Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Coach Kyle
(8AM) about 10 of us including Heidi, Chris, David and others
1:15 banded left arm, 1:15 banded right arm, 2:30 bent over lower chest arms on barbell
Split Jerk
12 minutes to work up to 2RM. I worked out with Mike who had an extremely stable overhead position. I went 95#, 125#, 125#, 115#, and 115#. A tip I got was to get a good bend in the back leg and really drop under. Don't push the bar up, drop under it.
2 Rounds for time of 100 Double Unders, 50 Shoulder to Overhead (95#/65#), and 25 Toes to Bar.
I scaled to 65# and started with sets of 10 and then 5 repetitions. I scaled to count single unders, double unders and double under attempts was able to string together quite a few. I scaled to knees to parallel and felt an unusually smooth kipping motion and was able to finish the 25 reps in 2-3 sets. I finished the workout in 18:24.
Overall impressions:
Coach Kyle was a really attentive coach and the box had a broad range of Rx+ and scaling athletes. It was well outfitted, but I was a little disappointed not to get a t-shirt. Drop in rate was $20 for the first visit and $10 for additional drop ins. It was clean and not hard to find.
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