Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Squat Stand

I am contemplating the possibility of having to move my home gym to the basement for a winter.  In the garage I have a generous 10 foot ceiling (when the garage door is down) and 96 square feet of floor space.

In the basement, I would have 8 foot ceilings which is fine for squat, bench and deadlift, but would not really work for overhead stuff.  From the ground I could still do cleans.  Reviewing the last month of weeks of workouts, I would be missing pull-ups, jerks, push press, thrusters, wall ball shots and ring dips.

I feel like the best squat stand would be the Raptor Rex Series featuring 3"x3" 11 gauge steel, 48"x48" footprint and 75" height.  $325 for the rack and another $135 for the spotter arms.  

Another fun option would be the La Junta Yoke.  The 75" Yoke is $425, adding spotter arms, dip bars, bumper storage, etc would jack up the cost considerably.

I really do not need more gym equipment and at $460, probably $500 with tax, I am looking at 3 years of Planet Fitness membership and 1 year at BeStrong Strength and Conditioning.  However long term, I would like to have a squat stand and pull-up bar instead of a foldaway rack.

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