Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Ring Muscle Up Technique - Metcon

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Westbound CrossFit (Coach Bryn)

1200 (10 of us)


9/7 cal row
8 walking lunges
8 ring rows
2/2 unweighted windmills

MOVEMENT/MOBILITY - rings, pull up bar, DBs
8 kip swings on rings/bar
8 cat/cows
8 scap push ups
:10 ring support hold
:10 ring dip hold
:20 false grip hang
3 low ring strict muscle up transitions, assist w/ feet
5 bulgarian rows
5 explosive bulgarian rows
3 low ring muscle up transitions
8 hanging shoulder circles forward
4 mini butterfly pull ups
4 kipping chest to bar


12:00 to Practice @ Easy Pace
1-3 Ring Muscle Ups
2/2 DB Windmills @ Moderate Load

Worked on false grip, ring muscle up transitions from the ground.  Windmills were tough.  I started with 10 pound dumbbell and then went unloaded again.

1. Ring MU
2. Big Ring Kip Swings + Hip Pop + Pull to Hips
3. Low Ring MU
4. Low Ring Strict Ring MU


E6M X 3 (5:00 Cap/set)
30/22 Cal Row
12 DB Walking Lunges (35/25#) - Hold However
6 Jumping Chest to Bar Pull Ups

I scaled to 22 calorie row, 25# dumbbell and kipping pull-ups.

Round 1 - row + 34 reps
Round 2 - row + 30 reps
Round 3 - row + 28 reps

This was harder than I thought and I did scale it appropriately.  3x(12+6) = 54 reps.

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