Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Rogue Suitcase Challenge

I will have to sign up for this one.  Hold as much weight as you can on two barbells for at least 30 seconds.  I will probably make a few attempts and will have to practice the movement a couple of times over the next couple of days to see what a good starting point might be for me.  

Suitcase challenge was held in 2021 and the top 3 were 590, 560 and 460 pounds.  In 95th place the entry was 95 pounds and 50th place was 252.5 pounds.  I can certainly manage 100 pounds each hand and could not manage over 150 pounds, but I am not sure where the sweet spot is.

UPDATE:  2/14/2022 1800 (about an hour later) - 95# resulted in an epic fail at about 20 seconds.  75# was fine and 80# felt near max effort.  That would be a 160# total placing me at roughly 85 out of 95 in the 2021 leaderboard.

Balancing the bars was harder than I expected and a hook grip without tape really bit into my thumb.

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