Friday, July 29, 2016


Friday, July 29, 2016

Coach Ben

(11:00 AM) with Craig, Tim, Ravel, John, Val, another girl and me

Warm Up

500m Row, banded good morning, banded squat walk sideways and back, banded hamstring curls

3 rounds Sprint 100m, backpedal back (50%, 65%, 80% effort), banded sprints to end of rig, quick feet.


10 rounds of

5 burpees
100m sprint



5 rounds of

5 burpees
100m sprint

with partner (each partner does round and then tags out)

The burpees were tough, but I was managing each round in 30-40 seconds.  I was never rested for the next step and my last 5 sprints were jogs.  With a partner it felt easier, even though we were getting less rest.

Extra Credit

10 rounds of

10 Wall Balls (20#)
5 Toes to Bar


This was supposed to be a 30# ball to a 10 foot target, but I could not even manage that.  I did 7-8 wall balls an the first 3 rounds, then 5 shots for the remainder.  On the toes to bar I similarly dropped from 4-5 down to 3 on the last 4-5 rounds.

Technique queue - Keep eyes forward and try to activate lats to get higher and touch toes.  I worked on this the last few rounds.  I was not touching the bar, but I was getting within 6 inches and they looked much better.

Finish with couch stretch, hamstring (pike against wall)

GHD sit-ups (8, 4)

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