Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Oracle Gym
11:15 AM
Warm Up (20 min)
4 rounds of
0:15 Jumping Jacks
0:15 Air Squat
0:15 Mountain Climbers
0:15 Jump Squat
0:15 Rest
QPED Pointer - 4 rounds of Static L/R, Dynamic L/R
Jump Rope - Tabata singles, drills, then double under/attempts
Bench Press
1x20 RM
I used 95# and it was tough. I might have had 100# in me, but not 105#. I did two additional sets at 115# (7 reps, 6 reps).
Metabolic Conditioning
For time:
1000m Row
100 sit-ups
50 PS (65#) - scaled to 55# HPS
This was exhausting as expected. The row was OK and I finished in 4:50. The sit-ups were OK through 20 and then I was doing sets of 10 and 5. The Hang Power Snatches were the same. I got the first 10 and then sets of 5. I could not imagine going from the ground for all of them. I finished in 19:05.
Mobility - finished with squat against wall and couch stretch.
1:05 total workout time
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