Westbound CrossFit (Coach Loni)
0900 (9 of us)
Pre-Class Routine
5 minute ankle distraction
25/20 cal bike or row
6 BB front squats
6 hang clean pull shrugs
6 bb overhead trunk rotations
*grab heavy band
:30 band assisted squat on rig, band around hips
8 band resisted good mornings, band on rig
:30 half kneeling banded lat stretch
:10 dead hang + 10 scap pull ups
:10 hold, elbows at 90 degrees
10 kip swings
10 front to back rocks, elbows at 90 degrees
5 kipping pull ups w/ band if needed
:15 active bottom squat
8 squat jumps w/ pulse in bottom
6 back squats
6 back squat trunk rotations
15:00 to Complete
5 Sets
5 Back Squat @ 72-78%
----2:00 Rest B/t----
I went 135-135-135-145-145 (61% of 235 1RM) playing it safe for Hyrox this weekend
On a 10:00 Clock,
40/30 Cal Row
40 Ring Rows
25 Hang Power Cleans (75/55#)
25 Front Squats
Max Rep Z-Press (35/25#)
I scaled to 30 calories, 20 HPC at 55#, 20 FS at 55# and had about 90 seconds left for Z-Press. Finished 16 presses with 25# dumbbells.
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