Saturday, October 29, 2022

Swim - Bench Press

Saturday, October 29, 2022



Swim - 1000 yards

1x250 FR
1x200 FR
1x150 FR
1x100 BR
1x100 BA
1x100 FR
1x100 BR

30 minutes total swim

Garage Gym


Bench Press + Pull-up

8x45 + 1 cannonball
8x95 + 1 cannonball
8x115 + 1 cannonball
5x135 + 1 clock
2x155 + 1 clock
2x155 + 1 regular

20 minutes total strength

Friday, October 28, 2022

Jacobs Ladder

Never thought I would see this in the secondary markets.  Being offered by Kira Scheuppert in Englewood for $2,495 on 10/28/2022.

Barbell Holder

It's come to this.  I am finally in the market for a free standing barbell holder.

  • Beater Bar - 2015
  • Technique Bar - 2016
  • Axle Bar - 2020 (February)
  • Bella Bar - 2021 (January)
  • Eleiko - 2021 (December)
  • Deadlift Bar - 2022 (June)
  • Farmers Carry Handles - 2022 (July) - first bars to be leaned up in corner
  • Loadable Dumbbell Handles - 2022 (September)
  • Thick Bar - 2022 (October)
  • Angle Multi-Grip Bar - 2022 (October)
While I do prefer wall mounted storage, I find myself in a precarious position due to the thick bar and multi-grip bar.  Also the shear number of twelve bars is presenting an issue.  Right now six bars are stored nicely on the wall and six are leaned up against corners.

My garage daily driver is the Eleiko and the basement daily driver is the Beater Bar.  The Technique and Bella Bar are used for overhead squats and Olympic Lifting.  I originally bough the Axle for grip work and continental cleans.  The Deadlift Bar, Farmer's Carry, Loadable Dumbbells, Thick Bar and Angle bar are toys that are fun to work into training, but do not see much action.

I am settled on a 9 barbell freestanding barbell holder.  Rogue is $165 + $50 tax and shipping or $215 all in.  Titan model is $105 shipped (up from $85 two years ago).  I have not seen any other brands that seem interesting.  5 bar holders are less stable.  Anything larger takes up a pretty large footprint.  Will likely be ordering the Titan model soon.  There is a Rogue model on Facebook Marketplace for $160.

As soon as I got ready to order this, a Titan model showed up on Facebook Marketplace for $60, but I cannot get in touch with the guy.

The guy came through this morning (11/3/2022) and I picked it up at lunch!

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Accessory - Metcon

Thursday, October 27, 2022

CFG - Janet

1200 - 12 of us


3 Minutes - Foam Roll (Lats, Glutes, Quads, Calves)

4 SETS (:20 ON // :10 OFF)
MVMT 1 - Box Step-Ups
MVMT 2 - Jumping Air Squats
MVMT 3 - Scap Pull-Ups
MVMT 4 - Knee Push-Ups

1 SET = MVMT 1 - MVMT 4
2-3 Minutes Additional Stretching


15 Banded Hollow Pushdowns
10/10 Single Arm Ring Rows
10 DB Front Raise + Lateral Raise*

-Rest As Needed b/t Sets-
*1 REP = 1 Front Raise + 1 Lateral Raise

Banded Hollow Pushdowns were interesting.  Using a red band attached low on the rig.  Get in hollow body position and push down with extended arms.  I could do 3-5 reps and then have to get in a tuck.

Ring Rows were fine.

Raises - I tested 10# which seemed heavy and went with 5# change plates.  They were a little light so I slowed my tempo


15 Box Jumps (24/20)
30 DB Floor Press (35/20)
15 Toes to Bar
30 Alt. No Push-Up Renegade Rows

-Rest w/ Time Remaining-

I scaled this near perfectly.  
20" box for 15 Box Jumps
30 DB Floor Press with 25# (unbroken then 20/10)
15 Hanging Knee Raise (10/5)
30 Shoulder Taps (20/10)**In the future, I want to try some weight and lower the rep count

I was very consistent at:


400/300 Alt. Box Step-Ups
Week 2 of 4 -- "Chad" Extra Credit
*Weight Vest Optional

***Did 300 step ups in 24:21 at 1800***

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Deadlift - Metcon

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

CFG - Lucas

1200 - 13 of us


100m Run
4 Hand Release Push-Ups
8 Hollow Rocks
12 Good Morning*
*R2 - Glute Bridges
*R3 - Barbell RDL


Deadlift (4x3 @ 80-85%*)
*Base percentages off 2-Rep Heavy.
(Score is Weight)
Week 4 of 11
I went 4x3 @225# (79% of 285# 2-Rep Heavy)


Deadlift (185/135)|(135/95)
*After Each Full Set, Complete a 200m Run. Ex: 20 Burpees + 20 Deadlifts + 200m Run. Once you complete the round of 10, start back at 20.
(Score is Total Reps)

I am not fast at burpees and I do not like complex movements during metabolic conditioning, but this fell into my wheelhouse.  I opted for burpees and 135# deadlifts with the intention of scaling volume if things got crazy (e.g. 12-9-6).

20 - Burpees in 2 min, deadlifts 10/6/4, 200m run in around 1:45, finished with 8:42 left on the clock (5:18 round)
15 - Burpees were OK, deadlifts 8/7, 200m run a little faster, finished with 3:36 left on the clock (5:06 round)
10 - Burpees OK, deadlifts 6/4, 200m run with 1:35 to go, got in the door and did 1 burpee before time was called (3:33 round)

Score = 94

Finished with 3x8 Glute Ham Raises (140#)

Mike Bartos PR Platform

Being offered by my favorite Strongman for $600 on 10/26/2022 ($500 on 10/28/2022, $400 on 11/1/2022, $350 on 11/6/2022, $300 on 11/8/2022).  It retails for $1,108 excluding taxes and shipping. - SOLD

He also relisted the Arsenal Strength Barbell for $200 on 10/26/2022.  I thought this had sold on 10/17/2022 for $150.  He either has another one or just withdrew it.  Sale Pending 11/1/2022 - SOLD

10/28/2022 - Listed Rep Fitness Crash Pads for $100 - about fair market value. - SOLD

10/29/2022 - Listed Rogue Deep Dish 25# plates for $50 (retail $118 + $50 tax and shipping) - SOLD

10/31/2022 - Kabuki Painpill - $100 ($80 11/1/2022; $50 on 11/4/2022) - Retail $339

10/31/2022 - Mike Bartos Husafell Stone of Steel - $600 - SOLD, $1,093 retail

11/6/2022 - CoolMitt listed for $750 (retails for $1500), $500 on 11/8/2022 - SOLD

11/6/2022 - Carol Bike $800 (retails for $2500), $700 on 11/8/2022, $500 on 11/9/2022

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Pull-ups - Metcon

Tuesday, October 25, 2022




TABATA (4 rounds)
MVMT 1: Easy Bike/Row → Mod Bike/Row → Hard Bike/Row → Sprint Bike/Row
MVMT 2: Bootstrap Squats → Cossack Squats → Sumo Squats → Air Squats

-Rest 1:00-

TABATA (4 rounds)
MVMT 1: Ring Rows → RIng Rows →Scap Pull-Ups→Scap Pull-Ups
MVMT 2: Banded Bent Over Rows → Band Pull Aparts →Banded Pull Downs → Down Dog Stretch

*Complete all variations of MVMT 1, then move to MVMT 2 - I alternated


8-12 Banded Wide Grip Pull-Ups
15-20 Banded Dante Rows

-Rest As Needed b/t Sets-
(No Measure)
Week 4 of 5
I did two sets of 4 wide grip pull-up with green band.  First set was good, second set was not getting chin over bar.  15 Dante Rows with red band.


MIN 1 - 15/12 Cal Bike or 12/10 Cal Row
MIN 2 - AMRAP of 6 Air Squats + 3 Pull-Ups
MIN 3 - Rest

*Pick up where you left off. 

This was as tough as advertised.  I scaled to 10 cal bike and was finishing in 45-50 seconds.

Round 1 - 2+6
Round 2 - 4+8
Round 3 - 7+0
Round 4 - 9:3
Round 5 - 11+5

I was keeping a pretty steady pace at about 2 rounds per minute.  I was doing kipping pull-ups.  I strung some together the first couple of rounds and then switched to singles.


5 rounds Tabata Abmat sit-ups.  8 reps/round.  40 total.

(Score is Total Rounds + Reps)

Monday, October 24, 2022

Push Press - Metcon

Monday, October 24, 2022

CFG - Lacey

1200 - 14 of us


3 Push-Up to Pike
6/4 Cal Row
5 Shoulder Swimmers
20 Jumping Jacks

Push Press (4x3 @ 80-85%*)

Push Press
*Base percentages off 2-Rep Heavy.
Week 4 of 11

I did 4x3 at 105# (78% of 135# 2-Rep Heavy)

Light It Up (Time)

50/40 Cal Row
60 Up-Downs
70 Alt. DB Hang Snatch + Push Press (50/35)|(35/20)*
60 Up-Downs
150 Double Unders
*1 REP = 1 Hang Snatch + 1 Push Press

NOTE: New Benchmark

50 cal row ~ 4 min
25 up downs ~2.5 min
70 alt db hang snatch - scaled to 25# ~6 min
25 up downs ~2.5 min
300 rope skips ~ 3 min

Total:  18:01


I rescued some bands that were being retired from the gym and thrown in the trash.  I grabbed 2 green and 1 blue band.  They had abmats for sale for $5, but I did not take any.

Grip Implements

Sean Dixon posted Rouge Fitness Cannon Ball and Grandfather Clock Grips for $50 in Littleton Colorado Yard Sale.

Rogue Cannonball Grips - $75 for 
2x Cannonballs
2x Straps
2x Carabiners

Grandfather Clock Grip Pair - $42.50

Folks use these as a pull-up variation, farmer's carries, deadlifts, etc.

Retail - 117.50
Offering - 42% of Retail

I have bought from him before and he is very fair in pricing.  Picked these up 10/25/2022

He is selling the rest of his gym as well:

53# KB Unbranded - $50
55# Bumper Pair Rogue Mil-Spec - $230
45# Bumper Pair Rogue Crumb - $200
25# Bumper Pair Rogue Mil-Spec - $120
10# Bumper Pair Rogue Mil-Spec - $30
10# Change Pair Rep Fitness - $30
45# Ohio Power Bar Black Zinc Rogue - $300
Squat Rack PRX Profile One with kipping bar - $800
He also had a barbell holder, timer and some boxing and climbing stuff

Dumbbell Storage

Wall Storage



I finally got around to hanging up my small York Roundheads.  York produced small dumbbells from 1-10 pounds + 12 pounds.  Most can be found relatively easily.  For some reason 6, 9 and 12 pound pairs are rare and command between $5-$10/pound.  I was fortunate to find 7 and 8 pound pairs in the wild for around $1/pound.  I have put together 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10 via Vintage Weightlifting Swap for $3-$4/pound.  It will be a while before I finish the set.

I plan to display the 5-12.  I will probably stash the 1-4 on mantels, book cases and my desk.

York also produced a salesman sample 0.5 pound dumbbell that is really hard to come by with collectors waiting months to purchase.

My medium Roundheads started my collection with 20-20-25 bought in Erie for $2/pound.  Locally, I was also able to find 15-15-15-30-30-40-40-45-50-50.  I traded weights for another 25-40.  I still need 35-35-45 to finish the series.  I should be able to manage these for $1.50/lb.

I am struggling at the heavy end.  I took ownership of a big haul including 55-60-65-70-75-80-85-90-95-100-100 locally.  I paired up the 60 via Vintage Weightlifting Swap.  I would like to liquidate the 80-100 and pair up the 55-65-70-75.  These weights are too heavy for me to train with on a regular basis and moving or selling these is not easy as it is difficult to ship anything over 70 pounds.

I have several urethane coated dumbbells that I use for functional fitness including 8s, 10s, 12s, 27.5s, 35s, and 50s.

I also have several that I need to sell.  Pro Style 25s, 45s, and 55s.  Neoprene coated 15s.  Cast Iron 10s.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Simpsons Fitness Supply - 2 Day Sale

Simpson's Fitness Supply in Arvada is having a big sale with goods marked down between 10 & 70%.

Obviously, not much I need, but a couple of things stood out:

Rock Tape Shin Guards - 40% off - ($30 to $18)
Rock Tape Arm Guards - 40% off - ($10 to $6)
Body Solid Utility Bench - 15% off ($253 to $215.05)

Arm Guard based on biceps measurement


I would need size Large - not available

Shin Guard based on calf measurement


I would need size Medium - not available

Good to know about the Utility Bench.  I am not a buyer, but nice to have a local source.

Flurry of Good Finds

I have come across a surprising number of nice finds recently on Facebook Marketplace.

Titan Fitness Angled Multi-Grip Bar - 48# retailed for $115 back in the day, purchased for $75 in like new condition.  Intended to mix up bench days, triceps extension and biceps curls.

York Roundheads - 15# pair, purchased for $50.  Exceptionally well refinished.  Pre-USA.  $10 cheaper and no shipping when compared with Vintage Weightlifting Swap message boards.

AFA Falcons (pending, fingers crossed) - 45# pair.  Mike Caldero listed the following with the picture below

1 45lb bar - Nothing special, use as beater or list
4 45lb plates - AFA Falcons and what looks like a Marcy Grip Pair
Dumbbells - I count 5 with maybe a 20# single, 45# pair and 50# pair
Curl barbell - 65lb - Kind of cool
Would like to sell all together

I was offering $120 for just the AFA Falcons pair, but he was willing to sell all for $300 ($400 listing price).  It will be painful, but I should be able to liquidate the balance for at or above cost.

The offering ended up being 580 pounds:
  • 45# Barbell - SOLD
  • 45# Marcy Pair - SOLD
  • 45# AFA Falcons Pair **So excited about these**
  • 65# Fixed Weight EZ Curl - SOLD
  • 65# DB Pair - SOLD
  • 55# DB Pair - SOLD
  • 25# DB Pair - SOLD
I will take pictures today and list the offering.  We will see how things go.

11/4/2022 - In the end, I was able to liquidate everything I did not need.  It took two weeks, a tremendous number of Craigslist and Facebook inquiries and meeting five different buyers.

Friday, October 21, 2022

Front Squat - Metcon

Friday, October 21, 2022

CFG - Lucas

1200 - 12 of us


5 BW Lunge-Lunge-Squats
5 Scap Pull-Ups
5 Ring Rows (R2: Jumping Pull-Ups)
5 Face Down Scorpions


5 Kip Swings (challenge for pause/beat swings!)
3-5 Strict Pull-Ups
5 Barbell Front Squats
5 Barbell Thrusters

Front Squat (5x4 @ 75-80%*)
*Base percentages off 2-Rep Heavy.
(Score is Weight)
Week 3 of 11

5x4@125# (72% of 2Rep Heavy, felt good)

TENET (Time)
Thrusters (95/65)

-Rest 3:00-

Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
Thrusters (115/75)

(Score is Total Time)

Not feeling this one today.  
Scaled to ring rows and 45# thrusters for 9-15-21. 
Scaled to jumping pull-ups and 55# thrusters for 12-9-6
Was often breaking up into 3 sets.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Conditioning - Accessory

Thursday, October 20, 2022

CFG - Greg

1530 - 9 of us


100m Run
5 Kang Squats 
10 Straight Leg Sit-Ups
10 Plank Push Ups
I managed two rounds


400m Run
Short Lap - Single Arm KB Suitcase Carry (R) (Athlete Choice, Moderate)
30 Alt. V-Ups
Short Lap - Single Arm KB Suitcase Carry (L)
20 Alt. KB Slides
(No Measure)

Round 1 8:24
Round 2 9:16 (17:42)
Round 3 9:34 (27:16)

Runs were slow at around 2:45
Suitcase Carry OK at 35#
Alt V-ups - scaled to alt tuck-ups (3-4 sets to get to 30)
Alt KB slides OK at 35# (2 sets of 10)

Post-Workout Strength

10/10 Single Leg KB RDL
20 Banded Pull Throughs
:20/:20 Single Leg Wall Sit
-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-
(No Measure)

I used a 25# KB for RDL leaning against a wall for balance.
Pull throughs were OK, but I felt it a little bit in my low back
Wall sit scaled to 40 second two leg wall sit

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Deadlift - Metcon

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

CFG - Lucas

1200 - 13 of us


2:00 Row (1:00 EZ / 1:00 Mod)


10 Barbell Romanian DL
5 Segmented ‘No-Jump’ Burpees (3-Steps)*
7 Reverse Snow Angels
5 Barbell Strict Press 
*Segmented Burpee = Sprawl to Plank / Push-Up / Correct Feet to Standing Position
-No Additional Rest b/t Sets-

Deadlift (5x4 @ 75-80%*)
*Base percentages off 2-Rep Heavy.
(Score is Weight)
Week 3 of 11

215# (75% ofr 285# 2-Rep Heavy)


Metcon (AMRAP - Reps)
20/15 Cal Row
10 Alt. Single Arm DB Devil's Press (50/35)|(35/20)
Max Deadlifts (275/185)|(185/135) in Time Remaining...

-:30 Rest b/t Sets-
Total Round time: 3:30 (3:00 work/:30 rest)
(Score is Lowest Reps)
I scaled to 12 calorie row (55-60 seconds)
I scaled to 8 SA DB Devil's Press (25#)(45-55 seconds)
I scaled to 155# deadlifts.  I managed 9-9-7-7 with a 4/3/2 rep scheme.  I was struggling to get organized when fatigued.

Type:  Heavy 
Feel:  Sprint, heavy

I tried to take the type and feel to heart and really pushed on the row.  I was around 825 cal/hour (well above my moderate pace of 700 cal/hour).  The Devil's Press was tough, but I moved efficiently at about my "moderate" burpee pace.  I can sustain 6/min; moderate 8/min; max effort ~12 reps in one minute.  The fatigue really tested my deadlift form.  I wanted 5 unbroken, but got 4 and then stood up.  Then I did another 3 and another 2.  I was surprised at how heavy it felt.


300/200 Alt. Box Step-Ups 
Week 1 of 4 -- "Chad” Extra Credit

Just for grins, I set a timer and got going.  In my head, I was thinking 5 minute effort.  I ended up completing 100 alt box step-ups (20") in 8:18.  300 reps would have taken me over 25 minutes.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Pull-Ups - Tabata

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

CFG - Lacey

1200 - 6 of us


1:00 EZ Bike/Row
30 Single Unders
10/10 Single Arm Ring Rows
:30 Hollow Hold


1:00 MOD Bike/Row
30 Double Unders
15 Supinated Ring Rows
:30 Superman Hold


2 Bottom to Half Pull-Ups*
:05 Chin Over Bar Hold
2 Top to Half Pull-Ups
2 Strict Pull-Ups

-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-
*Option to Use Band or Rings.
Week 3 of 5

This went really well.  I did the first two sets without assistance and then used a green band for the top half pull-ups and strict pull-ups.


8 ROUNDS EACH, :20 ON / :10 OFF
TABATA 1 - Bike/Row
TABATA 2 - Ring Rows
TABATA 3 - Double Unders
TABATA 4 - Bike/Row

-No Additional Rest b/t Tabatas-
(Score is Total Reps)

This was an interesting metcon.  I was getting around 5 calories each round on the Bike.  Ring Rows were a little easier than they should have been (8 each interval).  For double unders, I was aiming for 1-2 sets in the 20 second interval.

Tabata 1 - 41 cal
Tabata 2 - 64 ring rows
Tabata 3 - 100 DU
Tabata 4 - 41 cal 


TABATA (8 ROUNDS, :20 ON / :10 OFF)*
MVMT 1 - Sit-Ups
MVMT 2 - Hollow Rocks

*Alternate b/t Sit-Ups & Hollow Rocks.
(Score is Total Reps)

I did regular abmat sit-ups and did tuck rocks.  I managed 8 + 10 between the two movements each round for a total of 72 reps.

I got into a discussion with Lacey that I prefaced as what intensity level should I be looking at for Ring Rows.  We started talking about energy pathways and intensity extensively.  The answer was somewhere along sprint effort (hanging on another 10 seconds at that pace would not work) or last 1-2 reps at that intensity are difficult to complete.  In more general terms, 20 second effort is not a cruiser pace.  Balance that against 2 to 1 work to rest interval for 8 efforts is a long four minutes.

My takeaway is that I need to find the failure point occasionally.  For example on the bike erg, I should have tried to blast out 6 or 7 calories each round and if I fall apart in the later rounds, I learned something.  

I also have some homework to look into nasal breathing and cardiovascular training regiment at varying intensities 5x/week with bike erg, rower, ski erg, running, etc.

Out with the Old

Listed for $180

Listed for $60

Listed for $80

As I recently came into a bunch of York Roundheads, it is time again to make some room.
  • 15# Neoprene Coated Sports Authority DB pair - Listed for $1/lb - sold for $20
  • 25# Pro Style DB pair - Listed for $1/lb - sold for $40
  • 40# Pro Style DB pair - Listed for $1/lb (paid $60 1/28/2022) - sold to a guy just starting out his gym for $70
  • 40# York RH single - Listed for $1.50/lb (trade equivalent $40 7/27/2022) - legitimate offer within 24 hours (I might have left $20 on the table) - Sold to a climber from Boulder who is planning on blobbing it.
  • 55# Pro Style DB Pair - Listed for $1/lb - sold for $65
  • 60# Iron Grip - Listed for $1.50/lb (paid $150 4/4/2022) - $100 lowball offer - sold for $160
  • 65# Pro Style DB Pair - Listed for $1/lb - sold for $110
  • 65# Pro Style EZ Curl Bar - sold for $35
  • 45# Olympic Bar (31mm, center knurl, pinned sleeves) and spring collars - sold for $60
  • 45# Pair or Marcy Grip Plates - sold for $90
I need to list a dumbbell rack as I recently picked up a Maxicam.  I want to do some reorganizing first.  Listed for $50 and sold within hours.  I priced this one too low.

Getting my money back would be $250.  Top dollar would be $320 so not a real big swing.  I will probably give it a couple of weeks and see.

Still figuring out my set up a little bit, but it looks like

Maxicam Rack - 25's,35's, 45's, 50's, 55's, 60's

Bigs - on Floor - 75-80-85-90-95-100-100

Parabody Rack - 20-20-27.5-27.5-30-30-40-40-45-50-50-55-65-70

Wall Display - 10's, 8's, 7's, 5's

Workbench 1-1-1-2-2-3-3-4-4

Functional Fitness will continue to live on the floor - 15-15

Still deciding what to do with the big dogs - 100-100

2022 - Spend (Cumulative)

January - $395 ($395) - Ab Bench, Cybex Weight Tree, Mutt Bar
February - $465 ($860) - Plyo Boxes, Crossover Symmetry
March - $20 ($880) - Fractional Plates
April - $295 ($1,175) - Iron Grip Dumbbells
May - $28 ($1,203) - Wall Mount Plate Holders
June - $380 ($1,583) - SML-1 Squat Stand, Deadlift Bar
July - $507 ($2,090) - Farmer's Carry Handles, Iron Grip Plates, Quicklee Collars
August - $531 ($2,621) - DC Blocks, Hammer Strength Weight Tree, Bosu Ball
September - $20 ($2,641) - Loadable Dumbbell Handles
October - $100 ($2,741) - Thick Bar, Maxicam DB Rack, Titan Multigrip Bar, Grip Impements
November - $60 ($2,801) - Sold bar and plates, but bought a Texas Power Bar, EZ Curl Bar

Magnum Biangular Seated Row

I came across this Magnum Biangular Row while dropping my kids off at school.  It has a sad fate near a dumpster.  As much as I would like to rescue it, I really have no room for a Biangular Row.  There is minimal rust, the upholstery is in good shape.  It is a beast.  I just measured it quickly and it has a footprint of 33 x 64 inches and is 42 inches tall.  It would not fit in my SUV.

I figure it could sell between $150 and $300 on the secondary market.  Unlike weights or a barbell, it is a pretty unique item that would be most useful for body builders.  Powerlifters would prefer seal row station and functional fitness folks are not big on fixed range of motion machines.

Monday, October 17, 2022

Push Press - Metcon

Monday, October 17, 2022

Home Gym



4 Air Squats w/Alt. Thoracic Rotation
4 Push-Up to Down Dog
4 Cat/Cows
4 Alt. Step-Ups


6 Med. Ball Front Squats
3/3 Med. Ball Around the Worlds
6 Alt. Med. Ball Alt. Forward Lunges
6 Broad Jumps


Push Press (5x4 @ 75-80%*)
*Base percentages off 2-Rep Heavy.
(Score is Weight)
Week 3 of 11
5x4@100# (74% of 135 2-Rep Heavy)


30 Med. Ball Front Squats (20/14)|(14/10)
30 Push Press (95/65)|(65/45)
30 Wall Ball Step-Ups*
30 Wall Ball Push Press to Target
30 Front Squats
30 Box Jumps
30 Wall Balls
30 Box Jump Overs

*Hold WB Any Way for Step-Up.
(Score is Time)
 Box Heights - Based off knee being parallel to hip. This will be RX for both Step up and Jump movements. 

This one snuck up on me and was tougher than I expected:  I used a 14# med ball and scaled the push press to 55#.  Everything was going fine until the barbell Front Squats.  I broke them up 10/8/7/5 and was still pretty winded.  Wall Ball shots were equally tough at 15/10/5.  I grinded it out to finish in 18:57

Bench Press

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Basement Gym


Buy In - 5 minute row


6x135 + 10x31# EZ curl
6x135 + 8x51# EZ curl
6x135 + 8x53# EZ curl

Triceps OH Extension


Front Squat - Metcon

Friday, October 14, 2022

Home Gym



8 Bear Crawls Forward/Backward
10 Cat Cow
12 Alt. Cossack Squats


4 Slow Ring Rows
5 Scap Push Up + Push-Ups
6 (Slow Banded Air Squat + L/R Banded Kickback)


Front Squat (6x5 @ 70-75%*)
*Base percentages off 2-Rep Heavy.

(Score is Weight)
Week 2 of 11

 120# (68% of 2 Rep Heavy)


Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)

MIN 1 & 2 - AMRAP of...
5 Pull-Ups + 10 Push-Ups + 15 Air Squats*
MIN 3 - 1:00 Barbell Front Rack Hold (Athlete Choice, Heavy)
MIN 4 - Rest

*Pick up where you left off.
(Score is Total Rounds + Reps)

First set - 1 round + 4 reps
Second set to - 2 rounds + 13 reps
Third set to - 3 rounds + 18 reps
Fourth set to - 5 rounds + 0 reps

Pace was consistent.  Pull-ups quickly became singles.  Push-ups were unbroken. Air squats were smooth and consistent.  I used a 120# bar for front rack holds.

Maxicam Dumbbell Rack

I continue to purchase stuff I do not need.  In this case, I am very pleased with a Maxicam Modular Two Tier 6 Pairs Dumbbell Rack.  Retail is $565 (code MDR-2T6).  Even with some rusty hardware, this is easily a $100 rack that I was happy to grab for $50.  Now, I need to sell my straight rack.

Maxicam is now part of Muscle D Fitness.  Muscle D Fitness’s ownership and management is comprised of fitness industry veterans with well over 100 years in combined experience. Brian Lewallen, one of the founders, started in the strength business with Muscle Dynamics in 1977 with the heritage of private labeling benches, racks, and machines for Joe Gold of Gold’s Gym, Venice, CA plus the famous Muscle Beach. The company grew to many millions of dollars with a dealer network throughout the USA and internationally. MD was renowned for anatomical correctness of their equipment and the outstanding customer service given to dealers and customers alike.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Accessory - Metcon

Thursday, October 13, 2022

CFG - Janet

1200 - 6 of us


MIN 1 - Cal Row
MIN 2 - Plank Shoulder Taps
MIN 3 - Alt. Forward Step Lunges
MIN 4 - Jumping Jacks
MIN 5 - Plank to Down Dog
MIN 6 - Cal Row

10/10 Single Arm Arnold Press
10 DBL DB Reverse Flyes
10/10 Single Leg DB Box Squat

-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-

I used 20# for Arnold Press; 5# change plates for fly's; 20" box for box squats.  Box Squats were tough.  Last 2 rounds were 5/3/2 (switching legs to get to 10 reps each leg)


1:00 - Cal Row
1:00 - No Push Up Renegade Row (35/20)|(20/15)*
1:00 - Up Down Box Jump Overs (28/24")

1:00 - Rest
*1 Rep = Row (R) + Row (L).
(Score is Total Reps)
  • Row was very consistent at 10 cal each round = 60 reps
  • Renegade Rows were slopping with poor form (12-9-8-8-9-8=54 reps).  I used 20# and should have gone lighter.  I need to keep my butt lower and truly row to side rather than center of chest
  • BJO were good.  I wanted to work on landing to plate so scaled to 16" (12" box + 45# plate).  I got 7 reps each round (42 reps) and was moving well.  Big mental win.  I will keep working with a plate on successively higher boxes.
Total Score was 156 Reps

York Roundhead Haul

I was fortunate enough to bring in 1050# of York Roundheads to fill out my collection.  These are rarely offered on the front range and I had never seen the 100# offered.  The seller was helping to clear out some gym equipment for a family member.  I actually like the Dutch Auction style selected by the seller who did not want to break up the set.  He started at $3,000, then $2,100, $1,500, $1,300 and finally I got in at $1,200.  The next highest bidder would have been around $1,000 or $1/lb.

They are all USA stamped, which is less desirable as a collector, but perfect for me.  

Included are:
  • 40 Pair
  • 45 Single
  • 50 Single
  • 55 Single
  • 60 Single
  • 65 Single
  • 70 Single
  • 75 Single
  • 80 Single
  • 85 Single
  • 90 Single
  • 95 Single
  • 100 Pair
The seller was also kind enough to include the Para Body dumbbell rack.  I also inquired about a loading pin and a set of (8) 0.5# plates that he let me take for no cost.

Surprisingly, the only duplicate was that now I have an extra 40# York Roundhead.  I will also be selling my 40# Pro Style Dumbbells.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Husafell Bag

My strongman connection in Candelas was trying to free up space in his gym and had a host of really great equipment for sale.
Most of it, I did not have room for either, but I made an exception for a Rogue Fitness 150# Husafell Sandbag (retail $160 plus $30 shipping and tax).  I will weight it tonight.  I am looking forward to playing with it.

He also had some grip implements that he threw in for free:

Ironmind Twist Yo' Wrist - $54.95 retail
Ironmind One Wicked Wrist Roller - $99.95 retail

The timing was fortuitous as I have been increasingly anxious to buy a 100# sandbag (which I may still get).  This purchase moved me further from the ledge.

Deadlift - Metcon

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

CFG - Lucas

1200 - 13 of us


MIN 1 – Sumo Stance Kang Squats
MIN 2 – Shoulder Swimmers
MIN 3 – Sumo Stance KB Deadlift
MIN 4 – Russian Kettlebell Swings (Light)
MIN 5 – Cat Cow
MIN 6 – Glute Bridge Ups


Deadlift (6x5 @ 70-75%*)
*Base percentages off 2-Rep Heavy.
(Score is Weight)
Week 2 of 11

I used 205# (72% of 285# 2-Rep Heavy) 


Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
800m Run


AMRAP in Time Remaining...
4 Sumo Deadlifts (165/115)|(125/85)
8 Hang Power Cleans*
12 American KB Swings (53/35)|(35/26)

*HPC = Change to DB HPC

I did the 800 meter run in 4:45 and scaled the AMRAP to 95# barbell and 26# KB.  I struggled to cycle the barbell well, but still finished 4 Rounds + 19 Reps.

Finished with reverse hyperextensions

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

PU Negatives - Metcon

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

CFG - Janet

1530 - 11 of us


3 ROUNDS, :20 ON / :10 OFF
Bike (EZ → Mod → Hard) - I rowed instead of bike (cal/hour 500 - 700 - 900)
3 ROUNDS, :20 ON / :10 OFF
MVMT 1: Air Squats
MVMT 2: Alt. Reverse Lunges
3 ROUNDS, :20 ON / :10 OFF
MVMT 1: Ring Rows
MVMT 2: Face Pulls

Metcon (No Measure)
5 Pull-Up Negatives (:03 Descent)*
10/10 Single Arm Seated Banded Lat Pull Downs
*Option to Use Band or Rings.
Week 2 of 5
Kip up and then slow descent.  5 then 4/1 then 3/2


KA-CHOW! (Time)

10 Back Squats (75/55)|(65/45)
10 Alt. Jumping Lunges
10/8 Cal Bike or 12/10 Cal Row
-Rest 2:00 b/t Sets-

*1 SET = 3 ROUNDS  (Score is Total Time)
Note: New Benchmark.

I scaled to 45# back squat; no jump alt reverse lunge; 8 calorie bikes.

Round 1 - 5:30
Round 2 - 5:40 (13:10)
Round 3 - 5:52 (21:02)

I did not move well on the lunges.  Otherwise everything felt good.

Optional Cool Down

Metcon (No Measure)
1:00 Empty Barbell Quad Smash (R)
1:00 Empty Barbell Quad Smash (L)
1:00 EZ Bike/Row (Nasal Breathing Only)
-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-

Cool down with 2 min easy bike

Candelas Strongman Liquidating More Equipment

Prices are firm. Cash only. Will not deliver. MSRPs don't include the cost of freight or tax paid.

Mike Bartos Power Center MPBC Stone of Steel (Loadable) MSRP $1,095 $500 - SOLD 10/12/2022

Mike Bartos Power Center MBPC Power Keg (Loadable) MSRP $1,057 $500 - SOLD 10/12/2022

Mike Bartos Power Center MBPC HD Loading Table (Yoke Add-on) for 3" x 2" Yoke MSRP $464 $150 NOW $100 (28”x24” Loading Area) NOW FREE PENDING by afternoon of 10/13/2022

Mike Bartos Big Top Circus Dumbbell 125lbs, MSRP $1,200 No Longer Sold - $800 - SOLD 10/12/2022

Mike Bartos Power Center Husafel - MSRP $1,093 $600 NOW $500**

Arsenal Power Axle Solid Stainless & Knurled MSRP $530 $250, NOW $200**, 10/17 $150, SOLD

2 Rouge Strongman Throw Bags MSRP $150 each or $300 $150, NOW $100 PENDING by afternoon of 10/13/2022

EliteFTS Core Blaster Viking Press Attachment MSRP $187 $80, NOW $50 PENDING by afternoon of 10/13/2022

Rogue Strongman Husafell Sandbag 150 lbs, filled to 125lbs $MSRP $160 $50 NOW $40

This is what was left when I saw the ad.  A Kabuki HD Trap Bar ($699.99 was offered for $300)
Rogue Monster Sandwich J-Cups ($290 was offered for $50)
Exxentric kBox4 Lite ($2700 was offered for $1200)
Kabuki Strength Duffalo Bar - Electroless Nickel w/Ghost J-Cups 1" (offered for $500)

I would have like the J-cups.  I would still like to grab the Rogue Fitness Husafell Strongman Bag for $50.  However, I would still prefer a standard round 100# bag.

UPDATE:  10/13/2022 - My interest list is down to the throw bags for $100 (if he drops the price a little more, I might have to pull the trigger).  I did like the Arsenal Bar, but would only be willing to pay $100 for it.

Seller just listed the Rep Crash Pads for $100 and the 10" Circus Dumbbell for $400 (10/14/2022 price dropped to $350; 10/15/2022 price dropped to $300; retail $573).

Originally listed for $50 and dropped to $20 and quickly sold.  Mike Bartos Power Pin (Duck Walk) Strongman.

Monday, October 10, 2022

Push Press - Metcon

Monday, October 10, 2022

CFG - Greg

1200 - 11 of us


5 Good Mornings
5 Cat/Cows
5/5 Moose Antlers
5 Up Dog to Down Dog
10 Slam Ball Ground to Overhead
5 Cuban Presses w/empty barbell
10 Alt. Deadbugs
5/5 Single Arm DB Push Press


Push Press (6x5 @ 70-75%*)
*Base percentages off 2-Rep Heavy.

(Score is Weight)
Week 2 of 11
I did 6 sets at 90# (69% of 2-Rep Heavy) and was able to maintain good mechanics


Metcon (AMRAP - Reps)
MIN 1 - 20 Alt. DB Push Press (50/35)|(35/20)
MIN 2 - 25 Anchored Sit-Ups
MIN 3 - :45 Max Slam Balls (30/20)

(Score is Lowest Reps of Slam Balls)

I scaled this to 25# alt db push press.
I scaled to 20 anchored sit-ups
I scaled to 15# slam ball

Scaling was good.  I could have probably managed a little heavier on push press.  20 sit-ups was tough, but manageable.  I took some pauses on the last round.  I got 18-18-18-19 reps on the slam ball.  WOD score = 18.  Going heavier would not have done me any favors.

Home Gym - Still Going Strong

Despite my home gym crossing the $10K mark, I still continually peruse the secondary markets and keep track of fitness training trends and tools.

Since July 1st, I have added Iron Grip Plates, Farmer's Carry Handles, DC Blocks, Bosu Ball, Thick Bar and a smattering of plates, light dumbbells, storage, collars and a slam ball.  Spend of $1,328, offset by $195 in sales for a net of $1,133.  Vintage spend is nearly a wash at $40 as I traded some items.

The only equipment I use on a regular basis (at CFG) that I do not own would be a Reverse Hyper and GHD.  No plans to buy a GHD, but a folding reverse hyper could be had for $350-$400

The only pieces of equipment that I would like to add is a 100# strongman sandbag that I expected to find easily on the secondary market.  I will likely just order this from Cerberus ($90).  I would also like a full sized deadlift jack and a platform.  I also need some bands (green ones) for stretching and accessory work.

In terms of Physical Culture, I would like to add some Thompson Fatbells ($200) and finish out my York Roundhead 1-50 collection (??).  I would also like to represent Power Lift (incline bench) and Sorinex (??).  Finally, I think it would be really cool to have an anvil ($300-$500).  For completeness, I would like some calibrated 25kg discs ($250)

In terms of upgrades, I would like to have more Iron Grip equipment (??).  I would also like to get a Texas Power Bar ($300).  

I would also like to expand my grip training equipment.  I would start with a loading pin and implement and build from there ($150+).

I have a few items that I need to liquidate, but am not in any hurry.  It does not make sense for me to have (3) sets of plyo boxes - J Box, First Place and DC Blocks, but they are convenient.  I do not use my Back Extension or Ab Bench enough to justify the space occupied.  Having a Yoke and Squat Stand is overkill.  It could also be argued that owning a literal ton of weight plates in a home gym is overkill.  

In terms of personal equipment, I am planning on getting some No Bull Shoes and a 2Pood Belt.

Ghost Strong 25kg Calibrated Kilo Pair - $258 ($2.34/lb) + $71 shipping + $25 tax = $353 ($3.20/lb)

UPDATE 10/13/2022 - In a whirlwind of secondary market finds, I happened to pick up a loading pin, 150# sandbag, 1050# of dumbbells, pushing my spend up another grand.  I will continue to be opportunistic since my training needs are 100% met by my current equipment.  Deadlift Jack and Platform are not hugely expensive and I do not really have space for them.  I am not sure where to start with grip implements, but maybe something from the King Kong Grip Challenge

2.25" Crusher (FBBC) - $115
Grab Ball (FBBC) - $40
Finnish Ball (Otevoima) - ?
Flask (Barrel Strength Systems) - shop closed
Little Big Horn (Ironmind) - $107.95

Sunday, October 9, 2022


Sunday, October 9, 2022



1000 yard swim

1x400 FR
1x100 BR
1x100 BA
1x100 FR
1x100 BR
1x100 BA
1x100 FR

Thick Bar Training

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Garage Gym


Warm Up

Crossover Symmetry
Hip Hammy
Wrist Mobility

Bench Press (Thick Bar)


Strict Press (Thick Bar)


Deadlift (Thick Bar)


It was fun to play with the thick bar, but the 20.5" spacing lines and the knurl nearly to the center really through me off on deadlifts.  Knurl was really good on this.  Active, without being aggressive.

Pull-ups Finisher

EMOM 1-2-3-3-2-1-1-1

Friday, October 7, 2022

Front Squat - Metcon

Friday, October 7, 2022

CFG - Lucas

1200 - 12 of us


:20 Bike/Rower
10 Alt. 90/90 Hip Rotations
5 Air Squats


Wall Balls
Box Jumps
Cal Bike/Rower

Front Squat (ON A 20:00 RUNNING CLOCK...
Build to a Heavy 2-Rep Front Squat)
Week 1 of 11

I worked up from 45-95-115-135-145-155-165-175# 


Wall Balls (20/14)|(14/10)
Box Jump (24/20)
Cal Bike/Rower*

*Alt Cal: 15-12-9-6-6-3
NOTE: New Benchmark

I scaled to 12# wall ball and 18" box jump.  I finished in 14:18 and moved smoothly and methodically without any mixed box jumps.  There were a few questionable wall ball shots.  I rowed the full calories.

Thick Bars

I recently came across a lot of thick barbells that got me curious about researching and training with thick bars.

Currently my experience is limited to a short axle bar that I got from Rep Fitness for $40.  I have used it on occasion for deadlifts and that is about it.

These are different:

Curl Barbell - GymRatz (a UK company)
2.5 Inch Barbell - Black Iron Strength
3.0 Inch Barbell - Black Iron Strength
Gargantua Barbell - ??  Appears to be featured in a strength camp video

I could not find much information online.  

Black Iron Strength's claim to fame is rotating sleeves and they make barbells in 6.5' and 7' length in diameters from 1-3/4" to 3-0".  They are patented, made in the USA and quite expensive.

Ironmind makes the Apollon's Axle which is used in competition.

Black Widow Training Systems offer thick barbells that are basically welded axle bars.  They also offer a curl thick barbell.  

Power Lift has a set of axle bars in different diameters, up to 3 inches.

Rogue offers a 3" beam.

Perfect world, I would pick up the 2.5 inch and be happy with it.  There is no point in me grabbing the 3.0 inch except that I am getting a good value on it.

I do not need a curl bar and the Gargantua is really long and makes me curious as to what potential uses there were.  It does not appear to have rotating sleeves.

Thick bar training was touted by old time strongmen and old school lifters.  Dave Draper is a big fan.

Poliquin Group offers simple reasons include grip, forearm and functional hand strength.  There have been a number of studies that have been touted as well.

I have dabbled in thick bar training with Fat Gripz and the earlier mentioned axle bar.  I will unfortunately admit that a primary driver is unique physical culture and relative rarity.  Standard bars, plates and dumbbells come and go, but these are cool.

I ended up grabbing the 2.5 Inch Black Iron Strength Thick Bar.  It is 6.5' long and weighs 45#.  The 3 inch barbells were ridiculous and I could barely pick them up.  The curl bar was in fine condition, but nothing special.

UPDATE 4/25/2023 - After six months, I have used this bar a handful of times and while I have enjoyed it, it is certainly not utilized much by me.

Thursday, October 6, 2022


Thursday, October 6, 2022

CFG - Lacey

0930 - 5 of us


50 Crossbody Mountain Climbers
10 Good Mornings
:20 Push-Up Plank


Short Lap Jog
10 Slam Ball Ground to Overheads
:20 Forearm Plank

Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)

MIN 1 - 200m Run
MIN 2 - :25 Bent Over Barbell Rows (45/35)|(35/25) + :25 Plank Hold
MIN 3 - 20 Slam Balls
MIN 4 - :50 Max Slam Ball Russian Twists

I scaled to short lap and added about 10 seconds of jumping jacks
Bent Over Row was 35# (Men's Rx)
I used a 10# slam ball for slam balls and Russian twists

I was managing 16-17 reps on the bent over rows
I was managing 41-44 reps on the Russian Twists (feet on the ground, Rx was elevated)

Post-Workout Strength

Metcon (No Measure)

2-3 SETS
:30/:30 Single Arm Slam Ball Overhead Hold
-Rest :30-
15 Glute Bridge-Ups + :30 Glute Bridge Hold
-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-

I used the 10# slam ball and kept good form on the Glute Bridge.

Out of curiosity, I tested the 200 m run and going at a good clip, I finished in 54 seconds.  I would have slowed over the course of the WOD, plus transition time.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Push Press - Pull-ups - Deadlift

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Home Gym


Warm Up

Foam Roll
Hip Hammy
Crossover Symmetry
Pass throughs
Steel Mace 360s

Push Press

Build to heavy double - 75, 95, 110, 125, 135#


3 x Max Reps - 3, 3, 3 (these did not feel good today)


Build to heavy double - 135, 185, 225, 255, 285# (felt heavy)


5 rounds for time:
30 rope skips (beaded rope)
10 push-ups

4:29 (push-ups unbroken except for last set)

Strength taken from CFG for the past few days.  Metcon was original programming after the CFG metcon for today seemed like a bit much.

Monday, October 3, 2022

Back Squat - Metcon

Monday, October 3, 2022

Home Gym


Warm Up

Jumping Jacks
Hip Hammy Flow

Back Squat


Min 1-6:  3x135#
Min 7-12:  3x155#


For Time

20 shuttle runs (30 feet)
20 burpees
20 kbs (35#)
15 shuttle runs (30 feet)
15 burpees
15 kbs (35#)
10 shuttle runs (30 feet)
10 burpees
10 kbs (35#)

Round 1 - 5:34
Round 2 - 4:50 (10:24)
Round 3 - 3:12 (13:36)

Workout adapted from Vintage Crossfit WOD for 9/29/2022 which called for box squats at 70% and 80% of 1RM (I went lighter).  Peekaboo was supposed to be 30-20-10 and I opted for a shorter workout.

Still very effective and a good benchmark and one that I would repeat again.  Minimal equipment wod.

Single Arm Dumbbell Deadlift



Continuing to build some strength and technique on this movement.

1250 yard swim

Sunday, October 2, 2022



1x1200 FR
1x25 BA
1x25 BR

Bench Press

Saturday, October 2, 2022

Home Gym


Warm Up

Jumping Jacks
Crossover Symmetry

Bench Press

3x155 + 20 face pulls
3x155 + 20 face pulls
3x155 + 20 face pulls

35 minutes total workout