Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Coach Rich
(11 AM) about 10 of us including Bob, Tom, Jeremy, Reva, Val and several others
1. 5-10 min of dynamic wu
2. Jog to road
3. Review workout and ready stations
Workout of the Day
For time:
400 meter OH plate carry, 45/25 lb.
100 Burpees
75 Box jumps, 24/20″ (step down suggested)
Row 1,000 meters
50 Ball slams 30/20
50 Barbell front rack reverse lunges (in place), 45/35
50 Bicep curls, 45/35 lb.
100 Air squats
There is a 40-min cap on this workout. You may partition any of the stations and do them in any order. Just try to finish!
I broke this up into 5 rounds of 15 box jumps (20"), 20 air squats and 20 burpees with the other stations between rounds. I used 25# for the OH plate carry, 15# for the Ball Slam and 2x20# dumbbells for the biceps curls. I did not get to the reverse lunges, but was planning on 35#.
This was a workout that really called for me to embrace the suck. I was crawling through the burpees and time was called when I was on number 94. I did the extra 6 walked around a bit and did the the last 25 biceps curls after time was called. I should have broken up all of the stations. The OH plate carry had me setting it down every 50 meters. The Ball slams started with sets of 10 that devolved into sets of 5. The only reasonable output was the 1000m row. I will have to do the reverse lunges sometime to gauge those.
Finished with mobility, squat against wall.
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