Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Ebay Grippers

Another small lot of grippers

122 Tetting Super Master (started at $100, sold $207.50)
137 Tetting Grand Master (starting at $100, sold $204.50)
136 GHP 6 (starting at $30, sold $157.50)
171 GHP 8 (starting at $60, sold $68.00)
183 Tetting Elite (started at $100, sold $204.50)

These would all be too heavy for me, but 122# Tetting would be a nice aspirational gripper.  I am still working on closing a 92# Grip Genie 3

Turns out these are being sold by Steve Mallard (WorksInAPinch) who is a great guy and I am happy he is cashing out on these at great prices.

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