Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Coach Meriah
(11:00 AM) 7 of us including Val, Mike, Tim K, Tim P, Jeremy, Ravel and me
Warm Up
Run to the fence and back then dumbbell sequence
3 rounds of
5-10 push-ups
10 rows
10 jump land flat on feet
10 deadlift
10 hang squat clean into thruster
10 box step-ups
I used 10# dumbbells
On floor do tap and go scorpions, stretch forward left, right, center, and some downward dogs, up dogs.
Barbell warm-up
3 rounds of
5 Wide legged Good Mornings
5 Wide legged Back Squat
5 Sumo Dead Lift
Between rounds do hang from bar, then light kips, then bigger kips
I used a 45# bar.
Sumo Dead Lift
1x20 RM
I warmed up with 75#, then 95# and opted for 105# for the workout. Most other guys used 135#-185#.
15min AMRAP
100m Run
7 Burpee Box Jump Overs (20")
7 Hanging leg raises
This was the fitness standards, Rx was a 24" box and Toes to Bar.
I felt pretty smooth through 3 rounds and then the burpees started to catch up with me. I ended up doing 5 Rounds + 8 reps, and could not get to the bar in time for the last round of kipping leg raises. My kips were much smoother than usual.
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