Friday, May 3, 2024

Back Squat - Metcon

Friday, May 3, 2024

Home Gym


Warm Up

Jumping Jacks
Hip Hammy Flow

Back Squat



5 Rounds for Time:

2 Pull-up
15 Abmat Sit-up
Sled Down and Back (~140 feet)

I have been needed to get some pull-ups in, been ignoring sit-ups and wanted to play with a new toy.  The workout unfolded perfectly with a quick 2:30 first round before settling into a sustainable 3 min/round pace.  I finished in 14:54 and was pleased with the effort.

The sled is a great training tool, but a bear to work with in a home gym setting.  It is difficult to move around and get situated for workouts and with any type of slope, a chock is required to keep it in place.  Great purchase and I look forward to training with it this summer.

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