Sunday, January 1, 2017
Aspire Fitness
2:30 PM
Jump Rope - 8 minutes
1 minute rounds of singles, doubles were not going well
WOD warm-up - air squats, thrusters, treadmill run, shoulder warm-up
4-3 - unweighted
1 + 10#
1 + 25#
1 + 30#
1 + 35#
Main Site WOD
21 DB thrusters
400m run
18 DB thrusters
400m run
15 DB thrusters
400m run
I used 20# DB and was very surprised at how tough it was. I broke up the thrusters into set of 2-3 to get through the round and finished in 13:49. It was kind of weird to do treadmill runs and I was fiddling with my pace quite a bit.
Finished with HSPU progression. Feet on box (5-3-3-2 reps). Then 3 handstand kick-ups and a wall squat
Right upper quad still felt tense.
1 hour total workout
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