Mirage Hotel Spa & Salon
1:40 PM
Treadmill - 5 minutes, 1% incline, 5.4 mph
24-24-24 Air Squat, Pass Through, OH Squat with PVC
Front Squat
Used short oly bar (25#?)
No rack, had to clean the weight for first rep
Jump Rope
10 minutes, drills, singles, doubles. 22 was best unbroken set of doubles.
10 sets - 4 on first set, 20 reps total
DB Snatch
Work up to heavy single - 60#
I was very impressed with the gym at the Mirage which is open from 5 AM to 7 PM. In addition to treadmills, elliptical trainers, stair climber, stationary bikes, they had a full complement of machines, pull-up/dip stand, cybex cable machine with center pull-up station, smith machine, foam roller, kettle bells to 20#, dumbbells to 80#, barbells to 100#, short oly bar, oly curl bar, 550# of iron grip plates, jump ropes, back extension machine, preacher curl bench, military press bench, incline bench, medicine balls and a variety of other stuff I could build into a great workout.
Everything was clean and organized and they even had electronic access lockers to protect your belonging.
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