoying a 6 week challenge.  I have continued to be mindful of my water consumption and have also gotten 8 hours in bed 4 times (up from 1 time in week 1).  I have not focused much on the walk, but I am excited to get a nutrition plan going.

My routine is alternating:

(1) 2:30 ankle distraction each side
(2) 2:30 pancake with band; 2:30 forward fold

1000 Yard Pool Swim

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Carmody Rec Center


Pool Swim

1x500 FR
1x150 BR
1x150 BA
1x200 FR
1000 yards total (30 minutes)

Felt great to be in the water.  I did an open water swim in Florida, but this was my first time back at Carmody since November 29th.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Ed Zercher Memorial Strength Classic

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Garage Gym


Warm Up

Reverse Hyper
Hip Hammy Flow
Deadlifts 135, 185, 225

Ed Zercher Memorial Strength Classic

Bodyweight = 209.7 (100 kg class), 53 years old (50+ Masters)

Deadlift, Heels Together - 245 (no official)

Hack Lift - 225 (no official)

Steinborn - 95 (no official)

Zercher - 185, 205 (Jarrod)

Leg Press - 0

Deadlift, One Hand, Left - 135 (Jarrod)

Deadlift, No Thumb, One Hand, Left - 135, 145**record (Jarrod)

Hip Lift - 570 (Jarrod)

Harness Lift - 570, 570, 570 (Jarrod)

Hand & Thigh Lift - 375 (Jarrod)

Neck Lift - 120, 140 (Jarrod)

Bench Press, Feet in Air - 155, 165, 175 (no official)

Everything went according to plan except for the Harness Lift.  I need to remember to attached the chain to the hip belt and then connect the shoulder straps.  I could not move anything when the heavy lift bar was pulling down on the shoulder straps.  The heavy lift bar and hand & thigh bar worked perfectly.  The chain threaded through nicely and it felt solid.  Jarrod loaded it to 720 pound for a Hand & Thigh Lift.

There was a mix up with the events so I finished on Sunday (1/26/2025)

Clean & Press, Heels Together - 105, 115, 125 (no official)

Jefferson Lift - 225, 255 (no official)

Leg Press, Unsupported - 65, 65 (no official)

Friday, January 24, 2025

Arm Assassin Strength Shop

New toys arrived!

Arm Assassin Strength Shop came through again with a Heavy Lift Bar, Hand & Thigh Bar and a 1-5/8" Thumb Blaster.

These appear to be very well built and certainly exceeded my expectations.  Arm Assassin has always been a good value, the finishes have been good and now the craftsmanship has improved as well.

Looking forward to giving these a whirl tomorrow.

UPDATE:  1/27/2025

These worked out great.  Easy to load and configure with my harnesses.  Hip Lift - 570, Harness Lift - 570, Hand & Thigh - 275, Neck Lift - 140 pounds.

Tyr Wodapalooza

Ryley Humrighouse


Reps Ahead vs Khan Porter

8 Reps Ahead
7 Cal Echo Bike
40 foot Handstand Walk (5ft=1 Rep for 8 total reps)
7 Heavy Bag to Shoulder 100/150 lb

Neck and neck first two rounds, Khan brought it but could not sustain in round three, Ryley finished ahead in round four by decision.  $750 cash prize


"Cuban Press" (8:47)
11 minute cap

Haul 2 Ballistic blocks across sand
25 Burpee OT Blocks
40 DB Bench Press (70# DBs)
25 Burpee OT Blocks
Haul 2 Ballistic blocks across sand

Ryley (8:45ish) was second to Nick Scola (8:15ish) 

"Cortadito 2.0" -- Translates to short (CAP + 173)
14 minute cap

For Time
Wallballs (30/20#)
Hang Power Snatch (95/65lb)
right into
Thrusters (130/90#)

Ryley (14:09) nine reps shy of finishing by the time cap.  He had 4 thrusters and 5 ring muscle ups remaining.  Ramon finished at around 13ish, but not sure about the rest of the field.


"Ocean Drive Drag Race" (7:37)

21/18 Cal Row
21 T2B
Sled Drag
1min Rest

18/15 Cal Row
18 T2B
Sled Drag
1min Rest

15/12 Cal Row
15 T2B
Sled Drag

Sled Weights
Rd 1 – Light
Rd 2 – Medium
Rd 3 – Heavy

Ryley was moving well and finished well under the cap in 4th of 5th place.  The announcers were confusing and mixing up the athletes.  It seemed like he was struggling to get the sled started which make sense.  It looked like they started with 90, then 135, then 180# being drug through the sand.

"Worth The Weight"

For Max Load

1RM Clean + Hang Clean

295 - good lift
315 - good lift, nice patience in the hole
325 - no - spit out the back on the hang clean
Field lifts - 315, 335, 345, 325, 340, 330, 335, 320, 320


"Two Rounds Too Many" Reign Sandbox (29:55)

For Time (35 minute cap)

With 20# vest
50 cal echo bike
1000 meter run
150 box step over
Without vest
50 cal echo bike
1000 meter run
150 box step over

Looked like he was 13th off the first back, 8th back from the run, 9th off the box
Maybe 10th back from the second run and finished in 12th (just over 30 minutes)

"High Stakes, Tight Ropes" Tyr Arena (CAP + 146)

For Time (Time cap 16 min)

60 VELITES Heavy Double Unders
90ft Handstand Walk
15 Wall-Facing Handstand Push Ups
Each arm: 9 Single Arm Dumbbell Snatch + 9m Single Arm Overhead Dumbbell Lunge
5/3 Legless Rope Climbs
Each arm: 9 Single Arm Dumbbell Snatch + 9m Single Arm Overhead Dumbbell Lunge
15 Wall-Facing Handstand Push Ups
90ft Handstand Walk
60 VELITES Heavy Double Unders

DB – (100, 70lb)

Moved well until last round of walking lunges.  Lot of no reps, nice job sticking with it.

Not sure how far he got on the handstand walk.  Shoulders have got to be blown up.

Final Results: Ryley took 3rd with an overall balanced performance and 449 total points.  (Ty Jenkins was in 1st with 564 points, Jordan Chenier was in 2nd with 474 points.

Cuban Press - 2nd
Cortadito 2.0 - 4th
Ocean Drive Drag Race - 4th
Worth the Weight - 23rd
Two Rounds Too Many - 13th
High Stakes, Tight Rope - 11th

When discussing the event today he mentioned the difficulty of running in sand and having a strong headwind.  He mentioned his elbow breaking on the walking lunges at at 100# you cannot press that back out.  The max weight clean complex was his worst finish and relative the field where the winner put up 365 pounds, 315 pounds seems well behind the power curve.  Unfortunately that is the nature of monostructural events.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025


Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Westbound CrossFit (Coach Jenn) Jennifer Stockdale

1730 (10 of us)


20/15 cal bike
10 BB clean deadlifts
12/9 cal bike
10 BB push press
9/7 cal bike
10 push ups


*grab PVC
:30 standing quad stretch / side
:30 PVC hinging lat stretch
5 jump and land in power position
5 clean jumps, slow motion to knee
5 power cleans w/ pause in receiving
5 PVC shoulder press
5 PVC dip, jump, punch
5 push jerks

*grab barbell
5 power cleans, pause in receiving
5 push jerks, pause in receiving
5 clean and jerks

*set up bench
:30 hold at top of bench + :30 hold at bottom (no resting on chest)
10 bench press @ first warm up weight


6 Sets
12/8 Cal Bike
Max Rep Clean and Jerk (95/65#)
----1:30 Rest B/t----
+ 6-8 Min Transition
6 Sets
12/8 Cal Bike
Max Rep Bench Press (95/65#)
----1:30 Rest B/t----

The class scaled this to (3) sets of bench so that class would end on time.

I scaled further to 5 calories each round (took between 18-20 seconds)

Clean & Jerks at 95# 2-3-3-3-2-2 reps
Bench Press at 95# 12-12-12 reps

Week 1 - Westbound CrossFit "6 Week Challenge"

Week 1

Take a class - 6 points (3 WBCF classes, 2 USAWA sessions, 1 Hyrox session)
Routine - 3 points (only done at WBCF)
Water Consumption - 0 points (avg 715, max was 1500 mL, target is 1900 mL)
Nutrition Plan - 0 points (talked with Loni, started tracking food)
Walking - 0 points (2 walks, need a minimum of 5)
Alcohol - 7 points (easy for me)
Sleep - 0 points (I managed 8 hours only 1 night, need a minimum of 5)
Social Media Accountability - 0 points Not sure what this is
Respond to Check In email - 1 point
17 points for week 1 (max is 42)

I am enjoying a 6 week challenge.  I am most impressed with my water consumption.  My baseline water is around 200 mL and I managed 600+ mL 4 days last week.  Getting out for a walk when it is cold has been a good challenge.  I have not given enough thought to getting in bed at a reasonable hour.

My routine is alternating:

(1) 2:30 ankle distraction each side
(2) 2:30 pancake with band; 2:30 forward fold

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Power Snatch - Metcon

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Westbound CrossFit (Coach Loni)

1200 (4 of us)


200' shuttle run
8 PVC overhead squats

:30 dead hang
4/4 strict single straight leg raise w/ :02 hold
8 single leg TTB
4 TTB OR kipping knee raises as high as possible

4/4 single arm KB swing
4/4 single arm KB swing + high pull
:20 single KB overhead carry + 4 KB shoulder press / side
4/4 KB snatches

6 PVC snatch deadlift to mid thigh
6 PVC high hang jump and punch overhead
6 PVC power snatch

3 snatch deadlift to mid thigh
3 high hang power snatch
3 power snatch


E:30 x 16
1 Power Snatch @ 65-72%
3 Sets
1 Power Snatch @ 15-25# Heavier than Above
----2:00 Rest B/t----
1 x 1

I did 16 x 55# power snatches followed by 75-75-75# power snatches


3 Sets of 5:00
400' Shuttle Run
+ AMRAP w/ Remaining Time
4/4 Hang KB Snatch (25/15#)
6 Burpees to 6"
8 Hanging Knee Raises
----1:00 Rest b/t Sets----
*Athletes will pick up where they left off each set on AMRAP

I scaled to an 18# KB and was moving well with it.
Round 1 - 2 full rounds
Round 2 - 1 round + 14 reps (finished burpees)
Round 3 - 1 round + 19 reps (got through 3 burpees)

I started doing step up burpees in the second round.  It was still nice to get 33 burpees completed.  Feeling better about Hyrox.