Thursday, June 23, 2016

Overhead Squats

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Coach Meriah

(11:00 AM) about 11 of us including Sam, Reva, Brandon, Ben, John and me

Warm Up

800m run followed by dead ball plops, granny tosses, plops, side tosses right, side tosses left, overhead tosses and slams

Sexy Squats (Good morning pivoting into back squat), Overhead Press, Overhead Squats


Romanian Deadlifts

Every 3 minutes on the 3 minutes

Romanian Deadlifts are an accessory exercise with the butt kept higher and pushed back more.  Legs have a slight bend and flare out as the weight is lowered.

I worked out with Brandon and did 135#, 185#, 185#, 205#, 205#


4 rounds of

15 Overhead Squats
12 Ball Slams
9 Push ups

Fitness was 75#, <25#, regular push-ups
Rx was 95#, 25#, ring push-ups

As I continue to struggle with my OH Squats, I opted to do the workout at 35#.  I used 10# for the slam ball and did ring push-ups.  I finished in 9:28 with a pretty steady effort.  After the first round I broke the squats into 9/6.  I could do unbroken ball slams.  For push-ups I went 5/4, 5/4, 4/3/2, and 3/3/3

Finished with mobility, squat against wall.

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