Friday, May 31, 2024


Thursday, May 30, 2024

Garage Gym


Warm Up

Reverse Hyper
Crossover Symmetry
Hip Hammy Flow


3 kick-up attempts (failed)
2 kick-up and hold for a few seconds


400 meter row
200 meter run
2 pull-up

I finished 5 rounds in 22:30.  This sucked today.  I felt sluggish and lethargic, but it felt good to get moving.  Programming was adopted from Vintage CrossFit which called for 450 meter row, 300 meter runs, 15 foot handstand walk and pull-ups 5, 8, 11, etc.

Friday, May 24, 2024


Friday, May 24, 2024

Carmody Rec Center



1x600 FR
1x150 BA
1x150 BR
1x100 FR
1000 yards total (30 min)

Wednesday, May 22, 2024


Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Garage Gym


Mopped the main floor area prior to starting the workout


4 Rounds for Reps of

4 Minutes Work 2 Minutes Rest

400 meter run
Max BBJO (20 inch)

This one looked interesting when I read it on Vintage CrossFit (VCF). The VCF version included ring muscle ups in addition to BBJO.  I scaled the height of the box and eliminated the muscle ups.

Over the 4 rounds, I managed 4, 5, 5, 5 BBJO which I was quite pleased with.  The rest interval was perfect and allowed for a full recovery.  I was finishing the runs in about 2:50 and had 1:10 for BBJO.

Chad Prep

100 Box Step-ups (20 Inch) - 7:55

40 minutes total workout

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Short Steel Bending

I finally busted out my short steel beginners bending kit from Short Steel Bending.  I think I actually requested these over a year ago, but then chickened out trying to use them for fear of wrecking my hands.

Upon reacquainting myself with the kit, I found 3 bars marked 120 pounds and 3 bars marked 140 pounds.  Both appeared to be 3/16" cold rolled steel, but the lengths were different.

After a couple of attempts wrapping with the Cordura wraps, they felt reasonably secure.

I tried double overhand, then underhand, and finally could get a kink with a reverse grip bracing with my left hand and moving my right hand.  On the 6 inch stock, I could sweep this way as well and then did a two handed crush.  On the 5 inch stock, I switched to a double overhand for the sweep and then was able to crush it as well.

120 lbs - 3/16" by 6 inch success - Reverse Grip

140 lbs - 3/16" by 5 inch success - Reverse Grip, switch to overhand, switch to underhand

I would like to throw this in on a regular basis and have some stock on hand to play with.  After exhausting my beginners kit, I will probably order 30 pieces of 3/16" cold rolled steel (20x6"; 10x5.5") from FBBC for $21 plus shipping.

Short Steel Bending sells 10-packs of rod stock in various lengths and diameters for a $20 plus $10 flat rate shipping.

Fat Bastard Barbell Company sells 10 packs and price is based on diameter.  Not sure what shipping costs.

Eat Chalk Get Big has limited stock and is pricier at 5/16" 10 pack 7 inch lengths costing $30 plus shipping.


Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Garage Gym




30 knees-to-elbows
1000 meter row

I scaled the core work to hanging knee raises and it was still a grind, but a good grind.  I finished 3 rounds in 22:18 (row time 16:34) well in line with the guidance of 2+ rounds. My core will certainly be lit up tomorrow and it was a good reminder to work in toes-to-bar and knees-to-elbows some when I am doing EMOM work.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Bike Erg - USAWA

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Home Gym


Bike Erg

20 minutes - 8295 meters


Pullover, Bent Arm


Hack Lift, One Arm

155 L, R

Hack Lift


I am not up to 113 of 191 lifts performed.  I have attempted 116 of 191 (failed Leg Presses and Judd C&J).  17 other exceed my current mobility (9), equipment (6) or strength (2).  It is fair to eliminate total poundage as well.  That leaves 57 that I need to try.



banded 2-2

Concept2 Bike Erg

Mike Zee listed a bike erg right by the house for $920.  Since Nisha was home and I could check the saddle height, I went ahead and decided to take a look.  The adjustment was sufficient for her and hopefully goes low enough for Ratna as well.

LogBook Summary
Meters:  2,342,437
Time:  96:16:14
Number of Workouts:  468 (going back to 2019)

The desk attachment is actually pretty cool.  It is a product called Wally Board and comes in Black, Natural, Walnut and Raw Wood.  The stained ones are $180 and the raw wood is $160.  

The Venzo K1304 pedals are flip flop and will work with Shimano SPD cleats (mountain bike) if I were interested.

He was willing to take $900 cash which was fair as far as I am concerned.  Aside from the random $800 listing, most are listing around $975 and the last one sold for $940.  This saves a few bucks ($1100 +$60 shipping + $60 tax = $1,220 to the door retail) and was very close to the house.  

The desk is worth another $50 easily and I am not remotely concerned with getting my money back or worst case selling for $800.

My wife did not think the saddle was very comfortable.  A new one can be attached without much issue.  The problem will be finding one that she likes.

Other accessories could include:
T27 6-Lobe Driver - $2.50
Toe Clips - $5.50
Right Pedal - $13.80
Left Pedal - $13.80
Banner - $30.00

UPDATE: 7/5/2024 - We have had a few sessions on the bike and am really happy with the purchase.  I did go ahead and order the pedals, toe clips, (2) drivers and (2) phone holders.  The parts themselves were really inexpensive.  I was just trying to maximize my $10 shipping.

UPDATE: 2/17/2025 - After some use, but not nearly enough considering the investment, I finally decided to investigate the knocking noise.  Apparently it is a known issue with some of the older models and the fix is a $75 axle retrofit kit which I ordered today.  I also could not help myself and sprung for a $30 banner.

UPDATE: 2/23/2025 - The retrofit kit installed smoothly except for one stripped pem nut (3 out of 4 should secure it well enough).  The video was very helpful and everything followed well except for a hardware swap for the bearing mounts.  It took me an hour versus an estimate of 45 minutes and now the bike is operating smoothly.

Friday, May 17, 2024

C&J Complex - Metcon

Friday, May 17, 2024

Garage Gym


Warm Up

Reverse Hyper
Crossover Symmetry
Hip Hammy Flow
PVC Pass Through


Every 2:00 minutes, 6 Sets
2 Low Hang Squat Cleans + 1 Split Jerk
Starting @ 70% and increasing by feel today to around 8 RPE


This actually felt really good.  105# was a good weight for me and at the 8 RPE level.



5 Sets
2:00 minute AMRAP
6-7-8-9-10 Thrusters
15/12 Calorie Row
-Max Strict Pull-Ups in the Remaining Time

Load: 135/95lb, 61/43kg

I scaled this aggressively and still had a tough go.  I went with 25lb thrusters, 10 cal row and managed 1 strict pull-up each round.  I had about 20 seconds breathing room round 1 and just finished with a few seconds to spare on the last round.

Programming was from Vintage CrossFit.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Blobs/Block Weights on GripBoard

Hex Head

Half 110 - $120
Half 90 - $100
Half 85 - $90


Half 45 - $75 shipped
Half 55 - $80 shipped
Half 60 - $85 shipped
Half 65 - $90 shipped
Half 75 - $110 shipped

Prices seem high, but are fair.  Platinumt85 actually knocked $10 off the listed price after a couple of days and you have to figure $10 shipping.

I have a half 50 that is perfect for me.  Half 55 would be a goal and Half 45 might be suitable for cleans or hand to hand transfers.  A "full" set for my strength and aspirations is probably 40-45-50-55-60 and at $2.50/lb, we are talking about $250 to fill out my set.  I could get the 45-55-60 from Platinumt85 for $210, maybe a little less and probably not use them anymore than my current 50 that I dusted off.

I would still prefer other grip toys over blobs.  I want to get a 19 mm crimp and a Roussin twister from Nemesis Grip.  Even an 100ish pound inch replica for $300 would be preferred to a full blob set.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Ebay Grippers

Another small lot of grippers

122 Tetting Super Master (started at $100, sold $207.50)
137 Tetting Grand Master (starting at $100, sold $204.50)
136 GHP 6 (starting at $30, sold $157.50)
171 GHP 8 (starting at $60, sold $68.00)
183 Tetting Elite (started at $100, sold $204.50)

These would all be too heavy for me, but 122# Tetting would be a nice aspirational gripper.  I am still working on closing a 92# Grip Genie 3

Turns out these are being sold by Steve Mallard (WorksInAPinch) who is a great guy and I am happy he is cashing out on these at great prices.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Jujimufu Home Gym Cross Country Trip

I started watching Jujimufu's home gym tours after James Fuller was featured.  I have connected with James and strongman_archeology in the past as he has competed in USAWA and is a pretty impressive athlete.  Aside from getting me excited about learning to bent press, his gym is really old school without a lot of bells and whistles.  Just everything you need including a lot of obscure items for health & fitness.  The theme of his gym was technical skill and movement in a range of motion that is not appreciated in today's lifestyle.

My next stop was Pat McNamara's home gym and it was quite the contrast.  Certainly it followed the theme of an outdoor, gritty, hard nosed environment.  His theme was working in the transverse plane.  One key difference I noticed was the modern and unique equipment that I had not heard of:

CinderFit Blocks - 15, 25, 35, 45, 55 lb - $1000
BAMF Hammers - 5-15kg online (all sold out), Pat Mac had some heavier ones

He also had normal stuff like bar/plates, Concept 2 SkiErg, Sorinex off grid rack, bands and center of mass bells.

I considered adding CinderFit blocks to my arsenal until I saw the price point.  $150 for a 15 pound block seems ridiculous, but there is a lot of welding involved in making these.  I do agree that the solution is ideal when combined with bands the bench.  If I were just looking for weight, I could get a cinder block from home depot that weights around 38 pounds and costs $3.

I am even more excited now to watch the sequence with Central Park Joe.

I am still amazed that Juji has 1.44M subscribers.  He is certainly an amazing athlete and has a very friendly, supportive online persona.  I have never met the man, but that is hard to fake.  A quick google search indicates youtube earnings of around $100K per year which is definitely well earning.  Combined with partnerships and what not, I would think he has a sustainable business bringing in better than $250K/year.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Spring GarageGym Competition

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Basement Gym















While I was disappointed to go 5 for 9, I was happy with a 750# total.  On par with my previous powerlifting benchmarks, but nearly 10 pounds heavier (not muscle).

Total 250+185+315 = 750 (GGC 5/11/2024) 206.9
Total 245+180+335 = 760 (Lakewood 11/11/2023) 197.1
Total 245+185+325 = 755 (GGC 10/28/2023) 197.9
Total 242+165+341 = 748 (AFA 7/29/2023) 193.4
Total 235+170+325 = 730 (GGC 5/19/2023) 196.8
Total 240+195+330 = 765 (GGC 11/12/2022) 193.4
Total 235+190+325 = 750 (GGC 5/15/2022) 190.9

Nisha's first outing was impressive as well going 8 for 9.

Total 65+40+85 = 190 (GGC 5/11/2024) 85.2

Thursday, May 9, 2024


Thursday, May 9, 2024

Garage Gym


Warm Up

Reverse Hyper
Crossover Symmetry
Hip Hammy Flow

Clean & Press, Fulton Bar


Zercher, One Arm (Left & Right)


Clean & Seated Press Behind Neck


Clean & Seated Press


Finish with 5x1 pull-ups
60 minutes total workout

I am now up to 111 of 191 lifts

3" x 4" Saxon Bar

After extensive debate and hem hawing, I finally decided to order the Sorinex Saxon bar with raw finish.  My debate was (a) I do not need this bar (b) it is bulky and hard to store and (c) it is expensive when you figure in shipping.

I had competed on the Saxon bar at Rolling Hills and it will be contested for the Armlifting USA Super Series.  The Elite Grip Society online challenge is what put me over the edge.  Unfortunately the lead time is currently reported as 8-10 weeks, but hopefully it will be faster.

I considered the Arm Assassin and Sorinex models.  I opted for Sorinex for two reasons (1) strong name brand and potentially better resale (2) raw finish which should season well.

List price is $204, but I found a discount code for 5% off.  Shipping was another $65 and tax $20 which put me at $275 to my door.

The bar arrived at my door in perfect shape despite the suspect packaging.  Basically heavy fabric (almost like moving blanket wrapped around the bar with heavy cardboard tube to protect the ends and it was all shrink wrapped.  The bar looks great and I am looking forward to getting it seasoned.

Day 1 (5/14/2024) - Worked up to 95 pounds.


Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Bench Press - Metcon

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Home Gym


Bench Press



For Time:
10-20-30-40-50 double unders
10 RAM Alt Rev lunges

This doozy was adapted from Vintage CrossFit which called for 20-40-60-80-100 DU and Rev Lunges with 95/135 in the front rack position.  I scaled this very appropriately and finished in 12:51.  My double unders were all over the place, but my lunges were steady and unbroken.  I felt my right hammy tighten a little, but had no problem working through it.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Run - Arm Blast

Monday, May 6, 2024

CDOT Fitness Center



1.81 mile run on S Platte Trail (11:57/mile)

Arm Blast

Alt DB Curls


2 DB seated OHP


Calf Extensions


Bent Over DB Row


Sunday, May 5, 2024

Candidate Fitness Assessment

Sunday, May 5, 2024

D'Evelyn Track


Warm Up

Arm Circles
Trunk Twists
Hip Hammy Flow


My Score, AVG, MAX - Girls Average
Basketball Throw - 36, 35, 36 feet (69/102') 42
Pull-Up - 1 (12/18) 2
Shuttle Run - 12.14, 11.65 (8.1, 7.8) 9.4
Sit-up - 35 (81, 95) 78
Push-up - 17 (62/75) 41
Mile - 9:45 (6:29/5:20) 7:30

When I was in high school, I feel like I could have hit most of the averages.  Throwing a basketball over 20 yards seems a little surprising, but who knows.

I think Diya will do fine at around 30 feet, hopefully get to 1 pull-up, 10s shuttle run, 60 sit-up, 15 push-up, 8:30 run.  While below average, certainly not red flag numbers.

Deadlift - Incline DB Press

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Garage Gym


Warm Up

Reverse Hyper
Crossover Symmetry
Hip Hammy Flow



Incline DB Press

8x35 (CMB)

Friday, May 3, 2024

Back Squat - Metcon

Friday, May 3, 2024

Home Gym


Warm Up

Jumping Jacks
Hip Hammy Flow

Back Squat



5 Rounds for Time:

2 Pull-up
15 Abmat Sit-up
Sled Down and Back (~140 feet)

I have been needed to get some pull-ups in, been ignoring sit-ups and wanted to play with a new toy.  The workout unfolded perfectly with a quick 2:30 first round before settling into a sustainable 3 min/round pace.  I finished in 14:54 and was pleased with the effort.

The sled is a great training tool, but a bear to work with in a home gym setting.  It is difficult to move around and get situated for workouts and with any type of slope, a chock is required to keep it in place.  Great purchase and I look forward to training with it this summer.

Magnetic Resistance Sled

Stacy Reed in Aurora listed this a couple of days with the following description "I have an almost brand new TANK M4 Sled that is ideal for you fitness junkies. It comes with a Strap\Harness Tow Kit. The price is absolutely negotiable. It sells on the website for the upwards of over $1,400⁰⁰, but I'm not asking for anything like that. I didn't pay a whole lot so I'm not asking for a whole lot. I'm more than willing to accept your offers. Hope to get this baby sold a lot sooner than later."

I decided to take a flyer and said I was interested and how much she wanted.  The response was make an offer.  I replied $150-$250 based on condition.  Apparently it was acquired as part of a storage unit clean out and they had no use for it.  After some logistical back and forth, I ended up driving out to take a look.  It was certainly in better shape than the pictures let on and the magnetic resistance was on point.  I ended up paying top of range at $250.

I completely forgot to ask about the accessories, but still a very good deal.  The piece itself is a beast.  Fortunately Tony (the seller) was able to find the right Allen key to remove the arms and help me load it.  I am looking forward to giving it a whirl, but will have to do some reorganizing to make it work.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

USAWA Dumbbell Presses

Wednesday, May 1, 2024



Warm Up

DB halos (10#)

Side Press - Dumbbell

50 (left only, missed right)

Brings me to 107 of 191 USAWA lifts attempted

Dumbbell Press

50 left
45 right

Side Press

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Garage Gym


Warm Up

Crossover Symmetry

Side Press

I started with a 15kg bar and it felt fine with both left and right arm.  I added 5 pound plates and it did not work quite as well.  I backed off and built up and was stronger with my left arm vs my right arm

44 (left only, failed right)
46 (left only)
48 (left only)

I am now at 106 of 191 USAWA lifts tested.

After unloading the bar, I tried the Zercher, One Arm with a 20kg bar.  Balance was not too bad, but definitely something to think about.  Will build to heavy on another workout.  Checking the rules I just learned that I can use two hands to bring it to my knees and then execute with one arm.  This is another one where the record is open for 50 year old male 95kg.