Tuesday, February 14, 2023


Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Garage Gym


Warm Up

Crossover Symmetry
Hip Hammy Flow
Calf Raises
Pull-ups - Push-ups - Air Squats
Calf Raises
PVC pass through
Strict Press
Jump Rope drills


8:00 AMRAP
10 T2B
15 WBS
35 DU

I modified the WBS to 65# thrusters and managed 1 Round + 22 Reps in 8 minutes.  It took me to 10:19 to finish the second round.  T2B were ugly; singles in round 1 and then 5/3/2 in round 2.  Thrusters were 9/6 and then 8/4/3.  Double Unders were not bad, but did take me 4-5 sets each round.  Overall, it felt good to really feel a high intensity effort.

Rogue Suitcase Challenge Finisher

95# - fail
75# - good attempt
80# - good attempt

I am a little disturbed that I actually have 2 acceptable barbells (45# without center knurling) that could be used for this challenge and another 2 45# barbells with center knurling.  The only thing I do not have is a postal scale and I will probably get one for my birthday.

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