Westbound CrossFit (Coach Bryn)
1630 (12 of us)
:20 single under, high jump
:20 single under, low jump
10 air squats
:20 single under oscillating b/t high and low
:20 double under
5 burpees
*grab PVC
8 PVC passthroughs
4 PVC overhead squats w/ pause
4 PVC Sots press
8 PVC snatch grip deadlift
8 PVC front squats
10 scorpions
*grab barbell
:20 BB trap smash / side
:20 front rack hold
:20 front squat hold
:20 BB quad smash / side
:20 BB calf smash / side
5 power snatch w/ pause overhead
*first warm up weight on bar
10 front squats
15:00 to Complete
5 Sets
5 Front Squats @ 68-75%
----2 min Rest B/t----
Front Squat
1 x 5
I trained with 95-105-105-105-105 (~50% of 1RM, but a good weight for today)
CF Open 14.1
30 Double Under
15 Power Snatches (75/55#)
We were encouraged to go Rx in preparation for the open and I chose to see how it went. My double unders were not good, but I was able to complete 60 double unders. Both sets took a little over 2 minutes. The power snatches at 75# were not much better. I was able to manage sets of 3 with pretty long rest periods. I ended up at 1 Round + 30 DU + 10 PS.
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