Tuesday, February 14, 2023

CrossFit Judges Course

The 2023 CrossFit Open kicks off in a couple of days.  I have all of the equipment I need except for kettlebells.  For a workout that requires a 24 or 32 kg kettlebell, I will drop in at CrossFit Golden or another box.  Decima CrossFit is close to the house.  I could also try Thor Strength or one of the rec centers.

For the first time I took the Judges course and it was surprisingly difficult.  I could recognize no reps, but struggled with counting reps and multiple faults in the same movement.  At two points, I just modified my answer up and down until I got the answer that the test was looking for.  I did learn a couple of faults that I was not aware of specifically on the completion of a movement.  For example a wall walk ends with the athletes chest on the ground.  Overall it was $10 well spent.  It took me just over two hours to complete the course and pass the test.  CFID 747312.

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