Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Oracle Gym
12:30 PM
3.34 miles, 36:55 (11:04/mile)
Shoulder warm up (5 min)
Pass throughs, arm circles, foam roller, kettle bell halos
Strict Press (15 min)
Warm up with 8x45#, 8x65# then
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Eat Real Food, Not Too Much, Mostly Plants
Strong People are harder to kill than weak people and more useful in general. - Mark Rippetoe
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Olympic Weightlifting Class
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Coach Jonathon
1:30 PM with Fabian, Jen, Sameer and me
Warm Up
Trunk rotations, touch behind toes and then reach over and behind head. side lunges
Dip Cleans
5x3 at 45#, 65#, 95#, 95#, 115#
3 Rounds for Quality
10 V-ups (I did tuck-ups)
10 Russian Twists (12#)
Dumbbell Swings (25#)
Push Press (25#)
Finished with lacrosse ball mobility, including anterior tibia
Since it was a light class I added
Dead Lifts
Jump Rope
Tried some double unders, but my timing was all over the place. Spent 20 minutes on this
Coach Jonathon
1:30 PM with Fabian, Jen, Sameer and me
Warm Up
Trunk rotations, touch behind toes and then reach over and behind head. side lunges
Dip Cleans
5x3 at 45#, 65#, 95#, 95#, 115#
3 Rounds for Quality
10 V-ups (I did tuck-ups)
10 Russian Twists (12#)
Dumbbell Swings (25#)
Push Press (25#)
Finished with lacrosse ball mobility, including anterior tibia
Since it was a light class I added
Dead Lifts
Jump Rope
Tried some double unders, but my timing was all over the place. Spent 20 minutes on this
Friday, August 26, 2016
Clean and Jerk
Friday, August 26, 2016
Coach Ben
(11:00 AM) 6 of us including Tim, Tim, Eric, Val, and me
Warm Up
400m jog
Crossover Symmetry - 20 pull straight back alternating arms, 10 air squats, 20 lat pulls, 10 reverse lunges, 20 alternating shoulder forward with straight arms, then 10 overhead press, 10 burpees. Repeat with 5 air squats, 6 reverse lunges, 5 burpees
Barbell Warm Up - 5 strict press, 5 push press, 5 push jerk, 6 split jerk (alternating front foot). 2 rounds of overhead complex of 4 motions. Then Shrugs, muscle clean, hang power clean, power clean.
Workout of the Day
1. Strength (keep weight low and focus on skill and warming up for workout)
OTM x5: (from rack)
Press + Push press + Push jerk + Split Jerk
I did 65#, 75#, 85#, 95#, 95#
OTM x 5: (from ground)
Hang power clean + full power clean + push or split jerk
I did push jerks for the first 4 and finished with a split jerk at 95#, 105#, 115#, 125# and 125#
2. WOD
CL&J: 5
Burpee over bar: 12
AMRAP: 12 Minutes
F – 95/65 lb.
Rx – 135/95 lb.
Rx+ 185/125 lb. (Use if your clean and jerk is at or above 225/145)
I used 95# and finished 4 rounds + 7 reps. The CL&J was not too bad, but I was doing singles. The burpees as per my engine were the worst and I was stepping up in the first round to keep my breathing under control.
3. Extra Credit
T2B: 100 for time
I was wiped out after this workout. I did some kips swings, some knees swings, some swings to legs parallel and then did 3 sets of kipping toes to bar as best I could. I could string together 3 reps, but my toes did not touch, they cam reasonably close.
Met Mukund who is in CrossFit Light, works at GHX
Coach Ben
(11:00 AM) 6 of us including Tim, Tim, Eric, Val, and me
Warm Up
400m jog
Crossover Symmetry - 20 pull straight back alternating arms, 10 air squats, 20 lat pulls, 10 reverse lunges, 20 alternating shoulder forward with straight arms, then 10 overhead press, 10 burpees. Repeat with 5 air squats, 6 reverse lunges, 5 burpees
Barbell Warm Up - 5 strict press, 5 push press, 5 push jerk, 6 split jerk (alternating front foot). 2 rounds of overhead complex of 4 motions. Then Shrugs, muscle clean, hang power clean, power clean.
Workout of the Day
1. Strength (keep weight low and focus on skill and warming up for workout)
OTM x5: (from rack)
Press + Push press + Push jerk + Split Jerk
I did 65#, 75#, 85#, 95#, 95#
OTM x 5: (from ground)
Hang power clean + full power clean + push or split jerk
I did push jerks for the first 4 and finished with a split jerk at 95#, 105#, 115#, 125# and 125#
2. WOD
CL&J: 5
Burpee over bar: 12
AMRAP: 12 Minutes
F – 95/65 lb.
Rx – 135/95 lb.
Rx+ 185/125 lb. (Use if your clean and jerk is at or above 225/145)
I used 95# and finished 4 rounds + 7 reps. The CL&J was not too bad, but I was doing singles. The burpees as per my engine were the worst and I was stepping up in the first round to keep my breathing under control.
3. Extra Credit
T2B: 100 for time
I was wiped out after this workout. I did some kips swings, some knees swings, some swings to legs parallel and then did 3 sets of kipping toes to bar as best I could. I could string together 3 reps, but my toes did not touch, they cam reasonably close.
Met Mukund who is in CrossFit Light, works at GHX
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Back Squat
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Oracle Gym
(11:40 AM)
Warm Up
30-20-30 with red band (Air Squats-Pass Throughs-OH Squats)
Bear Crawl forwards and backwards
Hollow Body rocks - 3x10 (roughly tabata intervals)
Handstand warm-up: 60 second plank, 5x a few seconds forward leaning plank, 5x frog hold attempts.
Handstand Holds against wall - 6X (5-10 seconds each)
Back Squat
Back Squat in Smith Machine hold at bottom to open upper thoracic.
Build up weight (5x45#, 5x95#, 5x115#, 3x135#)
5x2 working sets E3OM - 155#, 165#, 175#, 185#, 195#
This was tough and very close to maximum effort
Pull-Up Dip Couplet
10 PU - 2 Dips
8 PU - 4 Dips
6 PU - 6 Dips
4 PU - 8 Dips
2 PU - 10 Dips
I wanted to do body weight but started a 20# assist on the second set of pull-ups. Still a very good couplet.
Oracle Gym
(11:40 AM)
Warm Up
30-20-30 with red band (Air Squats-Pass Throughs-OH Squats)
Bear Crawl forwards and backwards
Hollow Body rocks - 3x10 (roughly tabata intervals)
Handstand warm-up: 60 second plank, 5x a few seconds forward leaning plank, 5x frog hold attempts.
Handstand Holds against wall - 6X (5-10 seconds each)
Back Squat
Back Squat in Smith Machine hold at bottom to open upper thoracic.
Build up weight (5x45#, 5x95#, 5x115#, 3x135#)
5x2 working sets E3OM - 155#, 165#, 175#, 185#, 195#
This was tough and very close to maximum effort
Pull-Up Dip Couplet
10 PU - 2 Dips
8 PU - 4 Dips
6 PU - 6 Dips
4 PU - 8 Dips
2 PU - 10 Dips
I wanted to do body weight but started a 20# assist on the second set of pull-ups. Still a very good couplet.
I have been struggling with programming. I dropped my CrossFit membership at the beginning of the year to focus on mobility and have been flipping around with picking up Main Site workouts and HyperFit programming. Both of these options are very good, but I would like to become more aligned with addressing my personal weaknesses.
Big issues with the 2016 Open were Overhead Walking Lunges, Double Unders, Bar Muscle Ups, Handstand Push-ups, 55x225# Deadlifts.
I have been addressing the Double Unders and am up to 14 unbroken, but when fatigued, these fall apart. I have progressed to a hand stand hold. I need to time some of these today. I have not been working on OH walking lunges, Bar Muscle Ups or Dead lifts. My goals have evolved over the years. When I started, I wanted a 135# clean and jerk, 135# snatch and a cartwheel. Then I wanted general physical preparedness. Now I want to complete the 2017 Open as prescribed (Rx).
CrossFit fundamental movements
- Air Squat
- Front Squat
- Overhead Squat
- Strict Press
- Push Press
- Push Jerk
- Deadlift
- Sumo Deadlift High Pull
- Med Ball Clean
Functional Movement Pyramid
- Position
- Movement
- Speed
- Load
Components of Fitness
- Cardiovascular/Respiratory Endruance
- Stamina
- Strength
- Flexibility
- Power
- Speed
- Coordination
- Agility
- Balance
- Accuracy
I am becoming committed to creating my own programming. While this will likely go as poorly as my self prescribed triathlon coaching, it will force me to think rather than enter the box, be told what to do and forget about adaptation and what I am trying to achieve.
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Bench Press
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Oracle Gym
11:15 AM
Warm Up (20 min)
4 rounds of
0:15 Jumping Jacks
0:15 Air Squat
0:15 Mountain Climbers
0:15 Jump Squat
0:15 Rest
QPED Pointer - 4 rounds of Static L/R, Dynamic L/R
Jump Rope - Tabata singles, drills, then double under/attempts
Bench Press
1x20 RM
I used 95# and it was tough. I might have had 100# in me, but not 105#. I did two additional sets at 115# (7 reps, 6 reps).
Metabolic Conditioning
For time:
1000m Row
100 sit-ups
50 PS (65#) - scaled to 55# HPS
This was exhausting as expected. The row was OK and I finished in 4:50. The sit-ups were OK through 20 and then I was doing sets of 10 and 5. The Hang Power Snatches were the same. I got the first 10 and then sets of 5. I could not imagine going from the ground for all of them. I finished in 19:05.
Mobility - finished with squat against wall and couch stretch.
1:05 total workout time
Oracle Gym
11:15 AM
Warm Up (20 min)
4 rounds of
0:15 Jumping Jacks
0:15 Air Squat
0:15 Mountain Climbers
0:15 Jump Squat
0:15 Rest
QPED Pointer - 4 rounds of Static L/R, Dynamic L/R
Jump Rope - Tabata singles, drills, then double under/attempts
Bench Press
1x20 RM
I used 95# and it was tough. I might have had 100# in me, but not 105#. I did two additional sets at 115# (7 reps, 6 reps).
Metabolic Conditioning
For time:
1000m Row
100 sit-ups
50 PS (65#) - scaled to 55# HPS
This was exhausting as expected. The row was OK and I finished in 4:50. The sit-ups were OK through 20 and then I was doing sets of 10 and 5. The Hang Power Snatches were the same. I got the first 10 and then sets of 5. I could not imagine going from the ground for all of them. I finished in 19:05.
Mobility - finished with squat against wall and couch stretch.
1:05 total workout time
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Olympic Weightlifting Class
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Coach Jonathon
(1:30 PM) Sameer, Donna, Fabby and me
Warm Up
Foam rolling, Pass-throughs, Sampson Stretches
Smith Machine squat holds
Heaving Snatch Balance
With Snatch grip and bar on back, dip butt back and drive and then drop under the bar.
4 sets of 5 reps (45#)
Bulgarian Split Squat - Cuban Press
Bulgarian Split Squat - With toes on bench, squat down until knee touches and then come up.
Cuban Press - High elbows, rotate elbows under bar, press overhead, drop elbows, rotate elbows over bar and lower.
3 sets of 8 reps
Bulgarian Split Squat (BW, BW, BW+10)
Cuban Press (45#, 45#, 45#)
Metabolic Conditioning
3 rounds of
20 Wall Squats
20 Pike to Tuck sit-ups
20 Russian Twists (12#)
This was tough. After the Russian Twists, it was a chore just to hold my arms overhead for the wall squats.
Coach Jonathon
(1:30 PM) Sameer, Donna, Fabby and me
Warm Up
Foam rolling, Pass-throughs, Sampson Stretches
Smith Machine squat holds
Heaving Snatch Balance
With Snatch grip and bar on back, dip butt back and drive and then drop under the bar.
4 sets of 5 reps (45#)
Bulgarian Split Squat - Cuban Press
Bulgarian Split Squat - With toes on bench, squat down until knee touches and then come up.
Cuban Press - High elbows, rotate elbows under bar, press overhead, drop elbows, rotate elbows over bar and lower.
3 sets of 8 reps
Bulgarian Split Squat (BW, BW, BW+10)
Cuban Press (45#, 45#, 45#)
Metabolic Conditioning
3 rounds of
20 Wall Squats
20 Pike to Tuck sit-ups
20 Russian Twists (12#)
This was tough. After the Russian Twists, it was a chore just to hold my arms overhead for the wall squats.
Monday, August 22, 2016
Back Squat
Monday, August 22, 2016
Oracle Gym
1:15 PM
Run (37 minutes)
3.3 miles
Back Squat
Focus on speed. Then did some OH squat with broom handle and 4 reps at 45#
3x Handstand Holds 5-10 seconds, 1 wall walk-up
Jump rope singles with beaded rope
Oracle Gym
1:15 PM
Run (37 minutes)
3.3 miles
Back Squat
Focus on speed. Then did some OH squat with broom handle and 4 reps at 45#
3x Handstand Holds 5-10 seconds, 1 wall walk-up
Jump rope singles with beaded rope
Box Jumps
Saturday, August 20, 2016
24 Hour Fitness
7:55 AM
Warm Up (15 min)
4 laps around the track, foam rolling, banded shoulder stretches, bear crawl
Jump Rope (10 min)
Tabata singles/drills, Double under attempts. I was managing between 3 and 14 unbroken
Handstand (15 min)
Wall walk-ups 4x1 every 30 seconds
Handstand holds against wall
Pull-ups (5 min)
Hang/Kip then 10 reps on climbing grips
Box Jumps (15 min)
21-15-9 to 18" box
6-4-2 to 24" box
1-1-1 to 30" box PR!!!
This was a huge mental win for me as it took me about 4 approaches just to decide to jump. I don't know why this additional six inches represented such a mental block, but properly warmed up I felt pretty good about it. I don't see workouts at 30 inches in my future anytime soon, but it is now fathomable that I could do a back tuck with the right combination of training and coaching.
24 Hour Fitness
7:55 AM
Warm Up (15 min)
4 laps around the track, foam rolling, banded shoulder stretches, bear crawl
Jump Rope (10 min)
Tabata singles/drills, Double under attempts. I was managing between 3 and 14 unbroken
Handstand (15 min)
Wall walk-ups 4x1 every 30 seconds
Handstand holds against wall
Pull-ups (5 min)
Hang/Kip then 10 reps on climbing grips
Box Jumps (15 min)
21-15-9 to 18" box
6-4-2 to 24" box
1-1-1 to 30" box PR!!!
This was a huge mental win for me as it took me about 4 approaches just to decide to jump. I don't know why this additional six inches represented such a mental block, but properly warmed up I felt pretty good about it. I don't see workouts at 30 inches in my future anytime soon, but it is now fathomable that I could do a back tuck with the right combination of training and coaching.
Friday, August 19, 2016
Front Squat
Friday, August 19, 2016
Coach Ben
(12:15 PM) about 8 of us
Warm Up
Run to fence, 10 air squats, 10 leg swings each leg, run back
With wall ball, lay back on ball with toes pointed and arms overhead for a 90 second stretch
10 wall ball squats.
Repeat stretch this time holding 25# plate (I could not do this).
10 wall ball cleans.
Runners lunge stretch then straighten knee for 10 on each side.
10 wall balls.
10 leg swings each leg.
10 clean to wall ball.
Front Squat (FSQ)
Warm up with 10 FSQ with barbell, hang from bar, then 10 more with big breath and braced core at top, kip swings
Open up shoulders by narrow grab with bar behind back and work elbows around.
Warm up to first set
5x3 E3OM
115#, 3 pull-ups with toes in front
135#, 3 ring pull-ups
145#, swing to horizontal and then pull-up
155#, Muscle up transitions
500m Row
400m Run
30 Burpees
20 KB Front Squat (Rx for men was 53#, I used 35#)
10 Muscle-ups (Fitness was 2 pull-ups and 2 dips for each MU, I did these)
I finished in 13:03 and felt really good about the effort. The burpees were the toughest part and after the first 12, I had to break up the sets and break form.
Extra Credit
10x2 Rope Climbs EMOM. I did singles for 6x1 Rope Climbs EMOM.
Coach Ben
(12:15 PM) about 8 of us
Warm Up
Run to fence, 10 air squats, 10 leg swings each leg, run back
With wall ball, lay back on ball with toes pointed and arms overhead for a 90 second stretch
10 wall ball squats.
Repeat stretch this time holding 25# plate (I could not do this).
10 wall ball cleans.
Runners lunge stretch then straighten knee for 10 on each side.
10 wall balls.
10 leg swings each leg.
10 clean to wall ball.
Front Squat (FSQ)
Warm up with 10 FSQ with barbell, hang from bar, then 10 more with big breath and braced core at top, kip swings
Open up shoulders by narrow grab with bar behind back and work elbows around.
Warm up to first set
5x3 E3OM
115#, 3 pull-ups with toes in front
135#, 3 ring pull-ups
145#, swing to horizontal and then pull-up
155#, Muscle up transitions
500m Row
400m Run
30 Burpees
20 KB Front Squat (Rx for men was 53#, I used 35#)
10 Muscle-ups (Fitness was 2 pull-ups and 2 dips for each MU, I did these)
I finished in 13:03 and felt really good about the effort. The burpees were the toughest part and after the first 12, I had to break up the sets and break form.
Extra Credit
10x2 Rope Climbs EMOM. I did singles for 6x1 Rope Climbs EMOM.
$75 bag for your knee sleeves??

Yes, for a low $75 (and free shipping if you buy two other items) you can have this jazzy kit bag from Rogue Fitness to hold your knee sleeves, jump rope, tape, wrist wraps, gymnastics grips, and gloves. It even has a separate compartment to seal off chalky items.
I respect Rogue and appreciate their support of the CrossFit games and athletes everywhere. I like that they continue to invest in new and innovative products. They are certainly known as a premium brand and command premium prices, but this is pushing that boundary a little bit.
I do carry a bunch of personal equipment to the gym everyday including:
Olympic lifting shoes - Adidas Powerlift 2 size 9 (8/28/2015)
Powerlifting shoes - Reebok CrossFit TR Lite size 9.5 (9/8/2016)
Weight belt - Weider size Large (1/14/2011)
Rock Tape Knee Caps - 5mm Large (9/8/2016)
Jump Ropes (beaded - 98" and speed - 106") - Jump-N-Rope - 106" (11/28/2015, 1/16/2016)
Wrist Wraps - Nordic Lifting 14" (10/6/2015)
Gloves - Mechanix Wear Original Vent Glove, Covert, Medium (5/11/2015)
Tape - misc, Jaybird Elastic, Adhesive 2"
Hand Armor Liquid Chalk (9/27/2016)
Long socks (for rope climbs) - Adidas Soccer Socks
Calf sleeves (for long runs) - SLS3 FXC Compression Day Sleeves Men's Size 4 (6/12/2014)
Spare t-shirt
Fitness bands - Functional Fitness red and black
$5 bill
I have been in the market for knee sleeves (Rehband Rx 5mm Size Large). However, I hope that I can hold off getting anything like bag.
Other shoes:
Reebok Nano 4.0 size 9.5 (4/9/2015)
Inov-8 F-lite 195 size 9.5 (10/27/2015)
Not sure why my beaded rope is so much shorter than the speed rope, but I will replace with 9' rope when ordering and just add in a couple of knots.
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Oracle Gym
(12:00 PM)
Run (35 min)
3.36 mile loop. Paced with a group at the beginning.
Skills (20 min)
3 rounds of 1 Wall Walk-up, 2 Handstand Kick-ups to wall
10 pull ups (3-2-2-2-1)
15 T2B (7-5-3)
Oracle Gym
(12:00 PM)
Run (35 min)
3.36 mile loop. Paced with a group at the beginning.
Skills (20 min)
3 rounds of 1 Wall Walk-up, 2 Handstand Kick-ups to wall
10 pull ups (3-2-2-2-1)
15 T2B (7-5-3)
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Olympic Weightlifting
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Coach Jonathon
(1:30 PM) 5 of us including Fabby, Donna, Geoff, Sameer and me
Warm Up
20 pass throughs, 10 around the worlds in each direction. Burgener warm up - shrugs, high elbows, muscle snatch, hang power snatch with PVC
Snatch Balance
Drop under PVC
4 x 5 reps Snatch Balance with 45# bar. This felt pretty good.
10 min AMRAP:
10 no push up Burpees
10 Alternating DB Muscle Snatch (25#)
10 Russian Twists (15#)
10 Turkish Get-ups (20# KB)
I got 1 round plus 37 reps. The Turkish get-ups were agonizingly slow, but I maintained reasonable form.
Coach Jonathon
(1:30 PM) 5 of us including Fabby, Donna, Geoff, Sameer and me
Warm Up
20 pass throughs, 10 around the worlds in each direction. Burgener warm up - shrugs, high elbows, muscle snatch, hang power snatch with PVC
Snatch Balance
Drop under PVC
4 x 5 reps Snatch Balance with 45# bar. This felt pretty good.
10 min AMRAP:
10 no push up Burpees
10 Alternating DB Muscle Snatch (25#)
10 Russian Twists (15#)
10 Turkish Get-ups (20# KB)
I got 1 round plus 37 reps. The Turkish get-ups were agonizingly slow, but I maintained reasonable form.
Monday, August 15, 2016
Clean and Jerk
Saturday, August 13, 2016
24 Hour Fitness
8:40 AM
Warm Up (10 min)
4 laps on track, foam rolling, Sampson stretches
Jump Rope (5 min)
Double under work, several good unbroken sets 8-11 reps, then right calf started to tighten up.
Clean and Jerk (20 min)
Burgener warm up
Sets were not unbroken. After the first couple at 95#, they were all singles
Simms Street Center (15 min)
Stretching, hollow body holds, superman holds, 100 push ups
24 Hour Fitness
8:40 AM
Warm Up (10 min)
4 laps on track, foam rolling, Sampson stretches
Jump Rope (5 min)
Double under work, several good unbroken sets 8-11 reps, then right calf started to tighten up.
Clean and Jerk (20 min)
Burgener warm up
Sets were not unbroken. After the first couple at 95#, they were all singles
Simms Street Center (15 min)
Stretching, hollow body holds, superman holds, 100 push ups
Friday, August 12, 2016
Friday, August 12, 2016
Oracle Gym
11:15 AM
3.3 mile Broomfield Loop
10 strict pull-ups
3x6 assisted dips
4 rounds of 1 wall walk-up, 1 handstand kick-up
Oracle Gym
11:15 AM
3.3 mile Broomfield Loop
10 strict pull-ups
3x6 assisted dips
4 rounds of 1 wall walk-up, 1 handstand kick-up
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Push Press
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Coach Jeremy @ MBS CrossFit
(11:00 AM) 8 of us including Marissa, Sherry, Erika, Mandy, Ravel, Tom, Rusty and me
Warm Up
Quadraped pointers 16x20 seconds (20 seconds static L, 20 seconds static R, 20 seconds dynamic L, 20 seconds dynamic R, repeat)
Air squats with normal stance, wide stance, toes pointed in, narrow stance, etc (range of motion varied significantly).
Jump Rope, Plank Hold, Backstep lunges, Ab Mat Sit-ups - Tabata for 2 rounds
With 45# bar, strict press, kips swings, push press, pull-ups, push jerk (5-10 reps of each)
Push Press
5x3 E3OM - 65#, 95#, 105#, 105#, 105#
30 Thrusters
30 Pull-ups
30 Shoulder to OH
Fitness was 75# with elevated ring rows. This was a tough workout. I managed 15-5-5-5 on the thrusters. I did ring rows and had to split those up as well 10-6-6-4-4. The shoulder to OH should have just been a blast through. Instead it was 10-5-5-5-5. I still managed to finish in 7:37. With the roughly 10 minute cap, I may have been able to do pull-ups, but was otherwise pleased with the effort.
Finish with mobility - banded shoulders and squat against wall. Jeremy was doing the extra credit between classes (wall balls and muscle ups)
Coach Jeremy @ MBS CrossFit
(11:00 AM) 8 of us including Marissa, Sherry, Erika, Mandy, Ravel, Tom, Rusty and me
Warm Up
Quadraped pointers 16x20 seconds (20 seconds static L, 20 seconds static R, 20 seconds dynamic L, 20 seconds dynamic R, repeat)
Air squats with normal stance, wide stance, toes pointed in, narrow stance, etc (range of motion varied significantly).
Jump Rope, Plank Hold, Backstep lunges, Ab Mat Sit-ups - Tabata for 2 rounds
With 45# bar, strict press, kips swings, push press, pull-ups, push jerk (5-10 reps of each)
Push Press
5x3 E3OM - 65#, 95#, 105#, 105#, 105#
30 Thrusters
30 Pull-ups
30 Shoulder to OH
Fitness was 75# with elevated ring rows. This was a tough workout. I managed 15-5-5-5 on the thrusters. I did ring rows and had to split those up as well 10-6-6-4-4. The shoulder to OH should have just been a blast through. Instead it was 10-5-5-5-5. I still managed to finish in 7:37. With the roughly 10 minute cap, I may have been able to do pull-ups, but was otherwise pleased with the effort.
Finish with mobility - banded shoulders and squat against wall. Jeremy was doing the extra credit between classes (wall balls and muscle ups)
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Olympic Weightlifting
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Coach Jonathan
(1:30 PM) 5 of us including Jen, Fabby, Donna, Sameer and me
6 rounds of 4 Power Snatch and 2 Overhead Squat
Alternated with Sameer and did 45#, 55#, 60#, 65#, 65#, 65#
15 minute AMRAP
8 DB Hang Clean (25#)
8 DB Front Squat (25#)
16 Pike-Tucks
The sit-ups were the worst part. I started a little fast and finished with 6 Rounds + 30 reps.
Finished with lacrosse ball mobility
Coach Jonathan
(1:30 PM) 5 of us including Jen, Fabby, Donna, Sameer and me
6 rounds of 4 Power Snatch and 2 Overhead Squat
Alternated with Sameer and did 45#, 55#, 60#, 65#, 65#, 65#
15 minute AMRAP
8 DB Hang Clean (25#)
8 DB Front Squat (25#)
16 Pike-Tucks
The sit-ups were the worst part. I started a little fast and finished with 6 Rounds + 30 reps.
Finished with lacrosse ball mobility
Sunday, August 7, 2016
Back Squat
Sunday, August 7, 2016
24 Hour Fitness
8:45 AM (60 min total)
Warm Up (15 min)
4 laps around track, foam rolling, bear crawl forwards & backwards,
Jump Rope (15 min)
Drills, double unders and double under attempts. About 75 including stringing together 16 unbroken!!
Handstand Technique (15 min)
Headstand, 2 wall walk ups then kick-ups. Several handstand holds for 3-5 seconds. Felt a lot more comfortable in the handstand position.
Back Squat
Finished with some wall ball shots. 12# ball to 10' target - 10 reps, 5, reps, 7 reps. Feeling pretty thrashed.
24 Hour Fitness
8:45 AM (60 min total)
Warm Up (15 min)
4 laps around track, foam rolling, bear crawl forwards & backwards,
Jump Rope (15 min)
Drills, double unders and double under attempts. About 75 including stringing together 16 unbroken!!
Handstand Technique (15 min)
Headstand, 2 wall walk ups then kick-ups. Several handstand holds for 3-5 seconds. Felt a lot more comfortable in the handstand position.
Back Squat
Finished with some wall ball shots. 12# ball to 10' target - 10 reps, 5, reps, 7 reps. Feeling pretty thrashed.
Thursday, August 4, 2016
Bench Press
Thursday, August 4, 2016
Oracle Gym
12:15 PM
Warm Up
1000m row and banded ankle/shoulder stretches, 15 minutes total warm up
Double Unders
Drills, double unders/attempts. Got 13 once and 11 once. Was often stringing a few together. 15 minutes total
Started with headstand hold and then did handstand kick-ups and wall walk-ups. Several times, I could kick up and hold. Wall walk-ups were tighter than usual. 15 minutes total.
Bench Press
12x105# (failed set, only got 8 reps)
Oracle Gym
12:15 PM
Warm Up
1000m row and banded ankle/shoulder stretches, 15 minutes total warm up
Double Unders
Drills, double unders/attempts. Got 13 once and 11 once. Was often stringing a few together. 15 minutes total
Started with headstand hold and then did handstand kick-ups and wall walk-ups. Several times, I could kick up and hold. Wall walk-ups were tighter than usual. 15 minutes total.
Bench Press
12x105# (failed set, only got 8 reps)
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Olympic Weightlifting
Wednesday, August 2, 2016
Coach Meriah at Oracle Gym
(1:30 PM) Sameer, Jeff, Sarah, Jen and me
Warm Up
Dynamic warm up - high knees down and back, butt kickers down and back, bounds opposite arm opposite leg, bounds same arm same leg, lunge to the side and pivot, drinking birds (kick leg forward and then Frankenstein forward to ground, duck walk
Air squat look at form, only go as low as you feel comfortable without breaking form.
Wall squat (squat therapy) - only go as low as you can before breaking form. I need to work on hip and shoulder mobility.
Burgener warm-up
1. Shrugs (meat shrugs, not shoulders)
2. High elbows, weight should float up
3. Muscle snatch (pivot wrists over)
4. Drop to half squat
5. Drop to best squat
A lot of emphasis on foot work and finding stance. Shoulders back, chest high. Finished with snatches from just above knee caps. Chest tall, knees back, swing knees under and finish in squat snatch. Everything was done with PVC.
Finished with 10 minutes of kick into handstands and wall walk ups.
Coach Meriah at Oracle Gym
(1:30 PM) Sameer, Jeff, Sarah, Jen and me
Warm Up
Dynamic warm up - high knees down and back, butt kickers down and back, bounds opposite arm opposite leg, bounds same arm same leg, lunge to the side and pivot, drinking birds (kick leg forward and then Frankenstein forward to ground, duck walk
Air squat look at form, only go as low as you feel comfortable without breaking form.
Wall squat (squat therapy) - only go as low as you can before breaking form. I need to work on hip and shoulder mobility.
Burgener warm-up
1. Shrugs (meat shrugs, not shoulders)
2. High elbows, weight should float up
3. Muscle snatch (pivot wrists over)
4. Drop to half squat
5. Drop to best squat
A lot of emphasis on foot work and finding stance. Shoulders back, chest high. Finished with snatches from just above knee caps. Chest tall, knees back, swing knees under and finish in squat snatch. Everything was done with PVC.
Finished with 10 minutes of kick into handstands and wall walk ups.
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
24 Hour Fitness
(6:00 AM) with Aziz
Warm Up
4 laps on track, foam rolling, banded ankle and shoulder stretches
Walking Lunges
1 lap around track (115 lunges) with 10# dumbbell in each hand
5x15 @ 95#, 105#, 115#, 125#, 135#
2 Rounds of 30 second stations:
KB Swings (12kg)
Wall Ball shots (12# to 10')
Battle Ropes (alternating arms)
Not a bad little routine, I could manage 40 reps/rounds, but took a break about 20 seconds into the Battle ropes.
24 Hour Fitness
(6:00 AM) with Aziz
Warm Up
4 laps on track, foam rolling, banded ankle and shoulder stretches
Walking Lunges
1 lap around track (115 lunges) with 10# dumbbell in each hand
5x15 @ 95#, 105#, 115#, 125#, 135#
2 Rounds of 30 second stations:
KB Swings (12kg)
Wall Ball shots (12# to 10')
Battle Ropes (alternating arms)
Not a bad little routine, I could manage 40 reps/rounds, but took a break about 20 seconds into the Battle ropes.
Monday, August 1, 2016
Front Squat
Monday, August 1, 2016
Oracle Gym
11:30 AM
Warm Up
3.3 mile run, followed by banded ankle stretches, pass throughs, banded shoulder stretches.
Front Squat
Finish with some technique stuff
Strict Pull-ups 5-3-2
Pike against wall, couch stretch
Kick-up to hand stand 4X, 1 wall walk up
Oracle Gym
11:30 AM
Warm Up
3.3 mile run, followed by banded ankle stretches, pass throughs, banded shoulder stretches.
Front Squat
Finish with some technique stuff
Strict Pull-ups 5-3-2
Pike against wall, couch stretch
Kick-up to hand stand 4X, 1 wall walk up
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