Friday, August 23, 2024

Brick Workout (Bike-Run-Bike)

Friday, August 23, 2024

Home Gym



I decided to try riding out to Harriman Reservoir, do a loop on the trail and ride home.  This simple workout allowed me to work through some little logistical concerns, give my single speed some love and get in a pleasant run.


Bike 1 - 1.76 miles (9:16)
Run - 1.60 miles (19:07)
Bike 2 - 1.73 miles (8:37)
37:00 (not including transitions)

The Mercier handled well and it was not too difficult to carry along a bike lock.  Ideally it would be mounted to the frame, but worked fine the way I did it.  Locking it to a fence post seemed to work well.  The loop was quick and the ride home was mostly downhill.

I wore run clothes for the whole thing and that worked fine.  I carried my phone and the bike lock & keys.

I recorded it on the Garmin as (3) separate events, but will try setting it up as a brick workout in the future.

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