Westbound CrossFit (Coach Ryley)
1640 (6 of us)
Warm Up
1:30 row, no straps
slow rope skips
1:00 row, no straps
fast rope skips
:30 row
double under practice
barbell hold top
barbell hold bottom
barbell bench press
5 slow arm circles forward
5 slow arm circles backward
4 Sets
AMRAP - 1:30
15/12 Cal Row
Max Rep Bench Press (75/55#)
----2:00 Rest B/t----
+ 6-8min Transition
4 Sets
AMRAP - 1:30
15/12 Cal Row
Max Rep Single Under
----2:00 Rest B/t----
SCORE - **Every 5 Single Under = 1 Rep
Total Bench Press + Total SU
I scaled the rows down to 12 calories and bumped the bench press weight up to 95 pounds. I managed 10+9+11+11 = 41 bench press and 9+7+7+8 = 31 single under points (5 rope skips = 1 point).
As we finished early I did a pull-up finisher with 6 reps EMOM style.
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