CFG - Lacey
1200 ~ 10 of us
Warm Up
down facing scorpion
quad stretch plus reverse lunge
banded skaters
scap push-up
table top stretch
banded 2-1-2
ankle driver
scap pull-up
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
10 Dumbbell Renegade Rows (50/35 lbs) (L Row, PU, R Row, PU =1)
20 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
Run 200 Meters
I was not sure how this was going to go as I did not feel really energetic during the warm up. I grabbed 15# dumbbells and an 18" box, but had to scale further. I ended up with knee renegade rows only performing 1 of the 2 pull-ups. I finished the 3rd set of box jumps with 38 seconds to go and took off on a Hail Mary run.
Four sets of:
Weighted Strict Pull-Ups (3-4 reps @ 21X0)
Rest 20 seconds
Strict Pull-Up (Unweighted Max reps @ 21X0)
Rest 20 seconds
Hollow Body Hold (Max effort)
Rest 3 minutes
Somehow I misread this and only did three sets. I kept great tempo on the first set of pull-ups which were unweighted strict and I got 4 each round. I did banded pull-ups for the second effort and got 6-6-5. Finally I kept great from on hollow body holds, but only lasted 20 second.
Finished with Glute Ham Raises.
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