Friday, October 30, 2020

Scaled "Atalanta"

Friday, October 30, 2020

Home Gym


Warm Up

Hip Hammy
Wrist Mobility
HS Hold
Kip Swings
Scap Pull-ups
Strict Pull-ups


Scaled "Atalanta"

800m run
(5) Rounds of:
5 HSPU to 2 abmats
10 Pistol to 20" box
15 Pull-ups
800m run

Atalanta is a heroine in Greek mythology who was a fierce warrior and always happy.  The name was applied to the 2020 Crossfit Games final event which called for the following while wearing a 20/14# weighted vest:

1 mile run
100 HSPU
200 Pistols
300 Pull-ups
1 mile run

My scaled version started off OK with a 5 minute run and the HSPU broken up 3/1/1.  The pistols were OK, but the pull-ups were kipping singles.  I finished the first round in about 3:30 and then things went to hell.  The next few rounds were around 5 minutes with a 2/1/1/1 rep scheme on the HSPU, pistols and kipping singles.  The last round was a little slower and I finished in 29:17 and took off on the final run which was also slower, finishing the WOD in 34:43

Run 1 - 5:00
Round 1 - 3:30 (8:30)
Round 2 - 5:00 (13:30)
Round 3 - 5:00 (18:30)
Round 4 - 5:00 (23:30)
Round 5 - 5:47 (29:17)
Run 2 - 5:26 (34:43)

It was a huge mental win to accomplish that volume of HSPU and pull-ups.  I could have managed a tougher scale on the pistols, but it worked out well to have a break between tougher movements.  As I was slowing down, I put an arbitrary 20 minute cap on the rounds of Mary, but fortunately pushed through that.  In the 20 minute Mary window, I managed 4 Rounds + 4 Reps.

Programming was adapted from which called for Mary or Cindy (20 minute AMRAPS).  I through in the run as an homage to the games athletes that got it done last weekend.

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