Thursday, May 28, 2020

Bench Press - Pull-ups Conditioning

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Home Gym


Warm Up

pass throughs
kip swings


Every 90 seconds of 15 minutes (5) sets
Station 1:  Bench Press 5@20X1 tempo
Station 2:  Strict Pull-ups 3-5 reps

As my pull-up bar is attached to the rack, I did 5 sets of Bench Press, then 5 sets of Pull-ups every 90 seconds.  

I worked up from 115, 125, 135, 135, 135.  That last rep was tough at tempo.

Pull-ups did not fare as well, I got 2-1-1-2-1 strict reps.  I played with my grip a little and was more powerful with a shoulder width grip rather than a wider grip.


I was planning on working on pistols, but my legs were shot after yesterdays back squat so this got skipped.


15-12-9 of
box jump (20")

This ended up being a really quick 5:13 workout.  I was able to do the push-ups in 2 sets every time.  The box jumps felt surprisingly difficult.

Programming was adopted from CFG 5/28/2020.  The metcon originally called for pull-ups, push-ups and dips.

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