Monday, April 18, 2022

Out with the Old

I finally parted with some metal plates.  I had listed the 85# on Facebook Marketplace for $120.  I dropped the price to $100 after a week and accepted $80 a week after that.

Hofmann - I paid $60 for 50#.  They were nice plates, but I prefer a decent lip on plates.  I will likely be listing my York's soon.

Standard - I paid $10 for 10#.  I never cared for these, but took them as part of a deal when I was buying a plyo box set.

Weider - I can't remember what I paid, but it was around $1 to $1.50 per pound back in 2016.  I really liked the open handles on these as I would just hook them onto the wall.

$80 represents a loss I can live with.  The couple that picked them up were very nice.  I am kind of relieved to have fewer plates in the house.  It was getting excessive. 

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