Friday, August 26, 2016

Clean and Jerk

Friday, August 26, 2016

Coach Ben

(11:00 AM) 6 of us including Tim, Tim, Eric, Val, and me

Warm Up

400m jog

Crossover Symmetry - 20 pull straight back alternating arms, 10 air squats, 20 lat pulls, 10 reverse lunges, 20 alternating shoulder forward with straight arms, then 10 overhead press, 10 burpees.  Repeat with 5 air squats, 6 reverse lunges, 5 burpees

Barbell Warm Up - 5 strict press, 5 push press, 5 push jerk, 6 split jerk (alternating front foot).  2 rounds of overhead complex of 4 motions.  Then Shrugs, muscle clean, hang power clean, power clean.

Workout of the Day

1. Strength (keep weight low and focus on skill and warming up for workout)

OTM x5: (from rack)
Press + Push press + Push jerk + Split Jerk

I did 65#, 75#, 85#, 95#, 95#

OTM x 5: (from ground)
Hang power clean + full power clean + push or split jerk

I did push jerks for the first 4 and finished with a split jerk at 95#, 105#, 115#, 125# and 125#

2. WOD

CL&J: 5
Burpee over bar: 12
AMRAP: 12 Minutes

F – 95/65 lb.
Rx – 135/95 lb.
Rx+ 185/125 lb. (Use if your clean and jerk is at or above 225/145)

I used 95# and finished 4 rounds + 7 reps.  The CL&J was not too bad, but I was doing singles.  The burpees as per my engine were the worst and I was stepping up in the first round to keep my breathing under control.

3. Extra Credit

T2B: 100 for time

I was wiped out after this workout.  I did some kips swings, some knees swings, some swings to legs parallel and then did 3 sets of kipping toes to bar as best I could.  I could string together 3 reps, but my toes did not touch, they cam reasonably close.

Met Mukund who is in CrossFit Light, works at GHX

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