Friday, July 15, 2016

Thrusters - Helen

Friday, July 15, 2016

Coach Ben

(11:00 AM) 5 of us including John, Steve, Sherri, Ravel and me

Warm Up

30 minute warm up including 400 m run, couch stretch, gorilla crawl, butt kicks, high knees, duck walk, prison squats, leg over fence backwards and forwards, bear crawlesque bring hands forward hop both legs towards hands, couch stretch, handstand static hold belly facing wall.

Pass throughs, backwards pass throughs, PVC thrusters (visualize attempts), banded shoulder stretches with dynamic elements.

With 45# bar, cleans, shoulder to overhead, squats, thrusters.


2 RM

I worked out with John and we did 65#, 85#, 95#, 115#, 135# PR!!

Max reps in 2 minutes (Fitness 75/55#, Rx 95/65#, Rx+ 135/95#)

I used the Fitness standard and got 19 reps at 75# (9, 6, 3, 1)


3 Rounds of
400m Run
KB Swing 55#/35#
12 Pull-ups

I was shooting for Rx, but after grabbing the 55#KB, I opted for 35# for the swings.  Runs were slow around 2:30, first 2 rounds of KB swings were unbroken.  All the pull-ups were broken with 3-2-2 or 3-2 and then singles.

I finished the first round around 4 min, second round at 8:40 and the third round at 13:17.  I felt pretty good about the effort and want to work on heavier KB swings and unbroken pull-ups.

The last time I did this workout was on July 27, 2015 when I finished in 11:32.  This was about 2 minutes slower, but still ahead of the first time I did the workout on June 1, 2015 when I finished in 14:03.

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