Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Pamela Gagnon - Performance Plus

I have been somewhat enthralled with Pamela Gagnon and have been following her Instagram feed enthusiastically.

She offers easily digestible coaching advice for teaching, seeing and correcting gymnastics movements.  I really like the drills that she offers.

For example with Build Better Kipping - Athlete starts straight with box at heels, activate lats and hold hollow position.

I have a crib sheet on my desk which lists
  • 3 Position Bar Muscle Up
  • Deficit Box HSPU
  • Toe Assisted Pull-up
  • Strict Butterfly Circles
  • Russian Push-up
I had a skill list working that was geared towards the Crossfit Open
  • 95# Thruster
  • 115# OHS
  • C2B
  • HSPU
  • T2B
  • Walking Lunges
Thruster needs technique, stamina, mobility
OHS needs mobility, strength
C2B technique, reduce body weight, strength
HSPU reduce body weight, mobility, strength
T2B technique, mobility, strength
Walking Lunges stamina, strength

Now I have to somehow add building strength in the false grip to that list.

My original Crossfit Goals as documented December 11, 2015 were to execute a Cartwheel, Snatch and Clean & Jerk.  My Olympic movements are looking better.  I am a far cry from Virtuosity, but I have snatched 95# and Clean & Jerked 155#.  My speed under the bar and stability in the overhead position is lacking.  I have been working haphazardly at a Handstand Push-up and can currently manage a rep to an abmat.  I need to start working on cartwheels again.  I will probably start with drills to a box and then expand from there.

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