Thursday, January 30, 2025

Hyrox Preview

The Hyrox is this weekend!  

This event has been on the calendar since September 2024.  For the past 5 months I have been doing general training along with some specific training.  I have gotten in some long runs and overall feel comfortable with the movements.  I have practiced transitions and I understand the movement standards.  I am most comfortable with ski, row and farmer carry.  Burpee, lunges and wall ball with be slow but doable.  Sled Push/Pull will be a bit of a wild card.
  • 8x1K runs - Slow, but steady, target 7:30 pace - 60
  • Ski Erg - 1000 m (raise hand for judge) 6
  • Sled Push - 50 m (336 pounds, 4X, 3 min penalty each missed lane) 8
  • Sled Pull - 50 m (225 pounds, 4X, stay between the lines, do not step on solid line, 3 min penalty for each missed lane) 8
  • Burpee Broad Jumps - 80 m - hands cannot be more than 1 foot from feet, 5 meter penalties 15
  • Row - 1000 m (raise hand for judge) 6
  • Farmer Carry - 200 m (2x24kg should be fine, allowed to set them down) 4
  • Sandbag Lunge - 100 m (20kg no setting the sandbag down,  sandbag across both shoulders) 12
  • Wall Ball Shots - 100 with 14# to 10' Target 10
  • RoxZone, Hydrate, etc 8
Out 1 (ski) - 14:30 (7:30 + 1 + 6 = 14:30)
Out 2 (push) - 31:00 (7:30 + 1 + 8 = 16:30)
Out 3 (pull) - 47:30 (7:30 + 1 + 8 = 16:30)
Out 4 (bbj) - 1:11:00 (7:30 + 1 + 15 = 23:30)
Out 5 (row) - 1:25:30 (7:30 + 1 + 6 = 14:30)
Out 6 (farmer) - 1:38:00 (7:30 + 1 + 4 = 12:30)
Out 7 (lunge) - 1:58:30 (7:30 + 1 + 12 = 20:30)
Finish line (wbs) - 2:17:00 (7:30 + 1 + 10 = 18:30)

I will be flying out to Las Vegas on Saturday afternoon (depart 2:40; land 3:40 PM; hotel 5:30 PM) and will hopefully make my way to the Home2Suites without incident.  I should arrive with plenty of time to grab a light dinner at the hotel and sleep fitfully, but hopefully still rested.

0545 alarm
0630 meet Dave to walk to venue
0700 arrive at venue, check in, bag drop, warm up, Larabar, hydrate
0840 race start
1100 race finish, hang out, take pictures spectate, buy swag, get food
1600 head to next hotel, shower, clean up

Hang out with Mom for a couple of days, play some poker, grab lunch, watch television and fly back on Tuesday (depart 4:55 PM, land 7:50 PM, home 9:30 PM?)

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