Thursday, July 21, 2016

Overhead Press

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Coach Meriah

(11:00 AM) About 10 of us including Nick, Ravel, Forrest, Kayla, Bob, Tom and me

Warm Up

Run to Fence and back.  Then 5 rounds of 15 seconds each jumping jacks, air squats, mountain climbers, jumping air squats.

Stretches from downward dog, raise leg and flop over, then drop into proud pigeon, then grab back foot, both sides then child's pose.

Tabata:  From table top, float knees, raise opposite arm opposite knee an shoot through into break dance pose, both sides, 3 times through.

Banded shoulders, biceps by ear (internal/external rotation), overhead, triceps

Strict Overhead Press

10x2 EMOM


Felt pretty good.  105# was too heavy, struggled with last set.


800m Run
50 KB Swing
50 Wall Ball Shots

F – 35/16, 10/6
Rx – 44/26, 14/10
Rx+ – 53/35, 20/14

I used the Fitness weights and finished in 9:15.  I got the run in 3:47, the KB swing in 30/20 and the wall ball shots in 15/15/10/10.

Extra Credit

3x8 GHD sit-ups

6x legless rope climbs (got between 9-12 feet, never made it to the top).  This was a huge win for me and I want to shoot for a full legless rope climb.

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