Monday, April 20, 2015
Coach Zach
(6AM) Mike, Ben, Whit, Karly, Kayla, T$$$, and me
Single under jump rope 50 with both feet, 50 on right foot,
50 on left foot, 50 alternating. 10
Samsons, 15 squats, 20 jumping lunges. I
struggled quite a bit with the 1 foot jump ropes and especially the left leg
and alternating. It is probably a
combination of strength and coordination.
Mobility: Couch
Stretch, 2 minutes each leg
15 minute AMRAP of:
Buy in – 1 mile run, body weight back squat for reps.
Before starting we worked up the weight, starting with a clean
from the floor, push press to pop the weight onto our back and then a full
squat. during the squat, feet should be wide apart, knees
pushing out, ass low.
I started with the bar and then worked up to 75#, 95# and
finally 115# (70# short of body weight).
The mile run felt pretty good as it was around 40 degrees
this morning. I finished in 8:08 and now
had 6:52 to complete as many reps as possible.
I started off with 8, rested and did another 5 before dropping the
bar. That took all of a minute. The next round, I did another 9 reps, taking
brakes half way. The next two rounds
were fewer reps still and I was shooting for around 30 seconds rest before starting
again. After 33, I felt the left hammy
starting to tighten so I stretched it out and gave myself 20 seconds for the
last effort which ended up being 3 more reps, before letting the bar drop
behind me.
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