Monday, August 5, 2024

USAWA Records Potential

195 Lifts
  • 56 Have Age/Weight Record
  • 113 Could set a record
  • 17 Age/Weight Class record is beyond my capability today
  • 8 Cannot perform due to mobility (wrist, ankle, hips, shoulders)
  • 1 Inman
Of the 113 lifts
  • 27 presses
  • 13 deadlifts
  • 2 squats
  • 15 misc
  • 19 dumbbells
  • 3 Fulton bar (should nab these last three)
  • 0 Heavy Lifts (all established records are too high, have stood since the 1990's)
  • 10 OTSM
  • 24 Special Equipment
Only (4) of those require special equipment I do not have:
  • Trap Bar Deadlift
  • Back Lift - Record Too High - 1500 pounds
  • Foot Press
  • Deadlift 3" Bar
  • Dumbbell Walk
  • Harness Lift - Record Too High - 1905 pounds
I could do the (4) Roman Chair ones by rigging something up

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